Boris Nemstov Plaza

It's funny how so many of Putin's opponents have just happened to have been murdered. And it benefits Putin.

Mikhail Lesin
how does his death benefit Putin?
They said he died of a heart attack, but forgot to look at the head where he'd been beaten with a blunt object.
who 'they'? US police was investigating his death, the very police of your own country, not Russia's.
He was pro-Putin until he ended up on the wrong side of Putin and was going to get done for corruption.
He was apparently in DC to speak to the FBI
he was neither of the above you mentioned, don't make up stories.
Alexander Litvinenko
died in London at the hands of MI5.
The guy just happened to take a nice cup of tea with Polonium 210 in it. Happens all the time. Oh, and he happened to be very critical of Putin. Oh, and the British found that it was two FSB guys who did it.
you just cited that silly tabloid story the Brit authorities used to divert attention from themselves as his murders and instead accuse some mythical 'FSB guys' etc.
Anna Politkovskaya
Journalist who was critical of Putin, murdered by contract killers.
she wasn't nearly as critical of him as the others, Victor Schenderovich for example - Victor Shenderovich - Wikipedia - why she is dead meanwhile he is alive and kicking and grows ever more critical of Putin?
Natalia Estemirova
Another journalist critical of Putin. Abducted and then shot dead. I wonder who could have wanted her dead.
the Chechens, read up on it on wiki.
Stanislav Markelov
has nothing to do with Putin - Stanislav Markelov - Wikipedia
Boris Nemtsov
murdered by the CIA.
Boris Berezovsky
died in London a natural death, you will blame every Russian death on Putin wherever and whenever it took place?

Paul Klebnikov
has nothing to with Putin - Paul Klebnikov - Wikipedia - same as, say, Versace murder has nothing to do with US presidents.
Sergei Yushenkov
well, this one victim could have been indeed murdered by the authorities for spreading defamation.
Once is maybe unlucky, twice is a coincidence, dozens of times and more is not.
that's not "dozens of times" but separate events not connected with one another, despite the picture drawn by the Western media, notorious for its lies; they have lied to you all these years, but still you trust them, for some unclear reason.
How about Clinton's body count? Aren't you concerned about deaths of those who were connected to your darling Clinton?

Clinton Body Count,. Michael Rivero has now published a list of 90 names...

Add another one to the Clinton body count. Victor Thorn, an investigative reporter wrote four books on the Clinton’s and was also found dead.

Victor Torn: “Russell, if I’m ever found dead, it was murder. I would never kill myself.”

Dear Americans, clean the political mess in your own country and only after that start pointing fingers to others. Also make sure your Media delivers true information to you instead of Hollywood stories.
In a gesture aimed at the Kremlin, the D.C. City Council has voted unanimously to rename a street in front of the Russian Embassy after Boris Nemtsov, the slain opposition leader and prominent foe of President Vladimir Putin.

The renaming, according to an announcement by the council, will remain in place “on an emergency basis” until permanent legislation is passed. The elected body passed the Boris Nemtsov Plaza Designation Act in its first reading, pending further approval.

Nemtsov, an outspoken critic of Putin’s government, was killed in February 2015 just outside the Kremlin hours after calling for marches to be held in opposition to Russia’s military involvement in Ukraine.

In June, a Russian jury convicted five men for the assassination of Nemtsov, a former deputy prime minister. Nemtsov’s family has expressed dissatisfaction with the results, charging that those who carried out the hit were still unaccounted for.

The killing, widely considered the most prominent political murder in the country since Putin rose to power, led to thousands of mourners taking to the streets.

The Kremlin has denied any connection to Nemtsov’s assassination.

D.C. Council renames street in front of Russian Embassy after Putin critic

...there is a moral connotation to saying that someone is “KGB”, because the Soviet KGB carried out assassinations, harassed and imprisoned dissidents, and was one of the pioneers of what came to be known as fake news.

That the KGB formed the bulk of Putin’s professional experience is beyond doubt – he worked there from the day he graduated college in 1974 until at least August 1991. And, what is more, the KGB was not just a company, but a university: at the Higher School of the KGB, in Moscow, which Putin attended, young agents took university-level classes. It was important, the KGB higher-ups believed, that the cadres understand the world they were being trained to subvert and manipulate. It is entirely likely that Putin kept in touch with his former KGB associates after 1991, while serving in the St Petersburg mayor’s office. And it is true that Putin has brought many of his former KGB colleagues with him to the highest levels of government.

Vladimir Putin
Putin is a KGB agent

After his famous first meeting with Putin, the newly elected President George W Bush declared at a press conference that he had looked into the Russian’s eyes and seen his soul. His advisers were mortified. “I visibly stiffened,” national security adviser Condoleezza Rice wrote in her memoirs. Secretary of state Colin Powell pulled his president aside. “You may have seen all that” in his eyes, Powell told W, “but I still look in his eyes and I see K-G-B. Remember,” he added ominously, “there’s a reason he’s fluent in German.” Vice President Dick Cheney felt the same way: Every time he saw Putin, he told people, “I think KGB, KGB, KGB.”

...there is a moral connotation to saying that someone is “KGB”, because the Soviet KGB carried out assassinations, harassed and imprisoned dissidents, and was one of the pioneers of what came to be known as fake news.

That the KGB formed the bulk of Putin’s professional experience is beyond doubt – he worked there from the day he graduated college in 1974 until at least August 1991. And, what is more, the KGB was not just a company, but a university: at the Higher School of the KGB, in Moscow, which Putin attended, young agents took university-level classes. It was important, the KGB higher-ups believed, that the cadres understand the world they were being trained to subvert and manipulate. It is entirely likely that Putin kept in touch with his former KGB associates after 1991, while serving in the St Petersburg mayor’s office. And it is true that Putin has brought many of his former KGB colleagues with him to the highest levels of government.

Vladimir Putin

BTW, nobody is denying that Putin has been serving for KGB. But that doesn't automatically mean that he has been killing Nemtsov, Litvinenko or somebody else. Valarie, use your head once in a while and not only for eating.
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thanks for the reminder of trump's lust for similar brutality which is immoral and unlawful. ^

decent people should be horrified that our president shrugs at these tactics and associates our country as if there's an equivalency.

During the Republican primaries, the conservative TV host Joe Scarborough, otherwise famously cosy with Trump, pressed the candidate about his sympathies for Putin – who, in Scarborough’s words, “kills journalists and political opponents”.

A few days later, on a more prominent Sunday-morning politics programme, the former White House adviser George Stephanopoulos challenged Trump again. When Trump protested that “nobody’s proven that he’s killed anybody, as far as I’m concerned”, Stephanopoulos confidently replied: “There have been many allegations that he was behind the killing of Anna Politkovskaya.” Trump parried as best he could. But the issue obviously hasn’t gone away.

In an interview before the Super Bowl in early February, Trump was confronted by Fox blowhard Bill O’Reilly. “Putin’s a killer,” said O’Reilly, to which Trump infamously responded, “There are a lot of killers. We’ve got a lot of killers. What do you think? Our country’s so innocent?

Donald Trump on terrorists: 'Take out their families'

Geneva Conventions bar Donald Trump's idea of killing terrorists' families

Common sense dictates, however, that if one signed up for military service, the chances of embracing military values increases, which in the United States includes not killing innocent civilians or violating the Geneva Conventions.

Truman Project

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80 times Trump talked about Putin

Donald Trump says the United States should kill the family members
of terrorists, and not to do so is just being "politically correct."

"The other thing with the terrorists is you have to take out their families, when you get these terrorists, you have to take out their families," Trump said on Fox and Friends
on Dec. 2, 2015.


"Putin's running his country and at least he's a leader, unlike what we have in this country,” Trump said.

“I think I get along with him fine,” Trump said of the Russian president. “I think he would be absolutely fine. He would never keep somebody like Snowden in Russia. He hates Obama. He doesn't respect Obama. Obama doesn't like him either. But he has no respect for Obama. Has a hatred for Obama. And Snowden is living the life. Look if that -- if I'm president, Putin says, hey, boom, you're gone. I guarantee you this.

Trump says that Putin “hates Obama,” but that he would get along great with the Russian president.

“Putin hates us,” he said. “He hates Obama. He doesn’t hate us. I think he’d like me. I’d get along great with him I think. If you want to know the truth.”

yes, donny, the FBI would like to know the truth!! :cuckoo:
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donald trump is a proven liar and fucking traitor who has no idea what makes our country GREAT.

Federal lawmakers and D.C. Council members joined Russian dissidents Tuesday to celebrate the unveiling of brown signs designating a stretch of the Northwest Washington road outside the Russian Embassy as “Boris Nemtsov Plaza,” in honor of the slain opposition leader.

Boris Nemtsov, a critic of Russian President Vladimir Putin, has been praised as an activist promoting democracy and human rights, and supporters believe that his work cost him his life. He was shot from behind while walking across a bridge near the Kremlin and Red Square in Moscow on Feb. 27, 2015.

Mysterious rash of Russian deaths casts suspicion on Vladimir Putin

"A former member of the Russian parliament is gunned down in broad daylight in the Ukrainian capital of Kiev. A longtime Russian ambassador to the United Nations drops dead at work. A Russian-backed commander in the breakaway Ukrainian province of Donetsk is blown up in an elevator. A Russian media executive is found dead in his Washington, D.C., hotel room.

What do they have in common? They are among 38 prominent Russians who are victims of unsolved murders or suspicious deaths since the beginning of 2014, according to a list compiled by USA TODAY and British journalist Sarah Hurst, who has done research in Russia.

The list contains 10 high-profile critics of Russian President Vladimir Putin, seven diplomats, six associates of Kremlin power brokers who had a falling out — often over corruption — and 13 military or political leaders involved in the conflict in eastern Ukraine, including commanders of Russian-backed separatist forces. Two are possibly connected to a dossier alleging connections between President Trump's campaign staff and Kremlin officials that was produced by a former British spy and shared with the FBI.

Twelve were shot, stabbed or beaten to death. Six were blown up. Ten died allegedly of natural causes. One died of mysterious head injuries, one reportedly slipped and hit his head in a public bath, one was hanged in his jail cell, and one died after drinking coffee. The cause of six deaths was reported as unknown."
Putin is a KGB agent

After his famous first meeting with Putin, the newly elected President George W Bush declared at a press conference that he had looked into the Russian’s eyes and seen his soul. His advisers were mortified. “I visibly stiffened,” national security adviser Condoleezza Rice wrote in her memoirs. Secretary of state Colin Powell pulled his president aside. “You may have seen all that” in his eyes, Powell told W, “but I still look in his eyes and I see K-G-B. Remember,” he added ominously, “there’s a reason he’s fluent in German.” Vice President Dick Cheney felt the same way: Every time he saw Putin, he told people, “I think KGB, KGB, KGB.”
Thanks for presenting all spectrum of lies about Putin.

But the truth is that Putin is known for saving lives even taking a risk of his own.

Here is a video with just one episode of his life while being Assistant Chief in Dresden.

The night of Berlin wall collapsed and all the Germans were celebrating Putin was in KGB residency in Dresden. Over 5000 crowd of drunks just destroyed the next building and started attacking the KGB building. The KGB Chief officer got scared and ran away and the second highest ranked officer was Putin. Understanding that the wild crowd was going to brake into their building he called his bosses and asked for help but the answer was: “Moscow is not responding, we have a feeling we’ve been abandoned.” Putin had to come out off the building to stop the drunk and wild crowd alone. Putin told them: ‘The collapse of Berlin wall happened due to the will of our country and we are guarding this building, it’s a USSR property. I’m an officer, I have only 12 bullets in my pistol and the last one I’ll save for myself.’ He said that and started slowly going up the stairs (there were 12 stairs) back to the building, his shirt was so wet that it stuck to his back. When he finally got upstairs, he looked back and the crowd started to walk away.

Nobody has broken into the building that night and all the secret archives (which could cause a large number of murders) stayed safe. For more details watch:

Mysterious rash of Russian deaths casts suspicion on Vladimir Putin

"A former member of the Russian parliament is gunned down in broad daylight in the Ukrainian capital of Kiev. A longtime Russian ambassador to the United Nations drops dead at work. A Russian-backed commander in the breakaway Ukrainian province of Donetsk is blown up in an elevator. A Russian media executive is found dead in his Washington, D.C., hotel room.

What do they have in common? They are among 38 prominent Russians who are victims of unsolved murders or suspicious deaths since the beginning of 2014, according to a list compiled by USA TODAY and British journalist Sarah Hurst, who has done research in Russia.

The list contains 10 high-profile critics of Russian President Vladimir Putin, seven diplomats, six associates of Kremlin power brokers who had a falling out — often over corruption — and 13 military or political leaders involved in the conflict in eastern Ukraine, including commanders of Russian-backed separatist forces. Two are possibly connected to a dossier alleging connections between President Trump's campaign staff and Kremlin officials that was produced by a former British spy and shared with the FBI.

Twelve were shot, stabbed or beaten to death. Six were blown up. Ten died allegedly of natural causes. One died of mysterious head injuries, one reportedly slipped and hit his head in a public bath, one was hanged in his jail cell, and one died after drinking coffee. The cause of six deaths was reported as unknown."

Woah slow down there spammy mcspamerson
trump declared how he was going to go after "bad hombres" and he's breaking up INNOCENT hard-working families.

Torn apart: the American families hit by Trump's immigration crackdown


"Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.
Guess what shoe Mueller will drop next

"The mission of the FBI is to protect and defend the United States against terrorist and foreign intelligence threats, to uphold and enforce the criminal laws of the United States, and to provide leadership and criminal justice services to federal, state, municipal, and international agencies and partners; and to ..."

Organization, Mission and Functions Manual: Federal Bureau of Investigation | DOJ | Department of Justice


"Trump's first visit to Soviet Moscow in 1987 looks, with hindsight, to be part of a pattern. The dossier by the former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele asserts that the Kremlin had been cultivating Trump for “at least five years” before his stunning victory in the 2016 US presidential election. This would take us back to around 2011 or 2012.

In fact, the Soviet Union was interested in him too, three decades earlier. The top level of the Soviet diplomatic service arranged his 1987 Moscow visit. With assistance from the KGB. It took place while Kryuchkov was seeking to improve the KGB's operational techniques in one particular and sensitive area. The spy chief wanted KGB staff abroad to recruit more Americans."

The Hidden History of Trump’s First Trip to Moscow

Boy, Those Russkies Sure Stole the Election

Donald Trump Jr communicated with WikiLeaks during final stages of election

Mueller Shows How Russians Sowed Discord With Dirty Tricks

The Unaccountable Death of Boris Nemtsov

The Unaccountable Death of Boris Nemtsov
Secretary of State Colin Powell told W, “but I still look in his eyes and I see K-G-B. Remember,” he added ominously, “there’s a reason he’s fluent in German.”

Vice President Dick Cheney felt the same way: Every time he saw Putin, he told people, “I think KGB, KGB, KGB.”
By the way, the same thing happened in 1984 when the place in front of the Soviet embassy on 16th street was renamed "Andrei Sakharov Plaza".
Putin is one of the richest people in the world and gained his wealth from working for the Russian government.
see the list - The World's Billionaires 2015 - Wikipedia - tried to find his name among the prevailing US rich?
He's as corrupt as it gets.
not nearly as much as western leaders.

He's not on that list because he has a lot of his money hidden in banks like the Bank of Cyprus. Good thing he has you drones following him and he can get away with killing journalist that expose him, otherwise he would be dragged out of his home and strung up. Your lives are worse because of him, not better.
How about Clinton's body count? Aren't you concerned about deaths of those who were connected to your darling Clinton?

Clinton Body Count,. Michael Rivero has now published a list of 90 names...

Add another one to the Clinton body count. Victor Thorn, an investigative reporter wrote four books on the Clinton’s and was also found dead.

Victor Torn: “Russell, if I’m ever found dead, it was murder. I would never kill myself.”

Dear Americans, clean the political mess in your own country and only after that start pointing fingers to others. Also make sure your Media delivers true information to you instead of Hollywood stories.

Who cares about Clinton? Are they in power? No because our country is smart enough not to let them change the laws on term limits for Presidents just so a crook can get back into power like Putin and his party did. What a bunch of fools you are.

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