Boo Hoo: ABC Oozes to Hunter, Will Trump's 'Noise' Over Ukraine Hurt Your Sobriety?


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Boo Hoo: ABC Oozes to Hunter, Will Trump's 'Noise' Over Ukraine Hurt Your Sobriety?

Boo Hoo: ABC Oozes to Hunter, Will Trump's 'Noise' Over Ukraine Hurt Your Sobriety?
15 Oct 19 ~ By Kristine Marsh
Hunter Biden, son of former Vice President and 2020 Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden, gave an exclusive interview to ABC’s Amy Robach Tuesday, excerpts of which were shown on Good Morning America. Robach surprisingly held Biden’s feet to the fire over his cushy job with a Ukrainian gas company while his father was Vice President, for a large part of the interview. However, that dissolved into a gooey sympathy piece about how mean President Trump was hurting Biden’s sobriety, finally culminating with Biden crying on camera about how much he loved America.
To her credit, Robach did extensively grill Biden about his work with the Ukrainian gas company, Burisma, but mostly focused her attacks on Hunter hurting his father’s campaign.

To me, when a DNC-Run Journalist especially from ABC says "some people say," it really means "this is what we were talking about in the conference room this morning." Bias? What liberal media bias?

ABC probably had someone standing by to give little Hunter a snort of coke after the interview to help him make it through the night! After all he IS a vet, and probably still suffers from PTSD after his 10-day stint in the Navy. Gotta give the boy credit, though. He is as slimy as his old man. A regular "chip off the old block."
Personally, I don't think this interview helped anyone, especially Joe and Hunter.....
Boo Hoo: ABC Oozes to Hunter, Will Trump's 'Noise' Over Ukraine Hurt Your Sobriety?

Boo Hoo: ABC Oozes to Hunter, Will Trump's 'Noise' Over Ukraine Hurt Your Sobriety?
15 Oct 19 ~ By Kristine Marsh
Hunter Biden, son of former Vice President and 2020 Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden, gave an exclusive interview to ABC’s Amy Robach Tuesday, excerpts of which were shown on Good Morning America. Robach surprisingly held Biden’s feet to the fire over his cushy job with a Ukrainian gas company while his father was Vice President, for a large part of the interview. However, that dissolved into a gooey sympathy piece about how mean President Trump was hurting Biden’s sobriety, finally culminating with Biden crying on camera about how much he loved America.
To her credit, Robach did extensively grill Biden about his work with the Ukrainian gas company, Burisma, but mostly focused her attacks on Hunter hurting his father’s campaign.

To me, when a DNC-Run Journalist especially from ABC says "some people say," it really means "this is what we were talking about in the conference room this morning." Bias? What liberal media bias?

ABC probably had someone standing by to give little Hunter a snort of coke after the interview to help him make it through the night! After all he IS a vet, and probably still suffers from PTSD after his 10-day stint in the Navy. Gotta give the boy credit, though. He is as slimy as his old man. A regular "chip off the old block."
Personally, I don't think this interview helped anyone, especially Joe and Hunter.....
He’s almost as fucking stupid as his perverted piece of shit dad...
When Hunter Biden claims he never discussed anything to do with the Ukraine or China with his father despite having extensive business dealings in both countries...quite frankly it doesn't pass the smell test!
Plugs and his son is a classic co-dependent/dependent relationship.
Joe stayed loyal to Hunter even when that loyalty was undeserved and is now paying the price of foregoing a Presidential bid.
A true dependent martyr!
Hunter is the user, and doesn't really give a shit!
Joe is the last person who should be President. He is fundamentally character flawed and too old to work through it at his age.

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