Bombshell !! Nasa to name new chief of UFO research as panel urges more study

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

This looks very suspicious. Most of us dispassionate observers will feel that a deep state cover up is now under way.

They havent named the new conspirator but I urge everybody to abuse and slander whoever it is.

They will most likely be an alien in human form anyway.

I smell another way for a bloated government agency to waste tax payer money. If we are truly interested in space the best way to go is to drastically slash NASA's budget and let private industry take over. Practical space exploration and not worthless searches for little green men.
I smell another way for a bloated government agency to waste tax payer money. If we are truly interested in space the best way to go is to drastically slash NASA's budget and let private industry take over. Practical space exploration and not worthless searches for little green men.
They should let the Indian govt get on with it. Or Musk if he can get one of his rockets to not blow up.
They should let the Indian govt get on with it. Or Musk if he can get one of his rockets to not blow up.
The price per pound putting things into space has significantly dropped since private industry has become involved. I know loons like yourself believe Government is the be all end all, but never in the history of the world has anything been made better by more Government.
It wouldn't cost a dime for the Pentagon to declassify and release all of the evidence they already have. Do that first before we open up a new spicket sucking out our tax dollars.
I was highly disappointed in this. We got whistleblowers talking about aliens and spacecraft they have. Mexico claiming they have alien bodies. Finding a planet with chemicals that only life can make... and we get this shit.
They should let the Indian govt get on with it. Or Musk if he can get one of his rockets to not blow up.
Musk puts his rockets in the front. NASA hides it and is massively corrupted and is so world power dying 19th century United Kingdom.
No but

This looks very suspicious. Most of us dispassionate observers will feel that a deep state cover up is now under way.

They havent named the new conspirator but I urge everybody to abuse and slander whoever it is.

They will most likely be an alien in human form anyway.

Exactly what is suspicious? What should be done that has not been done ? What on Earth do you know about the general subject ? If you really wanted to make any sort of useful contribution , you could ask about matters that are now happening daily which make Von Braun’s message about the wider topic seem all the more relevant and pertinent . But I cannot believe you have the foggiest notion what I am referencing , or it’s likely value as a marker for what is almost certain to happen next and fairly quickly , imo . “Dot Connection “as one component of Critical Thinking is completely outside your ability to understand — let alone usefully practise . You have not even the background to understand the Preface to this topic which might
then allow you to see what programmes are being advanced and the reasons for them —- at least in the minds of the tiny elite who might be those that determine future narratives . And , dare I say it , the same group which instigate and control Mind Control programmes . Suck on that Turdy , not that you will ever be a jot wiser .

This looks very suspicious. Most of us dispassionate observers will feel that a deep state cover up is now under way.

They havent named the new conspirator but I urge everybody to abuse and slander whoever it is.

They will most likely be an alien in human form anyway.

It's NASA, not "Nasa," Dimwit.

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