Bolsonaro to FIGHT ON!

Good to see Brazilians recognize the need to fight back against voter fraud.

---Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro emerged from the Alvorada Palace in Brasilía Friday and spoke to protestors for the first time since mass protests against the stolen election---
At least conservatives are consistent in their contempt for democracy and the will of the people.
Your reminiscences are noted, fake attribution notwithstanding. Authoritarianism is antithetical to democracy.

Confronting losers in denial of the will of the People who are crapping on democracy at present focuses attention upon Trump and Bolsonaro, of course.

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Key to telling apart authoritarian losers in denial of democracy:

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1) Compare the hats.

Those Trumpsters who supported yesterday’s failed attacks on government buildings by Bolsonaro supporters in Brasilia demonstrate both their utter contempt for law & democracy and their open yearning for authoritarian rule … everywhere.

The Lula government is now back in control of all government buildings. The Brasilian armed forces have not — yet — moved to support Bolsonaro, who is holed up in Florida, frustrated and unwilling to accept his clear electoral defeat. He felt obliged to criticize the trashing of government buildings by his supporters, who also openly begged the Brasilian army to seize power. The army has three times in history established its own dictatorship, the last time for 21 dark years from 1964-1985. Then, along with the bloody Argentinian & Chilean dictatorships they led “Operation Condor” — an international terror campaign that killed exiled dissident leaders all over the world, even on the streets of Washington, D.C.

The idea that this election was “stolen” is preposterous. Not only did Bolsonaro have the absolute advantage of being a corrupt incumbent, he had the huge advantage of being backed by big capitalist money. In Brazil the traditional media oligarchs were suspicious of Lula, whose reputation and earlier success as President was subsequently tarnished by revelations that his alliance — inevitably — also contained corrupt leaders.

Lula is now old and weakened by his own time in prison. But Lula was always a tough man of the people. He became a leader in the incredibly difficult period of the military dictatorship. He will probably stand strongly against all threats, and remain a firm believer in democracy and the Brazilian Republic. He has proven he is willing to make necessary compromises for the industrial and economic success of the country.

If Trump had actually been re-elected in 2020, or had he succeeded in his illegal attempts at keeping himself in power after losing that election, the Brazilian military would probably have already moved to support a Bolsonaro coup, and some 217 million people might be today plunged back into a “Banana Republic” - like military dictatorship.

Fortunately, the Biden Administration and all the European and South American states criticized these violent Capitol City takeovers. Hopefully the failure of the right yesterday will result in serious punishments and will hurt the would-be fascist authoritarians permanently.

Brazil’s economy is the largest in South America and may actually thrive in the next period — if civil war and military dictatorship is prevented. That will be a difficult task for Lula and his team to pull off, as the election was indeed close, and the Trump-like Bolsonaro has done everything possible to poison factional and class hostilities in society.

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