Bodybuilding marine burns his wife in Florida

Where do they find this stuff? Murderers often try to destroy the remains of their victims by burning them up. The title of the post is intentionally misleading but typical of the media these days.
Where do they find this stuff? Murderers often try to destroy the remains of their victims by burning them up. The title of the post is intentionally misleading but typical of the media these days.

Trouble is, most murderers don't know that it takes 1500 deg. or higher for bone to turn to ash. Most of them don't get a hot enough fire for that. And, truth be told, getting a fire 1500 deg or hotter isn't easy, and VERY hard (if not impossible) to do with wood, as the hottest burning wood only makes it to around 1000 or 1200 deg. (I like to watch some really interesting shows on occasion, the movie "Nobody) is what told me about the 1500 deg for bone to turn to ash information).
Before I left Mexifornia, there was an article in the local paper about a woman being duct taped, doused in gas, set on fire, and then thrown out of the back of a truck onto the highway while still on fire.

This kind of "news" was typical daily happenings in Mexifornia.
The entire state is a toxic dump.
Before I left Mexifornia, there was an article in the local paper about a woman being duct taped, doused in gas, set on fire, and then thrown out of the back of a truck onto the highway while still on fire.

This kind of "news" was typical daily happenings in Mexifornia.
The entire state is a toxic dump.

Funny that never happens in the Yiddish areas like Boca
Why would he do that when the Everglades and Gulf is right there?

Gators, Turkey Buzzards, Go a little west and there's Tiger sharks. It's like the Mecca of where to get rid of a murder victim and he failed. Maybe one of them Boas coulda ate her. Why'd he kill her, though? Over the few things she came to get? That's bad.
Trouble is, most murderers don't know that it takes 1500 deg. or higher for bone to turn to ash. Most of them don't get a hot enough fire for that. And, truth be told, getting a fire 1500 deg or hotter isn't easy, and VERY hard (if not impossible) to do with wood, as the hottest burning wood only makes it to around 1000 or 1200 deg. (I like to watch some really interesting shows on occasion, the movie "Nobody) is what told me about the 1500 deg for bone to turn to ash information).
The point is that the title of the post was intentionally deceptive. Being a former Marine might make it to current events but he didn't "burn his wife", he was accused of trying to dispose of the corpse.

Florida always has some really funny and crazy stuff ..
Why would that be a Federal case? This makes no sense to me.

From the OP link:

"Ian Christopher Baunach, 43, of LaBelle, pled not guilty in Tampa federal court Monday to first-degree murder charges in the gruesome death of Katie Baunach, the 39-year-old mom of his two children, the Daily Beast reported."

Why is a motherfucker from Labelle in Tampa Federal court? Wtf?!

It's at least 150 miles away. There are Federal courts in Miami, which is closer. It seems like a State criminal case to me, as well. This is weird. Why is a Palm Beach county dude in Tampa for killing his ex and in Federal court? Sorry, I had cousins that were lawyers n stuff. Murder is not a Federal crime.
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JEWS cant put on any muscles. Its impossible.
Been working out for decades and still have a yiddish body

You didn't smoke dope with the grandson of the guy that sold Davis Island to Tampa. He has muscles bigger than mine. Even a kosher beef tattoo 🤦‍♂️ . The Jewish can gain muscle just like any other human being. Imagine that. I'm all for Pastrami on Rye, but I'd rather it didn't involve him. Which it never has! :auiqs.jpg: I'm just gonna say the young guy was kinda dumb and naive. The old man knew what was what. He didn't have them big musscles and tattoos, though. Being young dumbfuck had big musscles, and that he was the old man's progeny; I'd say that the Hebrews can put on muscles. (IF they want to)

Would you like me to set you up with a 6-10 rep routine? I know how to do it. I don't do it, I flip 700 lb logs around, fuck big muscles. I use body strength. I've learned a lot about lifting weights n stuff in my life, though. I know the exercises and routines and everything.

The only weight training I do these days is deadlifts to keep my chops up to help a friend.

It's less than 2, it's not less than 2 Cadillacs on an Olympic bar. It's a big 5 lbs more than that. :auiqs.jpg:

10x just to maintain. Just to keep the muscles going. I'm just an average looking cracker.

With the body of Shrek. I used to have the body of David for years..well, that changed.

I'm OK with it. 100 situps in a row does not change it, so I'm gonna be happy with what I got.

I can no longer do everything I used to and it is what it is. :dunno:
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Maybe it's a gay related post. A "bodybuilding" former Marine "burns his wife". What could be more homophobic?
Why would this be in Federal court and not State court? Something is missing here.

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