Body ~ Mind ~ Soul --- Being Human

I'm glad I'm a guy ...

There’s Nothing Effortless About Being a Woman​

And I’m done pretending otherwise.

Why Making Friends in Midlife Is So Hard​

I thought I was done dating. But after moving across the country, I had to start again—this time, in search of platonic love.

How Einstein Learned Physics​

Einstein was a student long before he became a celebrity. There is a lot to glean from his education and unique approach to learning.


5 Questions the Most Interesting People Will Always Ask in Conversations​

The point is to get beyond the dreaded small talk.​

Most people would just be annoyed by those questions in an ordinary conversation. They’re like those tedious questions HR people ask during interviews.

“what makes you smile when you get up in the morning?”

“what’s the most important thing I should know about you?”

I’d make a mental note to try not to converse with that person again.

How to Sleep: Try Japan’s Kaizen Method to Cure Insomnia and Sleep Anxiety​

Having trouble falling asleep? The Japanese word ‘Kaizen’, which means ‘change’, could transform your bedtime routine and help tackle insomnia.​


Use the Magic 5:1 Ratio to Improve All Your Relationships​

All happy partnerships (both professional and romantic) follow this simple but powerful ratio.


Together forever: lessons for lifelong lovers​


Keeping It in the Family: Why We Pick the Partners We Do​

Wading into the intriguing research on choosing a mate.


See Yourself As You Truly Are in This Mysterious Metal Mirror​

Made in Kerala, the “Aranmula kannadi” won’t distort your reflection.

How Tiny Living Spaces Affect Our Wellbeing—Individually and Societally​

There is no universal minimum for the amount of living space we need. Rising spatial inequality, however, adversely impacts us on both individual and collective levels.

Want to know if you could pass the GED? Answer these real test questions to find out!​


The Best Mentors Ask These 8 Questions​

An essential part of being a good mentor is asking the right questions. Here’s a cheat sheet to get you started.

Five Stretches You Should Do Every Day​

Even if you never work out.


The surprising links between what you eat and how well you sleep​


If You’re Going to Put Your Preschooler in Front of a Screen, Choose a TV. Here’s Why​

Screens aren’t all the same. When it comes to cognition, there are big differences between an iPad and a television.


What Is Self-Care? Understanding How to Look After Yourself Mentally, Physically and Socially​

Self-care is more than just reading a book or drawing a relaxing bath every now and then. Read on to understand the three pillars of self-care and how to properly embrace them.

New Report: There Are 6 Types of Workers. Understanding Them Can Help You Beat the Great Resignation​

A huge new research project classifies workers into six 'archetypes' to help leaders hire the right people and keep them motivated.​

Until I can find a more suitable thread, will park these two items here.
I'm not sure I'd agree with all of these; for one thing, a bit short on the better options for some, but ...

17 Phrases Great Leaders Never Say to Employees​

There’s just no room in great leadership for this verbal spew.
Possibly more for a camping and/or survival thread ...

Essential Knots: How to Tie the 20 Knots You Need to Know​

One of these knots could save your life one day.


Are Naps Good for You? Experts Explain How They Affect Your Sleep​

Do you ever feel guilty about napping? Are you worried they are bad for your overall sleep health? We asked sleep experts for the full lowdown on napping to get some answers.


Is Consciousness Everywhere?​

Experience is in unexpected places, including in all animals, large and small, and perhaps even in brute matter itself.


Break the Cycle: How to Stop Having the Same Argument Again and Again and Again​

Few things are more frustrating than re-running the same fight with your partner or family. Here’s how to resolve it once and for all.

How to Solve the Hardest Logic Puzzle Ever​

A step-by-step guide to True, False, and Random.


Descartes and the Discovery of the Mind-Body Problem

The French philosopher René Descartes is often credited with discovering the mind-body problem, a mystery that haunts philosophers to this day. The reality is more complicated than that.

Our mind-body problem is not just a difficulty about how the mind and body are related and how they affect one another. It is also a difficulty about how they can be related and how they can affect one another. Their characteristic properties are very different, like oil and water, which simply won’t mix, given what they are.

There is a very common view which states that the French philosopher René Descartes discovered, or invented, this problem in the 17th century. According to Descartes, matter is essentially spatial, and it has the characteristic properties of linear dimensionality. Things in space have a position, at least, and a height, a depth, and a length, or one or more of these. Mental entities, on the other hand, do not have these characteristics. We cannot say that a mind is a two-by-two-by-two-inch cube or a sphere with a two-inch radius, for example, located in a position in space inside the skull. This is not because it has some other shape in space, but because it is not characterized by space at all.

What is characteristic of a mind, Descartes claims, is that it is conscious, not that it has shape or consists of physical matter. Unlike the brain, which has physical characteristics and occupies space, it does not seem to make sense to attach spatial descriptions to it. In short, our bodies are certainly in space, and our minds are not, in the very straightforward sense that the assignation of linear dimensions and locations to them or to their contents and activities is unintelligible. That this straightforward test of physicality has survived all the philosophical changes of opinion since Descartes, almost unscathed, is remarkable.
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If You’re So Smart, Why Aren’t You Rich? Turns Out It’s Just Chance.​

The most successful people are not the most talented, just the luckiest, a new computer model of wealth creation confirms. Taking that into account can maximize return on many kinds of investment.

Which Fictional Character Embodies Your Enneagram Personality Type?​

Ah, the Enneagram. It’s the lesser-known but (in my humble opinion) far superior personality test. Unlike the Meyers-Briggs, which honestly offers different verdicts based on your mood and which I’m told you “should” re-take from time to time, the Enneagram result is supposed to stay with you for your entire life. It says something about the ~core~ of your being. And also, it’s a lot of fun. At the very least, it’s a good way to procrastinate whatever you’re avoiding right now. Have at it.

Because I’m a classic 2 (The Helper), I thought I’d make this even more fun for you by adding a ~literary~ aspect. After years of obsessing over the Enneagram and making everyone I know take it, I now give you the Enneagram personality types as fictional characters.

Aging clocks aim to predict how long you’ll live​

These clocks promise to measure biological age and help identify anti-aging drugs, but there are lingering questions over their accuracy.

This Optical Illusion Claims to Separate ‘Male’ Brains From ‘Female’ Brains​

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Scientists Say Your “Mind” Isn’t Confined to Your Brain, or Even Your Body​

Exploring how the mind extends beyond the physical self.​

You might wonder, at some point today, what’s going on in another person’s mind. You may compliment someone’s great mind, or say they are out of their mind. You may even try to expand or free your own mind.

But what is a mind? Defining the concept is a surprisingly slippery task. The mind is the seat of consciousness, the essence of your being. Without a mind, you cannot be considered meaningfully alive. So what exactly, and where precisely, is it?

Traditionally, scientists have tried to define the mind as the product of brain activity: The brain is the physical substance, and the mind is the conscious product of those firing neurons, according to the classic argument. But growing evidence shows that the mind goes far beyond the physical workings of your brain.

No doubt, the brain plays an incredibly important role. But our mind cannot be confined to what’s inside our skull, or even our body, according to a definition first put forward by Dan Siegel, a professor of psychiatry at UCLA School of Medicine and the author of the 2016 book, Mind: A Journey to the Heart of Being Human.

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