Zone1 Bodega Bro gets cancelled just for realizing his "white privilege?"


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Sep 16, 2012
This story cracks me up. It is pretty sad too.

Did he do anything wrong? I honestly could not even find the original video on YouTube, and he put is Tik Tok account on private. Most, you had too watch others re-post with commentary.

Here is what started the firestorm off. . . reasonably innocuous observation of city food desserts if you ask me. The fool is crazy to leave the mid-west and move to NY in the first place. If you ask me, that is the only thing he did wrong. . .

I just wish I could have read some of the comments from the cancel mob.

Bodega Bro got fired for this video!​

Criticizing Lack of Grocery Stores in the South Bronx Means the Twitter Mob Will Try To Get You Fired​

A recent college grad from the Midwest landed in the Bronx and was confused by bodega culture. This led to a social media mob, a digging up of old videos, and a firing.​


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