Bobcat kills 120 pound pit bull

If you are ever out hunting or walking in the woods and hear the distinct screech of a bobcat in the brush.

You need to get the hell out of there because a bobcat will tear you a new one. .. :eek:
If you are ever out hunting or walking in the woods and hear the distinct screech of a bobcat in the brush.

You need to get the hell out of there because a bobcat will tear you a new one. .. :eek:

The only time I ever saw a bobcat it ran away from me.
I had a couple of friends out hunting when they must have startled one in the brush.

It starting some kind of scary growling and advancing towards them.

They said the sound made their hair stand up and they slowly began backing away to safety.

Bobcats try to avoid people and it's rare to ever see one.
If you are ever out hunting or walking in the woods and hear the distinct screech of a bobcat in the brush.

You need to get the hell out of there because a bobcat will tear you a new one. .. :eek:

Yes,yes I have its chilling,to say the least.

2 am parking years ago,and one let loose,sounded like someone getting gutted alive.Scared the piss out of the GF
Never doubt the ferocity of a cat.

[ame=]cat from hell - YouTube[/ame]
Muggsy the alligator fighting house cat, chases alligators away with a swipe of his mighty paw.

I would have bet on the pitbull on that one
Seeing as how the average adult male Pit Bull weighs anywhere from 35 to 60 pounds, I would say that a 120 lb Pit Bulldog was probably over weight and couldn't move very well. You have to figure also that a Bobcat has more fighting parts than any dog. They are much faster and can get in, slash and run. The only thing the Pitbull can do is bite down with his mighty jaws and hang on. A Bobcat is not going to stand there and let that happen.
When I was a lot younger (and dumber) I snuck up on one that was sleeping on a rock in the sun... I smacked the rock right by its head and that sucker leapt straight least 12 feet and was gone. Most impressive display I've ever seen.
I had a bobcat as a pet for about a year. They are impressive animals, to say the very least.

They are also top predators in most areas.

I agree that a 120 lb pit bull was not a normal pit. They also tend to attack straight on and just clamp down. If they miss, the bobcat's agility and claws can do the trick. There was an old story about someone bring a bobcat to some dog fighting places, and the cat disemboweled the dogs.

Scary that the cat was willing to attack the owner with the broom. Usually they are VERY shy around humans.
I've rehabbed bobcats. Even the youngsters are a real handful and, IMO, its not at all surprising that the dog lost.

120# is a huge dog though and I agree he was probably overweight. Even so, the cat would win that one.

I've got photos of a bobcat I took out of my kitchen window in AZ. I now live in the midwest and the one bobcat I've seen here was much bigger and had a darker coat. But, most wildlife in the desert soutwest has lighter colored fur.

I was a pre-teen or teenager on my horse when I saw a cougar overhead. I always rode bareback and I remember that my horse was backing up and shaking so hard I thought I'd lose my seat. We skedaddled out of there so fast but in my mind's eye, I can still see that cat's eyes, looking straight into mine.
If you are ever out hunting or walking in the woods and hear the distinct screech of a bobcat in the brush.

You need to get the hell out of there because a bobcat will tear you a new one. .. :eek:

The only time I ever saw a bobcat it ran away from me.

And they always will as long as they aren't cornered. Not to many animals in north America that wont run at the sight or smell of man.
Let's hear it for the Bobcat!!!!!

Pit bulls have only one weapon, their teeth. Bobcats have their agility, their claws as well as killer teeth.
Seeing as how the average adult male Pit Bull weighs anywhere from 35 to 60 pounds, I would say that a 120 lb Pit Bulldog was probably over weight and couldn't move very well. You have to figure also that a Bobcat has more fighting parts than any dog. They are much faster and can get in, slash and run. The only thing the Pitbull can do is bite down with his mighty jaws and hang on. A Bobcat is not going to stand there and let that happen.

Dogs are not great fighters. If a human keeps their wits about them, a dog is no match. But a cat the size of a dog is a vastly different case.

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