Blumenthal Gives GOP Opportunity To Play 'Whack-A-Mole', 'Lying Hypocritical Troll'...


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
....or should I say 'Whack-A-Hypocritical-POS-Democrat'? :p

He could have just sat there quietly and let his fellow Democrats, who had no completely destroyed every ounce of credibility they had in the past, speak at the Ford-Kavanaugh hearing...he chose NOT to.

Instead, like the game at the arcade / country fair - 'Whack-A-Mole' - Blumenthal poked his head up out of his hole to fire a shot at Kavanaugh about 'credibility'.

"At last week’s fiery hearing probing sexual assault allegations against Judge Brett Kavanaugh, Democratic Sen. Richard Blumenthal lectured the Supreme Court nominee on the implications of telling even a single lie.

“Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus,” Blumenthal, D-Conn., told Kavanaugh, reciting a Latin phrase. “It means 'False in one thing, false in everything.'”

The response to Blumenthal's choice to pop his head up and do a little theatrical grandstanding, much like Corey 'Spartacus' Booker's, went as everyone except Blumenthal, it seems.

The GOP have been unmercifully quick and brutal in reminding everyone that Blumenthal would know more than anyone else what Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus,” means.


"In the 2000s, when Blumenthal served as Connecticut’s attorney general, he began to claim that he served in the Vietnam War. Blumenthal, repeatedly, has touted his experience during the war. “I served during the Vietnam era,” Blumenthal reportedly said at a Vietnam War memorial in 2008. “I remember the taunts, the insults, sometimes even the physical abuse.”

There's just one problem....

Blumenthal turned out to be a 'John Kerry Wannabe / Mimic'.

"Blumenthal didn’t serve in Vietnam. He reportedly obtained at least five military deferments between 1965 and 1970. He eventually served in the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve, but did not deploy to Vietnam.

In the wake of Blumenthal questioning Kavanaugh -- who faces multiple sexual assault or misconduct allegations, which he denies -- Trump and fellow Republicans have not let him forget his own past statements."

I actually have to apologize to MOLES. Suggesting Blumenthal is a 'Mole' is an insult to moles..... Blumenthal is more like a POS TROLL...and the GOP is taking full advantage of the opportunity the TROLL gave them by speaking up, mentioning Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus - 'False in one thing, false in everything', and allowing them to remind Americans what a despicable lying POS he is.

300 Points For Whacking Blumenthal...

This is old news. This came out when he ran for Senate and nobody cared. He still won.
There are three (3) dimocrap scum Senators that are up for re-election this cycle in States Trump won by Double-digits.

They're crapping their pants right now. If they vote against Kavanaugh, they are certain to lose in November. 100% certain.

Their only hope is if Kavanaugh withdraws and I don't think that's gonna happen.

Is a lost SCOTUS seat worth putting three dimocrap scum Pols on the curb? I think so.

If the scum of the Earth dimocrap party takes down Kavanaugh, you can count on 55 to 57 Republicans in the Senate next year.

Believe it.

And in the Batter's Box is dimocrap scum nightmare. She will be confirmed in a walkover. Not even close.

dimocrap scum are just simply stupid. They're betting their entire future on Kavanaugh's anti-abortion views. Something I really don't think he'll change.

Believe it or not, fellow Patriots, we're in a win-win situation. dimocrap scum keep shooting themselves in the foot by choosing their battles poorly.

This is old news. This came out when he ran for Senate and nobody cared. He still won.

That is when he was a liar. Now he is a liar and a hypocrite.

They still won't care.

ho hum. blumenthal was a great & effective AG.

he ran against linda mcmahon for senator.... who lost miserably. why? why you ask? because nutmeggers saw right thru her facade... <pfffft> WWE is nothing but a lie. what does she do now? she's head of the SBA. huh, i wonder how she got that gig. could it be because she paid the trump foundation tons of cash & was one of the very very few CONtributers?

yaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.............. that's the ticket.
This is old news. This came out when he ran for Senate and nobody cared. He still won.

That is when he was a liar. Now he is a liar and a hypocrite.

They still won't care.

ho hum. blumenthal was a great & effective AG.

he ran against linda mcmahon for senator.... who lost miserably. why? why you ask? because nutmeggers saw right thru her facade... <pfffft> WWE is nothing but a lie. what does she do now? she's head of the SBA. huh, i wonder how she got that gig. could it be because she paid the trump foundation tons of cash & was one of the very very few CONtributers?

yaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.............. that's the ticket.

This is old news. This came out when he ran for Senate and nobody cared. He still won.

That is when he was a liar. Now he is a liar and a hypocrite.

They still won't care.

Perhaps but I care and if I can change one person's mind the thread is worth it.

You're not going to change a dimocrap's mind.

Seriously. I'm not being overly dramatic when I tell you, they're the scum of the Earth. They just don't care.

They'll ignore any and all FACTS about their own disgusting, filthy, lying, dishonest, raping politicians but demand that ours be squeaky clean.

NOT because they belive in any kind of morality..... They don't. They are the scum of the Earth. Period.

In order to understand what's going on in this Country, you have to reconcile yourself to the FACT that dimocraps are the scum of the Earth. Not some of them. Not just their leaders, not just their elected Judas Goats, not just the lying media and disgusting Hollywod types.....

ALL of them. They know exactly who and what they're voting for and like was said in here just a few minutes ago -- They don't care.

Why? SImple. They're scum. You MUST understand that. I know it's hard to take, it's difficult that your football buddy, your cousin..... Whatever, are scumbags but that's they way it is.

Once you understand that, everything falls into place. It is the Rosetta Stone of politics.

Believe it.
This is old news. This came out when he ran for Senate and nobody cared. He still won.

That is when he was a liar. Now he is a liar and a hypocrite.

They still won't care.

Perhaps but I care and if I can change one person's mind the thread is worth it.

You're not going to change a dimocrap's mind.

Seriously. I'm not being overly dramatic when I tell you, they're the scum of the Earth. They just don't care.

They'll ignore any and all FACTS about their own disgusting, filthy, lying, dishonest, raping politicians but demand that ours be squeaky clean.

NOT because they belive in any kind of morality..... They don't. They are the scum of the Earth. Period.

In order to understand what's going on in this Country, you have to reconcile yourself to the FACT that dimocraps are the scum of the Earth. Not some of them. Not just their leaders, not just their elected Judas Goats, not just the lying media and disgusting Hollywod types.....

ALL of them. They know exactly who and what they're voting for and like was said in here just a few minutes ago -- They don't care.

Why? SImple. They're scum. You MUST understand that. I know it's hard to take, it's difficult that your football buddy, your cousin..... Whatever, are scumbags but that's they way it is.

Once you understand that, everything falls into place. It is the Rosetta Stone of politics.

Believe it.

"President Trump awarding Medal of Honor to Army hero this afternoon. Sen. Blumenthal not expected to attend."
till this day, I cannot decipher whether Blumenthal is male/female/other/guinea pig
"President Trump awarding Medal of Honor to Army hero this afternoon. Sen. Blumenthal not expected to attend."

it's sad that a purple heart recipient gave his medal to trump & it's both disgusting & pathetic that capt bone spur took it.
This is old news. This came out when he ran for Senate and nobody cared. He still won.

I saw him question Kavanaugh’s credibility 6 days ago.

That’s not old news.

He showed his hypocritical nature 6 days ago.

Nice post, OP.

Blumenthal is a piece of garbage and the people of Connecticut are a basket of deplorables.

Blumenthal pulled out of the race when it was discovered the he stole valor....but the sick stupid fucks in Connecticut still voted for the puke.

Blumenthal is a cvnt.

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