BLM says their goal is to "dismantle Israel"

marvin martian

Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2020
Texas Hill Country
Third Reich-style anti-semitism is now completely mainstream on the left.

The Democrat party is the most racist and bigoted organization in American history.

Marc Lamont Hill, an academic and Black Lives Matter activist, says that one of the goals of the BLM movement is to destroy Israel.

Temple U professor and BLM activist Marc Lamont Hill says the goal of Black Lives Matter is to "dismantle the Zionist project" and is "very explicitly embracing BDS"
— Jon Levine (@LevineJonathan) February 14, 2021
"One of the new possibilities that [activists] imagined is a world that is anti-imperialist. They don't want to just nation-build but they want to world-make," Hill said.

"So Black Lives Matter very explicitly is talking about the dismantling of the Zionist project. Dismantling of a settler-colonial project," he continued. Despite Jews being culturally indigenous to the land of Israel, BLM activists have long associated Israel with colonialism.

Hill also said that the BLM movement is "very explicitly embracing BDS," referring to the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanction movement to boycott Jewish products made in Israel.

The BLM movement has a long history of opposition to Israel, having previously falsely accused Israel of committing "genocide" against Palestinian Arabs, who BLM insists are the indigenous people of the area.

Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation league, has described such claims from the BLM movement as "repellant."
It's as though brown Israeli's aren't brown enough for the left. They do have a white tint to them, perhaps that's the problem.
Third Reich-style anti-semitism is now completely mainstream on the left.

The Democrat party is the most racist and bigoted organization in American history.

Marc Lamont Hill, an academic and Black Lives Matter activist, says that one of the goals of the BLM movement is to destroy Israel.

Temple U professor and BLM activist Marc Lamont Hill says the goal of Black Lives Matter is to "dismantle the Zionist project" and is "very explicitly embracing BDS"
— Jon Levine (@LevineJonathan) February 14, 2021
"One of the new possibilities that [activists] imagined is a world that is anti-imperialist. They don't want to just nation-build but they want to world-make," Hill said.

"So Black Lives Matter very explicitly is talking about the dismantling of the Zionist project. Dismantling of a settler-colonial project," he continued. Despite Jews being culturally indigenous to the land of Israel, BLM activists have long associated Israel with colonialism.

Hill also said that the BLM movement is "very explicitly embracing BDS," referring to the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanction movement to boycott Jewish products made in Israel.

The BLM movement has a long history of opposition to Israel, having previously falsely accused Israel of committing "genocide" against Palestinian Arabs, who BLM insists are the indigenous people of the area.

Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation league, has described such claims from the BLM movement as "repellant."
Who knew they would have something in common with many trumpers.
Third Reich-style anti-semitism is now completely mainstream on the left.

The Democrat party is the most racist and bigoted organization in American history.

Marc Lamont Hill, an academic and Black Lives Matter activist, says that one of the goals of the BLM movement is to destroy Israel.

Temple U professor and BLM activist Marc Lamont Hill says the goal of Black Lives Matter is to "dismantle the Zionist project" and is "very explicitly embracing BDS"
— Jon Levine (@LevineJonathan) February 14, 2021
"One of the new possibilities that [activists] imagined is a world that is anti-imperialist. They don't want to just nation-build but they want to world-make," Hill said.

"So Black Lives Matter very explicitly is talking about the dismantling of the Zionist project. Dismantling of a settler-colonial project," he continued. Despite Jews being culturally indigenous to the land of Israel, BLM activists have long associated Israel with colonialism.

Hill also said that the BLM movement is "very explicitly embracing BDS," referring to the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanction movement to boycott Jewish products made in Israel.

The BLM movement has a long history of opposition to Israel, having previously falsely accused Israel of committing "genocide" against Palestinian Arabs, who BLM insists are the indigenous people of the area.

Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation league, has described such claims from the BLM movement as "repellant."
Who knew they would have something in common with many trumpers.

The DemoKKKrat party is the most anti-semitic organization in America. You people elected Holocaust deniers to Congress.
Third Reich-style anti-semitism is now completely mainstream on the left.

The Democrat party is the most racist and bigoted organization in American history.

Marc Lamont Hill, an academic and Black Lives Matter activist, says that one of the goals of the BLM movement is to destroy Israel.

Temple U professor and BLM activist Marc Lamont Hill says the goal of Black Lives Matter is to "dismantle the Zionist project" and is "very explicitly embracing BDS"
— Jon Levine (@LevineJonathan) February 14, 2021
"One of the new possibilities that [activists] imagined is a world that is anti-imperialist. They don't want to just nation-build but they want to world-make," Hill said.

"So Black Lives Matter very explicitly is talking about the dismantling of the Zionist project. Dismantling of a settler-colonial project," he continued. Despite Jews being culturally indigenous to the land of Israel, BLM activists have long associated Israel with colonialism.

Hill also said that the BLM movement is "very explicitly embracing BDS," referring to the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanction movement to boycott Jewish products made in Israel.

The BLM movement has a long history of opposition to Israel, having previously falsely accused Israel of committing "genocide" against Palestinian Arabs, who BLM insists are the indigenous people of the area.

Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation league, has described such claims from the BLM movement as "repellant."
Who knew they would have something in common with many trumpers.

The left are huge anti-semites and haters of israel. Trump was the most pro israel president since truman.
Third Reich-style anti-semitism is now completely mainstream on the left.

The Democrat party is the most racist and bigoted organization in American history.

Marc Lamont Hill, an academic and Black Lives Matter activist, says that one of the goals of the BLM movement is to destroy Israel.

Temple U professor and BLM activist Marc Lamont Hill says the goal of Black Lives Matter is to "dismantle the Zionist project" and is "very explicitly embracing BDS"
— Jon Levine (@LevineJonathan) February 14, 2021
"One of the new possibilities that [activists] imagined is a world that is anti-imperialist. They don't want to just nation-build but they want to world-make," Hill said.

"So Black Lives Matter very explicitly is talking about the dismantling of the Zionist project. Dismantling of a settler-colonial project," he continued. Despite Jews being culturally indigenous to the land of Israel, BLM activists have long associated Israel with colonialism.

Hill also said that the BLM movement is "very explicitly embracing BDS," referring to the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanction movement to boycott Jewish products made in Israel.

The BLM movement has a long history of opposition to Israel, having previously falsely accused Israel of committing "genocide" against Palestinian Arabs, who BLM insists are the indigenous people of the area.

Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation league, has described such claims from the BLM movement as "repellant."
More than 600 jewish greoups support BLM, which means that Lamont Hill's views dont affect BLM as a whole or most jewish groups.

Anti-Defamation League spokesman Todd Gutnik acknowledged in a statement that some individuals and organizations within the movement are spreading anti-Semitic rhetoric and "that raises serious concerns." But the league praised Black Lives Matter overall as the largest civil rights movement in at least 50 years.
Who would win? A 100-man team consisting of IFD and Mossad, or the entire BLM movement?

I mean 15-20 million BLM and BLM-supporters is alot of people but if the IDF and Mossad were hunkered down behind some emplacements and had machine guns and mortars, it could be done.
Third Reich-style anti-semitism is now completely mainstream on the left.

The Democrat party is the most racist and bigoted organization in American history.

Marc Lamont Hill, an academic and Black Lives Matter activist, says that one of the goals of the BLM movement is to destroy Israel.

Temple U professor and BLM activist Marc Lamont Hill says the goal of Black Lives Matter is to "dismantle the Zionist project" and is "very explicitly embracing BDS"
— Jon Levine (@LevineJonathan) February 14, 2021
"One of the new possibilities that [activists] imagined is a world that is anti-imperialist. They don't want to just nation-build but they want to world-make," Hill said.

"So Black Lives Matter very explicitly is talking about the dismantling of the Zionist project. Dismantling of a settler-colonial project," he continued. Despite Jews being culturally indigenous to the land of Israel, BLM activists have long associated Israel with colonialism.

Hill also said that the BLM movement is "very explicitly embracing BDS," referring to the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanction movement to boycott Jewish products made in Israel.

The BLM movement has a long history of opposition to Israel, having previously falsely accused Israel of committing "genocide" against Palestinian Arabs, who BLM insists are the indigenous people of the area.

Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation league, has described such claims from the BLM movement as "repellant."
You have to understand that to be a Leftist you MUST hate Israeli.

In fact, to get a utopia you first need to expunge both Israel and the US. Only then can we all live in bliss

That is looney Leftism 101.
Third Reich-style anti-semitism is now completely mainstream on the left.

The Democrat party is the most racist and bigoted organization in American history.

Marc Lamont Hill, an academic and Black Lives Matter activist, says that one of the goals of the BLM movement is to destroy Israel.

Temple U professor and BLM activist Marc Lamont Hill says the goal of Black Lives Matter is to "dismantle the Zionist project" and is "very explicitly embracing BDS"
— Jon Levine (@LevineJonathan) February 14, 2021
"One of the new possibilities that [activists] imagined is a world that is anti-imperialist. They don't want to just nation-build but they want to world-make," Hill said.

"So Black Lives Matter very explicitly is talking about the dismantling of the Zionist project. Dismantling of a settler-colonial project," he continued. Despite Jews being culturally indigenous to the land of Israel, BLM activists have long associated Israel with colonialism.

Hill also said that the BLM movement is "very explicitly embracing BDS," referring to the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanction movement to boycott Jewish products made in Israel.

The BLM movement has a long history of opposition to Israel, having previously falsely accused Israel of committing "genocide" against Palestinian Arabs, who BLM insists are the indigenous people of the area.

Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation league, has described such claims from the BLM movement as "repellant."
Who knew they would have something in common with many trumpers.
It is crazy. Many Jewish people vote Prog and against Israel. While many Deep faith Christians support Israel and may be Republican. Those Jewish people with most being secular who vote Prog are either against their own interests or play both sides against each other.
Third Reich-style anti-semitism is now completely mainstream on the left.

The Democrat party is the most racist and bigoted organization in American history.

Marc Lamont Hill, an academic and Black Lives Matter activist, says that one of the goals of the BLM movement is to destroy Israel.

Temple U professor and BLM activist Marc Lamont Hill says the goal of Black Lives Matter is to "dismantle the Zionist project" and is "very explicitly embracing BDS"
— Jon Levine (@LevineJonathan) February 14, 2021
"One of the new possibilities that [activists] imagined is a world that is anti-imperialist. They don't want to just nation-build but they want to world-make," Hill said.

"So Black Lives Matter very explicitly is talking about the dismantling of the Zionist project. Dismantling of a settler-colonial project," he continued. Despite Jews being culturally indigenous to the land of Israel, BLM activists have long associated Israel with colonialism.

Hill also said that the BLM movement is "very explicitly embracing BDS," referring to the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanction movement to boycott Jewish products made in Israel.

The BLM movement has a long history of opposition to Israel, having previously falsely accused Israel of committing "genocide" against Palestinian Arabs, who BLM insists are the indigenous people of the area.

Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation league, has described such claims from the BLM movement as "repellant."
Who knew they would have something in common with many trumpers.

The DemoKKKrat party is the most anti-semitic organization in America. You people elected Holocaust deniers to Congress.
If you dig deep into the history, you will find that the Nazi laws regarding race did not originate in Germany. The Nuremburg blood laws were exported to Germany by the U.S. Democratic party. They were a sort of watered down version of the Democratic party's "one drop rule".

That's right folks, The Nazi's thought Democrats were racist extremists. And history proves they were spot on. The Nazi jurists who framed the Nuremburg laws on race thought that the US Democratic party's race policies were way too fucking extreme.

Without the US Democratic party exporting it's racism to Europe, the holocaust probably would have never occurred.

What "race" is the diabolical disgusting despicable Democratic party currently aiming it's weapons at?

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Third Reich-style anti-semitism is now completely mainstream on the left.

The Democrat party is the most racist and bigoted organization in American history.

Marc Lamont Hill, an academic and Black Lives Matter activist, says that one of the goals of the BLM movement is to destroy Israel.

Temple U professor and BLM activist Marc Lamont Hill says the goal of Black Lives Matter is to "dismantle the Zionist project" and is "very explicitly embracing BDS"
— Jon Levine (@LevineJonathan) February 14, 2021
"One of the new possibilities that [activists] imagined is a world that is anti-imperialist. They don't want to just nation-build but they want to world-make," Hill said.

"So Black Lives Matter very explicitly is talking about the dismantling of the Zionist project. Dismantling of a settler-colonial project," he continued. Despite Jews being culturally indigenous to the land of Israel, BLM activists have long associated Israel with colonialism.

Hill also said that the BLM movement is "very explicitly embracing BDS," referring to the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanction movement to boycott Jewish products made in Israel.

The BLM movement has a long history of opposition to Israel, having previously falsely accused Israel of committing "genocide" against Palestinian Arabs, who BLM insists are the indigenous people of the area.

Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation league, has described such claims from the BLM movement as "repellant."
Who knew they would have something in common with many trumpers.
It is crazy. Many Jewish people vote Prog and against Israel. While many Deep faith Christians support Israel and may be Republican. Those Jewish people with most being secular who vote Prog are either against their own interests or play both sides against each other.

They do it because they value communism more than their own heritage. The bolsheviks did the same thing.
Third Reich-style anti-semitism is now completely mainstream on the left.

The Democrat party is the most racist and bigoted organization in American history.

Marc Lamont Hill, an academic and Black Lives Matter activist, says that one of the goals of the BLM movement is to destroy Israel.

Temple U professor and BLM activist Marc Lamont Hill says the goal of Black Lives Matter is to "dismantle the Zionist project" and is "very explicitly embracing BDS"
— Jon Levine (@LevineJonathan) February 14, 2021
"One of the new possibilities that [activists] imagined is a world that is anti-imperialist. They don't want to just nation-build but they want to world-make," Hill said.

"So Black Lives Matter very explicitly is talking about the dismantling of the Zionist project. Dismantling of a settler-colonial project," he continued. Despite Jews being culturally indigenous to the land of Israel, BLM activists have long associated Israel with colonialism.

Hill also said that the BLM movement is "very explicitly embracing BDS," referring to the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanction movement to boycott Jewish products made in Israel.

The BLM movement has a long history of opposition to Israel, having previously falsely accused Israel of committing "genocide" against Palestinian Arabs, who BLM insists are the indigenous people of the area.

Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation league, has described such claims from the BLM movement as "repellant."
Who knew they would have something in common with many trumpers.
It is crazy. Many Jewish people vote Prog and against Israel. While many Deep faith Christians support Israel and may be Republican. Those Jewish people with most being secular who vote Prog are either against their own interests or play both sides against each other.

They do it because they value communism more than their own heritage. The bolsheviks did the same thing.

There isn't a single BLM moron that recognizes communism or anything other than what their handlers feed them
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Third Reich-style anti-semitism is now completely mainstream on the left.

The Democrat party is the most racist and bigoted organization in American history.

Marc Lamont Hill, an academic and Black Lives Matter activist, says that one of the goals of the BLM movement is to destroy Israel.

Temple U professor and BLM activist Marc Lamont Hill says the goal of Black Lives Matter is to "dismantle the Zionist project" and is "very explicitly embracing BDS"
— Jon Levine (@LevineJonathan) February 14, 2021
"One of the new possibilities that [activists] imagined is a world that is anti-imperialist. They don't want to just nation-build but they want to world-make," Hill said.

"So Black Lives Matter very explicitly is talking about the dismantling of the Zionist project. Dismantling of a settler-colonial project," he continued. Despite Jews being culturally indigenous to the land of Israel, BLM activists have long associated Israel with colonialism.

Hill also said that the BLM movement is "very explicitly embracing BDS," referring to the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanction movement to boycott Jewish products made in Israel.

The BLM movement has a long history of opposition to Israel, having previously falsely accused Israel of committing "genocide" against Palestinian Arabs, who BLM insists are the indigenous people of the area.

Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation league, has described such claims from the BLM movement as "repellant."
Who knew they would have something in common with many trumpers.
It is crazy. Many Jewish people vote Prog and against Israel. While many Deep faith Christians support Israel and may be Republican. Those Jewish people with most being secular who vote Prog are either against their own interests or play both sides against each other.

I have never been able to figure out Jewish people voting for Democrats. The only thing I can think of is they are secular Jews who really don't care about Judaism or Israel. The whole dynamic is as backwards as it can be.
Third Reich-style anti-semitism is now completely mainstream on the left.

The Democrat party is the most racist and bigoted organization in American history.

Marc Lamont Hill, an academic and Black Lives Matter activist, says that one of the goals of the BLM movement is to destroy Israel.

Temple U professor and BLM activist Marc Lamont Hill says the goal of Black Lives Matter is to "dismantle the Zionist project" and is "very explicitly embracing BDS"
— Jon Levine (@LevineJonathan) February 14, 2021
"One of the new possibilities that [activists] imagined is a world that is anti-imperialist. They don't want to just nation-build but they want to world-make," Hill said.

"So Black Lives Matter very explicitly is talking about the dismantling of the Zionist project. Dismantling of a settler-colonial project," he continued. Despite Jews being culturally indigenous to the land of Israel, BLM activists have long associated Israel with colonialism.

Hill also said that the BLM movement is "very explicitly embracing BDS," referring to the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanction movement to boycott Jewish products made in Israel.

The BLM movement has a long history of opposition to Israel, having previously falsely accused Israel of committing "genocide" against Palestinian Arabs, who BLM insists are the indigenous people of the area.

Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation league, has described such claims from the BLM movement as "repellant."
Who knew they would have something in common with many trumpers.
It is crazy. Many Jewish people vote Prog and against Israel. While many Deep faith Christians support Israel and may be Republican. Those Jewish people with most being secular who vote Prog are either against their own interests or play both sides against each other.

I have never been able to figure out Jewish people voting for Democrats. The only thing I can think of is they are secular Jews who really don't care about Judaism or Israel. The whole dynamic is as backwards as it can be.

That's exactly it. They value the tyrannical communism being offered by the Democrats more than they value their own heritage.

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