BLM Approval Rating Craters to 39%


Registered Conservative
Sep 20, 2005
People all across America are waking up to the reality BLM is a violent mob of Marxist losers who just want to destroy America. They had support from most of the country when most people bought into the FakeNews spin of the death of Fentanyl Floyd. Then months of non-stop violence and exposing themselves for what they really are has turned the tables.

Forty-four percent of poll respondents said they disapprove of the protests, and only 39 percent approve of them. This marks a dramatic decline of support for the Black Lives Matter protests over the past three months. When the same question was asked by the same polling organization in June, 54 percent of poll respondents said they approved of the protests, while only 32 percent said they disapproved.

This represents a huge swing of 27 points against the Black Lives Matter protests, from a +22 point approval rating in June to a -5 point approval rating in September.

Now BLM has a worse approval rating than before Saint Fentanyl Floyd.

Good job lefties. Keep up the rioting.
People all across America are waking up to the reality BLM is a violent mob of Marxist losers who just want to destroy America. They had support from most of the country when most people bought into the FakeNews spin of the death of Fentanyl Floyd. Then months of non-stop violence and exposing themselves for what they really are has turned the tables.

Forty-four percent of poll respondents said they disapprove of the protests, and only 39 percent approve of them. This marks a dramatic decline of support for the Black Lives Matter protests over the past three months. When the same question was asked by the same polling organization in June, 54 percent of poll respondents said they approved of the protests, while only 32 percent said they disapproved.

This represents a huge swing of 27 points against the Black Lives Matter protests, from a +22 point approval rating in June to a -5 point approval rating in September.

Now BLM has a worse approval rating than before Saint Fentanyl Floyd.

Good job lefties. Keep up the rioting.
Wow, that puts them down there close to tRump.

That is bad.
People all across America are waking up to the reality BLM is a violent mob of Marxist losers who just want to destroy America. They had support from most of the country when most people bought into the FakeNews spin of the death of Fentanyl Floyd. Then months of non-stop violence and exposing themselves for what they really are has turned the tables.

Forty-four percent of poll respondents said they disapprove of the protests, and only 39 percent approve of them. This marks a dramatic decline of support for the Black Lives Matter protests over the past three months. When the same question was asked by the same polling organization in June, 54 percent of poll respondents said they approved of the protests, while only 32 percent said they disapproved.

This represents a huge swing of 27 points against the Black Lives Matter protests, from a +22 point approval rating in June to a -5 point approval rating in September.

Now BLM has a worse approval rating than before Saint Fentanyl Floyd.

Good job lefties. Keep up the rioting.
Wow, that puts them down there close to tRump.

That is bad.
I doubt neither get elected president.
I'm guessing the BLM approval rating is overstated due to fear of retribution if they express their honest opinion. And it's nearly everybody, not just the moderate dems and I think all this violence and destruction is going to cost the democrats in November and hopefully also in 2 years from now when local and state gov'ts are up for re-election.
It's time you lying --- trump supporters faced the truth.

Pro-Trump activists have been planning violence ahead of Portland protests, including at one to be held this weekend

Right-wing activists have been planning to carry out violence at anti-racism protests in Portland, including at one this weekend, according to leaked chat logs reviewed by The Guardian.

Members of the pro-Trump group Patriot Coalition used the messaging app GroupMe to discuss how to acquire weapons to bring to the Black Lives Matter protests. The logs were leaked to The Guardian by the anti-fascist group Eugene Antifa.

Eugene Antifa has also posted some of the group chat logs on its website.

"I saw someone say bats, mace, and stun guns are illegal downtown. If you're going to play by the books tomorrow night, we already lost," Mark Melchi, a 41-year-old Dallas, Oregon man wrote ahead of an August 22 rally, according to the Guardian. "We are here to make a change, laws will be broken, people will get hurt… It's lawlessness downtown, and people need to be prepared for bad things."

Melchi leads a militia he calls Group 1776 2.0, which has attended protests in Portland. In the chat, he has mentioned violence that his group has participated in.

"My Group 1776 2.0. Has been fighting Antifa in Seattle, Portland, for months", Melchi said. "This won't be a simple fist fight. People will get shot, stabbed and beat."

You trump supporters have lied consistently about these protests and have put all the blame on BLM when they are not the problem. So all you color blind non racist trump cult members are supporting fascism in the form of white supremacy.

93% of Black Lives Matter Protests Have Been Peaceful, New Report Finds

The vast majority of Black Lives Matter protests—more than 93%—have been peaceful, according to a new report published Thursday by a nonprofit that researches political violence and protests across the world.

The Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project (ACLED) analyzed more than 7,750 Black Lives Matter demonstrations in all 50 states and Washington D.C. that took place in the wake of George Floyd’s death between May 26 and August 22.

Their report states that more than 2,400 locations reported peaceful protests, while fewer than 220 reported “violent demonstrations.”
The authors define violent demonstrations as including “acts targeting other individuals, property, businesses, other rioting groups or armed actors.” Their definition includes anything from “fighting back against police” to vandalism, property destruction looting, road-blocking using barricades, burning tires or other materials. In cities where protests did turn violent—these demonstrations are “largely confined to specific blocks,” the report says.

The ACLED report includes protests toppling statues of “colonial figures, slave owners and Confederate leaders” as violent incidents. “Since Floyd’s killing, there have been at least 38 incidents in which demonstrators have significantly damaged or torn down memorials around the country,” the report states.

Still, many people continue to believe that Black Lives Matter protests are largely violent—contrary to the report’s findings. ACLED highlights a recent Morning Consult poll in which 42% of respondents believe “most protesters (associated with the BLM movement) are trying to incite violence or destroy property.” ACLED suggests this “disparity stems from political orientation and biased media framing… such as disproportionate coverage of violent demonstrations.”

93 percent of the protests have been peaceful. There has not been any widespread BLM violence. But there has been this:

White supremacy groups try to infiltrate recent protests and influence the narrative

As protests continue across the country over the police killing of George Floyd, white nationalist groups have been using the unrest to their advantage. This isn’t a new tactic. The Charlottesville protests in 2017 included Neo-Nazis, Klansman, and protesters from other alt-right groups.

But Trump blamed Antifa, a collection of people who protest fascism. And he’s blaming this disparate group of people again for today’s unrest.

It turns out that some of the groups involved in Charlottesville are also behind the violence in today’s protests.

The nonprofit Integrity First for America is suing the organizers of the Charlottesville “Unite The Right” rally for conspiring to commit violence. KCRW hears from the nonprofit’s executive director Amy Spitalnick.

KCRW: Where do you see some of the same white nationalist groups as with the Charlottesville Unite the Right rally in 2017 popping up now?

Amy Spitalnick: “It's really important to understand how these groups operate. Some are incredibly organized with military style hierarchies, and others are a little bit more amorphous. But the same trends we see throughout the board, whether it's in Charlottesville, or now, or the many other white supremacist attacks that have happened in between.

Just last night, a number of news outlets reported that a white supremacist group called Identity Europa, which is one of the defendants in our Charlottesville suit — they're the group that coined that phrase, "you will not replace us" — were posing as Antifa on Twitter to urge violence and looting during the protests.
Twitter suspended the account the other day, but that tweet had gone viral, and it set people off who were concerned about violence in their communities and allowed people — including the president — to then say that they were going to target Antifa, deploy the military and so on.

The ways in which we see these extremist groups trying to co-opt a moment like this and use it to spread not just disinformation, but also hate and actual violence, is a sad trend that has been happening over and over again over the last few years.”

Can you tell us more about the role of Identity Europa and what this organization is?

“There are a number of neo-Nazi and white supremacist groups that are focused around this idea of identity. The idea of a white identity, and Identity Europa, believes that there should be a white homeland. They believe in the white identity being superior to all other white supremacist group in that sense.

DHS/FBI have long determined that white supremacists are the number 1 domestic terror threat. Not BLM. And that's the way it is no matter how badly you want to stop blacks from using our first amendment right to protest state sanctioned killings of black people.
The whole premise of BLM is flawed.
1) the Police kill more than twice as many White suspects annually than they do Black suspects
2) Blacks murder more than twice as many Whites annually than Whites murder Blacks
3) the Press gives exponentially more coverage of White on Black crime than Black on White crime
4) there is a plethora public and private organization that protect Minorities from abuse and discrimination
5) they do not wait for an investigation of a Police incident before they start their violent riots
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It's time you lying --- trump supporters faced the truth.

Pro-Trump activists have been planning violence ahead of Portland protests, including at one to be held this weekend

Right-wing activists have been planning to carry out violence at anti-racism protests in Portland, including at one this weekend, according to leaked chat logs reviewed by The Guardian.

Members of the pro-Trump group Patriot Coalition used the messaging app GroupMe to discuss how to acquire weapons to bring to the Black Lives Matter protests. The logs were leaked to The Guardian by the anti-fascist group Eugene Antifa.

Eugene Antifa has also posted some of the group chat logs on its website.

"I saw someone say bats, mace, and stun guns are illegal downtown. If you're going to play by the books tomorrow night, we already lost," Mark Melchi, a 41-year-old Dallas, Oregon man wrote ahead of an August 22 rally, according to the Guardian. "We are here to make a change, laws will be broken, people will get hurt… It's lawlessness downtown, and people need to be prepared for bad things."

Melchi leads a militia he calls Group 1776 2.0, which has attended protests in Portland. In the chat, he has mentioned violence that his group has participated in.

"My Group 1776 2.0. Has been fighting Antifa in Seattle, Portland, for months", Melchi said. "This won't be a simple fist fight. People will get shot, stabbed and beat."

You trump supporters have lied consistently about these protests and have put all the blame on BLM when they are not the problem. So all you color blind non racist trump cult members are supporting fascism in the form of white supremacy.

93% of Black Lives Matter Protests Have Been Peaceful, New Report Finds

The vast majority of Black Lives Matter protests—more than 93%—have been peaceful, according to a new report published Thursday by a nonprofit that researches political violence and protests across the world.

The Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project (ACLED) analyzed more than 7,750 Black Lives Matter demonstrations in all 50 states and Washington D.C. that took place in the wake of George Floyd’s death between May 26 and August 22.

Their report states that more than 2,400 locations reported peaceful protests, while fewer than 220 reported “violent demonstrations.”
The authors define violent demonstrations as including “acts targeting other individuals, property, businesses, other rioting groups or armed actors.” Their definition includes anything from “fighting back against police” to vandalism, property destruction looting, road-blocking using barricades, burning tires or other materials. In cities where protests did turn violent—these demonstrations are “largely confined to specific blocks,” the report says.

The ACLED report includes protests toppling statues of “colonial figures, slave owners and Confederate leaders” as violent incidents. “Since Floyd’s killing, there have been at least 38 incidents in which demonstrators have significantly damaged or torn down memorials around the country,” the report states.

Still, many people continue to believe that Black Lives Matter protests are largely violent—contrary to the report’s findings. ACLED highlights a recent Morning Consult poll in which 42% of respondents believe “most protesters (associated with the BLM movement) are trying to incite violence or destroy property.” ACLED suggests this “disparity stems from political orientation and biased media framing… such as disproportionate coverage of violent demonstrations.”

93 percent of the protests have been peaceful. There has not been any widespread BLM violence. But there has been this:

White supremacy groups try to infiltrate recent protests and influence the narrative

As protests continue across the country over the police killing of George Floyd, white nationalist groups have been using the unrest to their advantage. This isn’t a new tactic. The Charlottesville protests in 2017 included Neo-Nazis, Klansman, and protesters from other alt-right groups.

But Trump blamed Antifa, a collection of people who protest fascism. And he’s blaming this disparate group of people again for today’s unrest.

It turns out that some of the groups involved in Charlottesville are also behind the violence in today’s protests.

The nonprofit Integrity First for America is suing the organizers of the Charlottesville “Unite The Right” rally for conspiring to commit violence. KCRW hears from the nonprofit’s executive director Amy Spitalnick.

KCRW: Where do you see some of the same white nationalist groups as with the Charlottesville Unite the Right rally in 2017 popping up now?

Amy Spitalnick: “It's really important to understand how these groups operate. Some are incredibly organized with military style hierarchies, and others are a little bit more amorphous. But the same trends we see throughout the board, whether it's in Charlottesville, or now, or the many other white supremacist attacks that have happened in between.

Just last night, a number of news outlets reported that a white supremacist group called Identity Europa, which is one of the defendants in our Charlottesville suit — they're the group that coined that phrase, "you will not replace us" — were posing as Antifa on Twitter to urge violence and looting during the protests.
Twitter suspended the account the other day, but that tweet had gone viral, and it set people off who were concerned about violence in their communities and allowed people — including the president — to then say that they were going to target Antifa, deploy the military and so on.

The ways in which we see these extremist groups trying to co-opt a moment like this and use it to spread not just disinformation, but also hate and actual violence, is a sad trend that has been happening over and over again over the last few years.”

Can you tell us more about the role of Identity Europa and what this organization is?

“There are a number of neo-Nazi and white supremacist groups that are focused around this idea of identity. The idea of a white identity, and Identity Europa, believes that there should be a white homeland. They believe in the white identity being superior to all other white supremacist group in that sense.

DHS/FBI have long determined that white supremacists are the number 1 domestic terror threat. Not BLM. And that's the way it is no matter how badly you want to stop blacks from using our first amendment right to protest state sanctioned killings of black people.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Too Damn Funny!

87% of BLACKS WANT MORE LAW ENFORCEMENT, not less ... Your fantasies dont add up to the reality at street level... You also belevie that those you intimidate wont vote differntly in secret to protect themselves and thier families? You are one sick bastard that thinks blacks must vote democrat OR ELSE!
It's time you lying --- trump supporters faced the truth.

Pro-Trump activists have been planning violence ahead of Portland protests, including at one to be held this weekend

Right-wing activists have been planning to carry out violence at anti-racism protests in Portland, including at one this weekend, according to leaked chat logs reviewed by The Guardian.

Members of the pro-Trump group Patriot Coalition used the messaging app GroupMe to discuss how to acquire weapons to bring to the Black Lives Matter protests. The logs were leaked to The Guardian by the anti-fascist group Eugene Antifa.

Eugene Antifa has also posted some of the group chat logs on its website.

"I saw someone say bats, mace, and stun guns are illegal downtown. If you're going to play by the books tomorrow night, we already lost," Mark Melchi, a 41-year-old Dallas, Oregon man wrote ahead of an August 22 rally, according to the Guardian. "We are here to make a change, laws will be broken, people will get hurt… It's lawlessness downtown, and people need to be prepared for bad things."

Melchi leads a militia he calls Group 1776 2.0, which has attended protests in Portland. In the chat, he has mentioned violence that his group has participated in.

"My Group 1776 2.0. Has been fighting Antifa in Seattle, Portland, for months", Melchi said. "This won't be a simple fist fight. People will get shot, stabbed and beat."

You trump supporters have lied consistently about these protests and have put all the blame on BLM when they are not the problem. So all you color blind non racist trump cult members are supporting fascism in the form of white supremacy.

93% of Black Lives Matter Protests Have Been Peaceful, New Report Finds

The vast majority of Black Lives Matter protests—more than 93%—have been peaceful, according to a new report published Thursday by a nonprofit that researches political violence and protests across the world.

The Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project (ACLED) analyzed more than 7,750 Black Lives Matter demonstrations in all 50 states and Washington D.C. that took place in the wake of George Floyd’s death between May 26 and August 22.

Their report states that more than 2,400 locations reported peaceful protests, while fewer than 220 reported “violent demonstrations.”
The authors define violent demonstrations as including “acts targeting other individuals, property, businesses, other rioting groups or armed actors.” Their definition includes anything from “fighting back against police” to vandalism, property destruction looting, road-blocking using barricades, burning tires or other materials. In cities where protests did turn violent—these demonstrations are “largely confined to specific blocks,” the report says.

The ACLED report includes protests toppling statues of “colonial figures, slave owners and Confederate leaders” as violent incidents. “Since Floyd’s killing, there have been at least 38 incidents in which demonstrators have significantly damaged or torn down memorials around the country,” the report states.

Still, many people continue to believe that Black Lives Matter protests are largely violent—contrary to the report’s findings. ACLED highlights a recent Morning Consult poll in which 42% of respondents believe “most protesters (associated with the BLM movement) are trying to incite violence or destroy property.” ACLED suggests this “disparity stems from political orientation and biased media framing… such as disproportionate coverage of violent demonstrations.”

93 percent of the protests have been peaceful. There has not been any widespread BLM violence. But there has been this:

White supremacy groups try to infiltrate recent protests and influence the narrative

As protests continue across the country over the police killing of George Floyd, white nationalist groups have been using the unrest to their advantage. This isn’t a new tactic. The Charlottesville protests in 2017 included Neo-Nazis, Klansman, and protesters from other alt-right groups.

But Trump blamed Antifa, a collection of people who protest fascism. And he’s blaming this disparate group of people again for today’s unrest.

It turns out that some of the groups involved in Charlottesville are also behind the violence in today’s protests.

The nonprofit Integrity First for America is suing the organizers of the Charlottesville “Unite The Right” rally for conspiring to commit violence. KCRW hears from the nonprofit’s executive director Amy Spitalnick.

KCRW: Where do you see some of the same white nationalist groups as with the Charlottesville Unite the Right rally in 2017 popping up now?

Amy Spitalnick: “It's really important to understand how these groups operate. Some are incredibly organized with military style hierarchies, and others are a little bit more amorphous. But the same trends we see throughout the board, whether it's in Charlottesville, or now, or the many other white supremacist attacks that have happened in between.

Just last night, a number of news outlets reported that a white supremacist group called Identity Europa, which is one of the defendants in our Charlottesville suit — they're the group that coined that phrase, "you will not replace us" — were posing as Antifa on Twitter to urge violence and looting during the protests.
Twitter suspended the account the other day, but that tweet had gone viral, and it set people off who were concerned about violence in their communities and allowed people — including the president — to then say that they were going to target Antifa, deploy the military and so on.

The ways in which we see these extremist groups trying to co-opt a moment like this and use it to spread not just disinformation, but also hate and actual violence, is a sad trend that has been happening over and over again over the last few years.”

Can you tell us more about the role of Identity Europa and what this organization is?

“There are a number of neo-Nazi and white supremacist groups that are focused around this idea of identity. The idea of a white identity, and Identity Europa, believes that there should be a white homeland. They believe in the white identity being superior to all other white supremacist group in that sense.

DHS/FBI have long determined that white supremacists are the number 1 domestic terror threat. Not BLM. And that's the way it is no matter how badly you want to stop blacks from using our first amendment right to protest state sanctioned killings of black people.

Yeah, you're survey is complete Bull Shit, when people turn on the news every night for the past 4 months now, and see with their own eyes what is happening...
5) they do not wait for an investigation of a Police incident before they start their violent riots
This is the one that gives it away... Emotionally driven politics is mob rule.. We are a nation of laws which means we follow the facts not the hate driven mob... At some point the general populace will rise up and take out these vermin.. Either we return to law and order or we enter the realm of vigilante justice... That wont end well for anyone.
DHS/FBI have long determined that white supremacists are the number 1 domestic terror threat. Not BLM. And that's the way it is no matter how badly you want to stop blacks from using our first amendment right to protest state sanctioned killings of black people.
Hey dumb did the "Patriot Coalition" get Hawk Newsome, Greater NY BLM Chairman, to stand at a podium in NY city with a microphone to tell followers they (BLM) would "burn down America" unless their demands were met?

Did some patriots stick their hands up his ass and work his mouth like a puppet?
You can tell people not to believe their own lying eyes but I doubt anyone listens to such stupid shit.

Maybe BLM should take some responsibility for drug dealers who die in shoot out with cops?
Maybe you should stop acting like a fool.
It's time you lying --- trump supporters faced the truth.

Pro-Trump activists have been planning violence ahead of Portland protests, including at one to be held this weekend

Right-wing activists have been planning to carry out violence at anti-racism protests in Portland, including at one this weekend, according to leaked chat logs reviewed by The Guardian.

Members of the pro-Trump group Patriot Coalition used the messaging app GroupMe to discuss how to acquire weapons to bring to the Black Lives Matter protests. The logs were leaked to The Guardian by the anti-fascist group Eugene Antifa.

Eugene Antifa has also posted some of the group chat logs on its website.

"I saw someone say bats, mace, and stun guns are illegal downtown. If you're going to play by the books tomorrow night, we already lost," Mark Melchi, a 41-year-old Dallas, Oregon man wrote ahead of an August 22 rally, according to the Guardian. "We are here to make a change, laws will be broken, people will get hurt… It's lawlessness downtown, and people need to be prepared for bad things."

Melchi leads a militia he calls Group 1776 2.0, which has attended protests in Portland. In the chat, he has mentioned violence that his group has participated in.

"My Group 1776 2.0. Has been fighting Antifa in Seattle, Portland, for months", Melchi said. "This won't be a simple fist fight. People will get shot, stabbed and beat."

You trump supporters have lied consistently about these protests and have put all the blame on BLM when they are not the problem. So all you color blind non racist trump cult members are supporting fascism in the form of white supremacy.

93% of Black Lives Matter Protests Have Been Peaceful, New Report Finds

The vast majority of Black Lives Matter protests—more than 93%—have been peaceful, according to a new report published Thursday by a nonprofit that researches political violence and protests across the world.

The Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project (ACLED) analyzed more than 7,750 Black Lives Matter demonstrations in all 50 states and Washington D.C. that took place in the wake of George Floyd’s death between May 26 and August 22.

Their report states that more than 2,400 locations reported peaceful protests, while fewer than 220 reported “violent demonstrations.”
The authors define violent demonstrations as including “acts targeting other individuals, property, businesses, other rioting groups or armed actors.” Their definition includes anything from “fighting back against police” to vandalism, property destruction looting, road-blocking using barricades, burning tires or other materials. In cities where protests did turn violent—these demonstrations are “largely confined to specific blocks,” the report says.

The ACLED report includes protests toppling statues of “colonial figures, slave owners and Confederate leaders” as violent incidents. “Since Floyd’s killing, there have been at least 38 incidents in which demonstrators have significantly damaged or torn down memorials around the country,” the report states.

Still, many people continue to believe that Black Lives Matter protests are largely violent—contrary to the report’s findings. ACLED highlights a recent Morning Consult poll in which 42% of respondents believe “most protesters (associated with the BLM movement) are trying to incite violence or destroy property.” ACLED suggests this “disparity stems from political orientation and biased media framing… such as disproportionate coverage of violent demonstrations.”

93 percent of the protests have been peaceful. There has not been any widespread BLM violence. But there has been this:

White supremacy groups try to infiltrate recent protests and influence the narrative

As protests continue across the country over the police killing of George Floyd, white nationalist groups have been using the unrest to their advantage. This isn’t a new tactic. The Charlottesville protests in 2017 included Neo-Nazis, Klansman, and protesters from other alt-right groups.

But Trump blamed Antifa, a collection of people who protest fascism. And he’s blaming this disparate group of people again for today’s unrest.

It turns out that some of the groups involved in Charlottesville are also behind the violence in today’s protests.

The nonprofit Integrity First for America is suing the organizers of the Charlottesville “Unite The Right” rally for conspiring to commit violence. KCRW hears from the nonprofit’s executive director Amy Spitalnick.

KCRW: Where do you see some of the same white nationalist groups as with the Charlottesville Unite the Right rally in 2017 popping up now?

Amy Spitalnick: “It's really important to understand how these groups operate. Some are incredibly organized with military style hierarchies, and others are a little bit more amorphous. But the same trends we see throughout the board, whether it's in Charlottesville, or now, or the many other white supremacist attacks that have happened in between.

Just last night, a number of news outlets reported that a white supremacist group called Identity Europa, which is one of the defendants in our Charlottesville suit — they're the group that coined that phrase, "you will not replace us" — were posing as Antifa on Twitter to urge violence and looting during the protests.
Twitter suspended the account the other day, but that tweet had gone viral, and it set people off who were concerned about violence in their communities and allowed people — including the president — to then say that they were going to target Antifa, deploy the military and so on.

The ways in which we see these extremist groups trying to co-opt a moment like this and use it to spread not just disinformation, but also hate and actual violence, is a sad trend that has been happening over and over again over the last few years.”

Can you tell us more about the role of Identity Europa and what this organization is?

“There are a number of neo-Nazi and white supremacist groups that are focused around this idea of identity. The idea of a white identity, and Identity Europa, believes that there should be a white homeland. They believe in the white identity being superior to all other white supremacist group in that sense.

DHS/FBI have long determined that white supremacists are the number 1 domestic terror threat. Not BLM. And that's the way it is no matter how badly you want to stop blacks from using our first amendment right to protest state sanctioned killings of black people.
This will doubtless surprise you, but most white people at least do not approve of the killing of cops.
There are two kinds of people.

Those who can defend themselves against BLM, and those who can't.
People all across America are waking up to the reality BLM is a violent mob of Marxist losers who just want to destroy America. They had support from most of the country when most people bought into the FakeNews spin of the death of Fentanyl Floyd. Then months of non-stop violence and exposing themselves for what they really are has turned the tables.

Forty-four percent of poll respondents said they disapprove of the protests, and only 39 percent approve of them. This marks a dramatic decline of support for the Black Lives Matter protests over the past three months. When the same question was asked by the same polling organization in June, 54 percent of poll respondents said they approved of the protests, while only 32 percent said they disapproved.

This represents a huge swing of 27 points against the Black Lives Matter protests, from a +22 point approval rating in June to a -5 point approval rating in September.

Now BLM has a worse approval rating than before Saint Fentanyl Floyd.

Good job lefties. Keep up the rioting.

Craters. Seems like the appropriate word.
People all across America are waking up to the reality BLM is a violent mob of Marxist losers who just want to destroy America. They had support from most of the country when most people bought into the FakeNews spin of the death of Fentanyl Floyd. Then months of non-stop violence and exposing themselves for what they really are has turned the tables.

Forty-four percent of poll respondents said they disapprove of the protests, and only 39 percent approve of them. This marks a dramatic decline of support for the Black Lives Matter protests over the past three months. When the same question was asked by the same polling organization in June, 54 percent of poll respondents said they approved of the protests, while only 32 percent said they disapproved.

This represents a huge swing of 27 points against the Black Lives Matter protests, from a +22 point approval rating in June to a -5 point approval rating in September.

Now BLM has a worse approval rating than before Saint Fentanyl Floyd.

Good job lefties. Keep up the rioting.
Wow, that puts them down there close to tRump.

That is bad.
I doubt neither get elected president.
Biden or Kommie?

What sane American Citizen embraces BLM when one of its founders is a trained Marxist?


I see they removed their Marxists incriminating evidence. But it can still be found with a little effort!

Bottom line is, Patrisse Cullors, is a self proclaimed Marxist and was at the top of the BLM leadership!

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People all across America are waking up to the reality BLM is a violent mob of Marxist losers who just want to destroy America. They had support from most of the country when most people bought into the FakeNews spin of the death of Fentanyl Floyd. Then months of non-stop violence and exposing themselves for what they really are has turned the tables.

Forty-four percent of poll respondents said they disapprove of the protests, and only 39 percent approve of them. This marks a dramatic decline of support for the Black Lives Matter protests over the past three months. When the same question was asked by the same polling organization in June, 54 percent of poll respondents said they approved of the protests, while only 32 percent said they disapproved.

This represents a huge swing of 27 points against the Black Lives Matter protests, from a +22 point approval rating in June to a -5 point approval rating in September.

Now BLM has a worse approval rating than before Saint Fentanyl Floyd.

Good job lefties. Keep up the rioting.
Wow, that puts them down there close to tRump.

That is bad.
I doubt neither get elected president.
Biden or Kommie?
Do you know who's running for president?

Do you understand how it works here?

Where are you posting from, anyway?
It's time you lying --- trump supporters faced the truth.

Pro-Trump activists have been planning violence ahead of Portland protests, including at one to be held this weekend

Right-wing activists have been planning to carry out violence at anti-racism protests in Portland, including at one this weekend, according to leaked chat logs reviewed by The Guardian.

Members of the pro-Trump group Patriot Coalition used the messaging app GroupMe to discuss how to acquire weapons to bring to the Black Lives Matter protests. The logs were leaked to The Guardian by the anti-fascist group Eugene Antifa.

Eugene Antifa has also posted some of the group chat logs on its website.

"I saw someone say bats, mace, and stun guns are illegal downtown. If you're going to play by the books tomorrow night, we already lost," Mark Melchi, a 41-year-old Dallas, Oregon man wrote ahead of an August 22 rally, according to the Guardian. "We are here to make a change, laws will be broken, people will get hurt… It's lawlessness downtown, and people need to be prepared for bad things."

Melchi leads a militia he calls Group 1776 2.0, which has attended protests in Portland. In the chat, he has mentioned violence that his group has participated in.

"My Group 1776 2.0. Has been fighting Antifa in Seattle, Portland, for months", Melchi said. "This won't be a simple fist fight. People will get shot, stabbed and beat."

You trump supporters have lied consistently about these protests and have put all the blame on BLM when they are not the problem. So all you color blind non racist trump cult members are supporting fascism in the form of white supremacy.

93% of Black Lives Matter Protests Have Been Peaceful, New Report Finds

The vast majority of Black Lives Matter protests—more than 93%—have been peaceful, according to a new report published Thursday by a nonprofit that researches political violence and protests across the world.

The Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project (ACLED) analyzed more than 7,750 Black Lives Matter demonstrations in all 50 states and Washington D.C. that took place in the wake of George Floyd’s death between May 26 and August 22.

Their report states that more than 2,400 locations reported peaceful protests, while fewer than 220 reported “violent demonstrations.”
The authors define violent demonstrations as including “acts targeting other individuals, property, businesses, other rioting groups or armed actors.” Their definition includes anything from “fighting back against police” to vandalism, property destruction looting, road-blocking using barricades, burning tires or other materials. In cities where protests did turn violent—these demonstrations are “largely confined to specific blocks,” the report says.

The ACLED report includes protests toppling statues of “colonial figures, slave owners and Confederate leaders” as violent incidents. “Since Floyd’s killing, there have been at least 38 incidents in which demonstrators have significantly damaged or torn down memorials around the country,” the report states.

Still, many people continue to believe that Black Lives Matter protests are largely violent—contrary to the report’s findings. ACLED highlights a recent Morning Consult poll in which 42% of respondents believe “most protesters (associated with the BLM movement) are trying to incite violence or destroy property.” ACLED suggests this “disparity stems from political orientation and biased media framing… such as disproportionate coverage of violent demonstrations.”

93 percent of the protests have been peaceful. There has not been any widespread BLM violence. But there has been this:

White supremacy groups try to infiltrate recent protests and influence the narrative

As protests continue across the country over the police killing of George Floyd, white nationalist groups have been using the unrest to their advantage. This isn’t a new tactic. The Charlottesville protests in 2017 included Neo-Nazis, Klansman, and protesters from other alt-right groups.

But Trump blamed Antifa, a collection of people who protest fascism. And he’s blaming this disparate group of people again for today’s unrest.

It turns out that some of the groups involved in Charlottesville are also behind the violence in today’s protests.

The nonprofit Integrity First for America is suing the organizers of the Charlottesville “Unite The Right” rally for conspiring to commit violence. KCRW hears from the nonprofit’s executive director Amy Spitalnick.

KCRW: Where do you see some of the same white nationalist groups as with the Charlottesville Unite the Right rally in 2017 popping up now?

Amy Spitalnick: “It's really important to understand how these groups operate. Some are incredibly organized with military style hierarchies, and others are a little bit more amorphous. But the same trends we see throughout the board, whether it's in Charlottesville, or now, or the many other white supremacist attacks that have happened in between.

Just last night, a number of news outlets reported that a white supremacist group called Identity Europa, which is one of the defendants in our Charlottesville suit — they're the group that coined that phrase, "you will not replace us" — were posing as Antifa on Twitter to urge violence and looting during the protests.
Twitter suspended the account the other day, but that tweet had gone viral, and it set people off who were concerned about violence in their communities and allowed people — including the president — to then say that they were going to target Antifa, deploy the military and so on.

The ways in which we see these extremist groups trying to co-opt a moment like this and use it to spread not just disinformation, but also hate and actual violence, is a sad trend that has been happening over and over again over the last few years.”

Can you tell us more about the role of Identity Europa and what this organization is?

“There are a number of neo-Nazi and white supremacist groups that are focused around this idea of identity. The idea of a white identity, and Identity Europa, believes that there should be a white homeland. They believe in the white identity being superior to all other white supremacist group in that sense.

DHS/FBI have long determined that white supremacists are the number 1 domestic terror threat. Not BLM. And that's the way it is no matter how badly you want to stop blacks from using our first amendment right to protest state sanctioned killings of black people.

BLM has been disrupting white diners in restaurants and intimidating them to repeat “Black Lives Matter”. Black Lives Matter has been obstructing/traffic along with their ANTIFA brethren. BLM has encouraged and justified rioting as a form of reparations.

BLM is not 100 percent peaceful.

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