Blah Blah Blah

I think I can go another year with out an Obama press conference ,10 minutes verbal diarrhea to simple questions .

First they bitch that he hasn't held enough press conferences. Then, when he does, they bitch about it's content. Will you just STFU, already? Jesus!
The longer he takes to answer a question, the fewer questions he has to field and it becomes less likely that anyone will ask about Sestak. That being said...

This is a press conference he should have had thirty days ago. Then it would have given the appearance of leadership, now it just looks like damage control.
I think I can go another year with out an Obama press conference ,10 minutes verbal diarrhea to simple questions .

Indeed. Plug the Hole!

The longer he takes to answer a question, the fewer questions he has to field and it becomes less likely that anyone will ask about Sestak. That being said...

This is a press conference he should have had thirty days ago. Then it would have given the appearance of leadership, now it just looks like damage control.

Ding Ding Ding we have a winner.
He wants people who are Operating at the Highest Level to Get Things Done Without Blaming Others.

Why doesn't he apply that to himself?
POLITICO Breaking News: ( via my email )

President Barack Obama defended his handling of the BP oil spill, saying that critics who think the federal government's response has been sluggish "don't know the facts. … The day that the rig collapsed and fell to the bottom of the ocean, I had my team in the Oval Office that first day. Those who think that we were either slow on our response or lacked urgency don't know the facts. This has been our highest priority since this crisis occurred," Obama said at a news conference.

Oh really? And that's why it's taken you this long to have a press conference? set up the...Flow....Tracking....Group

But that didn't change anything.

He can't speak without TOTUS.
Helen Thomas, God bless her, she annoys me to know end but I will give her this: She is intimidated by no President.
Indeed. It's good to see a feisty ol' gal take on Obambi.
He really thinks that Government should be able to prevent anything bad from happening anywhere at anytime if we just make it Big Enough.
He wants to do a thorough scrub of the assumptions to see what went wrong with the oil spill - why not apply the same rigor to seeing what assumptions have been proven wrong with his dismal economic policies which have kept unemployment extraordinarily and unexpectedly high?
What a weasel. He doesn't endorse or not endorse boycotts (in response to a question about boycotting AZ).
I also am tired of this nonsense regarding holding employers accountable. Employers are already accountable for doing an I-9 verification to hire employees, which consists of ID documents such as Drivers licenses, passports etc. If all states actually required proof of legal residency and had better anti-counterfeiting technology, these forms of ID would be more reliable. At my last company, we actually got to the point of running background checks on everyone before making a job offer due to this problem.

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