Blacks in 2008 did not vote for Obama, they voted for his black skin


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina
Pretty simple concept. Obama has policies that harm blacks he believes in things most blacks do not believe in. In 2008 they voted for him cause he happened to be black. Now in 2012 black preachers of predominately conservative churches are telling their members NOT to vote for Obama. Because he sold them out.
Do you think the blacks are going to take it out on the whites once Romney wins the election?

Not to be racist, but that could happen.
I'm white so I'm gonna vote for Mittens.

Such a childish lefty. Obama won the first time with the Support of white Voters. Many, Many people who supported him last time, simply are not this time.

I am sure you will not let the fact that they Voted for Obama in 2008, Stop you from saying they voted against him this time because they are Racists.

Because in the end, Name calling, and the Race card. Is all you got.
Do you think the blacks are going to take it out on the whites once Romney wins the election?

Not to be racist, but that could happen.

Not at all. Though I think the Left might try to. Blacks are Reasonable people, Hell actually very Conservative on Many Social Issues. I think if Obama loses they will realize that he lost because he deserved to.
Do you think the blacks are going to take it out on the whites once Romney wins the election?

Not to be racist, but that could happen.

Not at all. Though I think the Left might try to. Blacks are Reasonable people, Hell actually very Conservative on Many Social Issues. I think if Obama loses they will realize that he lost because he deserved to.

What? How can you say blacks are conservative? Haven't you been listening to the slave/master/plantation talk being spouted by Republicans? It's blacks' liberal loyalty and dumbness that makes them vote Democrat.:doubt:
Do you think the blacks are going to take it out on the whites once Romney wins the election?

Not to be racist, but that could happen.

Not at all. Though I think the Left might try to. Blacks are Reasonable people, Hell actually very Conservative on Many Social Issues. I think if Obama loses they will realize that he lost because he deserved to.

What? How can you say blacks are conservative? Haven't you been listening to the slave/master/plantation talk being spouted by Republicans? It's blacks' liberal loyalty and dumbness that makes them vote Democrat.:doubt:

You forgot "because blacks like free stuff".
Not at all. Though I think the Left might try to. Blacks are Reasonable people, Hell actually very Conservative on Many Social Issues. I think if Obama loses they will realize that he lost because he deserved to.

What? How can you say blacks are conservative? Haven't you been listening to the slave/master/plantation talk being spouted by Republicans? It's blacks' liberal loyalty and dumbness that makes them vote Democrat.:doubt:

You forgot "because blacks like free stuff".

Oops. Forgot about the free stuff. My Obama phone was ringing.
I should start a thread and add links to all the threads of excuses for an Obama reelection.

#1 is because he's black.
#2 white guilt
#3 election fraud

Shockingly, what hasn't been mentioned is any problems with the GOP or Romney :rolleyes:

#4 Hurricane Sandy/Chris Christie
Pretty simple concept. Obama has policies that harm blacks he believes in things most blacks do not believe in. In 2008 they voted for him cause he happened to be black. Now in 2012 black preachers of predominately conservative churches are telling their members NOT to vote for Obama. Because he sold them out.

Isn't that illegal, not that I'm surprised you champion it.

Black people tend to vote for democrats and not skin color. Why does that surprise you?
Romney Pushed Boundaries of 'Acceptable Racism' to Extremes

By Adele M. Stan

The Republican Party is treading back into the racism of Reconstruction.

A decade from now, if I'm asked to name the most memorable thing about the 2012 presidential campaign, it will probably be the sheer mendacity of Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s rhetoric, lie piled upon lie.

But if asked what one thing about the 2012 campaign most impacted everyday American life, one answer stands out above all others: racism. The wink-wink racial coding Romney uses, combined with the unabashed racism of such surrogates as former Bush administration chief of staff John Sununu, adds up to quite a wash of race-baited waters over the campaign. Then add to that the steady stream of racist rhetoric that characterized the Republican presidential primary campaign, and the wash looks more like a stew set on simmer for the better part of a year.

Much More: Romney Pushed Boundaries of 'Acceptable Racism' to Extremes | Alternet

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