Black Women Are Less Attractive

Ho or not, you pay for a woman, at least with the ho you pay upfront ya di nig?
hillbillies? Where the fuck do you live? LOL

Where I come from, there is no hillbillies or country ass n*ggas like yourself. We got pussy ass crackas and jewboys primarily, and hoodrats and homo oreos.

I just don't buy your line though. I just don't see white women going with black guys that much where I am at. I mean, some vote Obama and all, but they don't hang around black guys mostly unless they are oreos or homos(usually both). At my university the white girls that hung around black athletes were considered damaged goods.

It is funny, your initial claims are that white women aren't the pinnacle of beauty, black women are. But all you seem to be talking about is bragging how you bagged white women(which you guys view as trophies), and how big of whores black women are.

In this effort to piss me off(for some reason you think I care who you sleep with, I don't). You are just confirming that white women are the pinnacle as far as looks go.

I'd say I PO'd you pretty good. You asked about white women. Where did I ever say I "bagged" them? Thats a disgusting term. If me sleeping with white women make you so mad that you consider them damaged goods I can understand that. It shows exactly how much it bothers you. Yes there are Black women that are hoes just like there are a bunch of white women that are hoes. Yes I said Black women were the pinnacle of beauty. Why does that get your panties in a bunch? The OP says they aren't attractive. Too me thats funny considering the history of Black women and white men. You hill billies cant get them unless you pay for them or rape them which you have done aplenty.

No, it doesn't bother me. The only thing is you are calling me a hillbilly, when I am from los angeles, and said I don't know any hillbillies, and I went to college in another major american city, no hillbillies there. In fact, in the parts of the country where I am and was, there were very few blacks, thankfully(Mostly Whites, Asians, Latinos). So all these assumptions you make about hillbillies, black whores, and blacks sleeping with hillbilly women are things I couldn't speak to. I will have to take your word on them.

No one is mad at the girls, it is the way it is, people live their life and make their own choices on who they sleep with. But you aren't speaking well to your point about black women being the pinnacle of beauty by mostly talking of them as whores that are bought and sold on the reg and all the white women you boned. It seems you are saying the opposite.

Dude I know you turned bright pink when I mentioned the white women I had slept with in answer to someones statement or question. You lie when you say it doesnt bother you but turn around and call white women damaged goods for sleeping with Black men? You can pretend to the board it doesn't bother you but practically everyone knows the truth. :lol: It will be ok little guy.
I'd say I PO'd you pretty good. You asked about white women. Where did I ever say I "bagged" them? Thats a disgusting term. If me sleeping with white women make you so mad that you consider them damaged goods I can understand that. It shows exactly how much it bothers you. Yes there are Black women that are hoes just like there are a bunch of white women that are hoes. Yes I said Black women were the pinnacle of beauty. Why does that get your panties in a bunch? The OP says they aren't attractive. Too me thats funny considering the history of Black women and white men. You hill billies cant get them unless you pay for them or rape them which you have done aplenty.

No, it doesn't bother me. The only thing is you are calling me a hillbilly, when I am from los angeles, and said I don't know any hillbillies, and I went to college in another major american city, no hillbillies there. In fact, in the parts of the country where I am and was, there were very few blacks, thankfully(Mostly Whites, Asians, Latinos). So all these assumptions you make about hillbillies, black whores, and blacks sleeping with hillbilly women are things I couldn't speak to. I will have to take your word on them.

No one is mad at the girls, it is the way it is, people live their life and make their own choices on who they sleep with. But you aren't speaking well to your point about black women being the pinnacle of beauty by mostly talking of them as whores that are bought and sold on the reg and all the white women you boned. It seems you are saying the opposite.

Dude I know you turned bright pink when I mentioned the white women I had slept with in answer to someones statement or question. You lie when you say it doesnt bother you but turn around and call white women damaged goods for sleeping with Black men? You can pretend to the board it doesn't bother you but practically everyone knows the truth. :lol: It will be ok little guy.

I turned pink? Wouldn't it be red? I am not pink, lol.

But why should I be mad over damaged goods? Why should it make me mad you want to have sex with white women and place value in it? It only makes sense, since you view them as the pinnacle of beauty. Whether a guy is black, asian, latino, arab etc, it doesn't bother me. They are just following biological urges

But why do you keep talking about White women if they aren't the pinnacle of beauty?
This man has science, you just have conjecture. I am going with the Asian scientist on this one until you do a study of your own.

And the only real history between black women and white men is white slavemasters knocking them up and create a lot of the blacks we see today. And apparently according to you that carries on today, at an even higher level with white hillbillies buying your women.

So what I get from this is you disagree and agree with the OP at the same time? Personally i would not be able to have sex with someone I am not attracted to. The very fact that white men had to resort to rape or paying for it from a hooker to get some makes your hill billy argument weak. Face it. You love Black women.
This man has science, you just have conjecture. I am going with the Asian scientist on this one until you do a study of your own.

And the only real history between black women and white men is white slavemasters knocking them up and create a lot of the blacks we see today. And apparently according to you that carries on today, at an even higher level with white hillbillies buying your women.

So what I get from this is you disagree and agree with the OP at the same time? Personally i would not be able to have sex with someone I am not attracted to. The very fact that white men had to resort to rape or paying for it from a hooker to get some makes your hill billy argument weak. Face it. You love Black women.

No, I agree with the OP, Whites and Asians are the most attractive. Just because slavemasters were having sex with their property, doesn't mean they viewed their property as the pinnacle of beauty, they just viewed it as a convenient hit and quit with no consequences.

Most whites aren't related to slavemasters. Something like 1-2% of White Americans had family that owned slaves. I am in that 98%. And most whites aren't hillbillies. Where are these hillbillies buying black whores in mass? Where are you from?
East Asian women are very attractive. There seems to be some sort of correlation between the attractiveness of races and their intellagence [sic].


You must look like ten miles of bad road.

Have no idea what that means, but don't give a rat's ass. I was not raised in a politically correct environment nor had the doubtful assistance of US public education, so I can confidently speak for myself. Blacks are by far the least intelligent and attractive variety of the human species. I would certainly not call them sub-human, but they have, with few exceptions, little attraction for me.

Of course this means nothing. It is my view and my view alone, and if you don't like it you are welcome to whine about it or kiss my ass.
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No, it doesn't bother me. The only thing is you are calling me a hillbilly, when I am from los angeles, and said I don't know any hillbillies, and I went to college in another major american city, no hillbillies there. In fact, in the parts of the country where I am and was, there were very few blacks, thankfully(Mostly Whites, Asians, Latinos). So all these assumptions you make about hillbillies, black whores, and blacks sleeping with hillbilly women are things I couldn't speak to. I will have to take your word on them.

No one is mad at the girls, it is the way it is, people live their life and make their own choices on who they sleep with. But you aren't speaking well to your point about black women being the pinnacle of beauty by mostly talking of them as whores that are bought and sold on the reg and all the white women you boned. It seems you are saying the opposite.

Dude I know you turned bright pink when I mentioned the white women I had slept with in answer to someones statement or question. You lie when you say it doesnt bother you but turn around and call white women damaged goods for sleeping with Black men? You can pretend to the board it doesn't bother you but practically everyone knows the truth. :lol: It will be ok little guy.

I turned pink? Wouldn't it be red? I am not pink, lol.

But why should I be mad over damaged goods? Why should it make me mad you want to have sex with white women and place value in it? It only makes sense, since you view them as the pinnacle of beauty. Whether a guy is black, asian, latino, arab etc, it doesn't bother me. They are just following biological urges

But why do you keep talking about White women if they aren't the pinnacle of beauty?

I keep bringing white women up because you do. They give it willingly while you guys had to rape and pay for it. I know from experience it bothers you. Again please explain your stance on how a white woman is damaged goods for sleeping with a Black man? I'll be waiting for your explanation.
This man has science, you just have conjecture. I am going with the Asian scientist on this one until you do a study of your own.

And the only real history between black women and white men is white slavemasters knocking them up and create a lot of the blacks we see today. And apparently according to you that carries on today, at an even higher level with white hillbillies buying your women.

So what I get from this is you disagree and agree with the OP at the same time? Personally i would not be able to have sex with someone I am not attracted to. The very fact that white men had to resort to rape or paying for it from a hooker to get some makes your hill billy argument weak. Face it. You love Black women.

No, I agree with the OP, Whites and Asians are the most attractive. Just because slavemasters were having sex with their property, doesn't mean they viewed their property as the pinnacle of beauty, they just viewed it as a convenient hit and quit with no consequences.

Most whites aren't related to slavemasters. Something like 1-2% of White Americans had family that owned slaves. I am in that 98%. And most whites aren't hillbillies. Where are these hillbillies buying black whores in mass? Where are you from?

You dont agree. You already contradicted yourself. History has shown and todays documented evidence shows that white men love Black women. Again how can you have sex with someone you are not attracted to? Are you saying white men are just savage animals?
Dude I know you turned bright pink when I mentioned the white women I had slept with in answer to someones statement or question. You lie when you say it doesnt bother you but turn around and call white women damaged goods for sleeping with Black men? You can pretend to the board it doesn't bother you but practically everyone knows the truth. :lol: It will be ok little guy.

I turned pink? Wouldn't it be red? I am not pink, lol.

But why should I be mad over damaged goods? Why should it make me mad you want to have sex with white women and place value in it? It only makes sense, since you view them as the pinnacle of beauty. Whether a guy is black, asian, latino, arab etc, it doesn't bother me. They are just following biological urges

But why do you keep talking about White women if they aren't the pinnacle of beauty?

I keep bringing white women up because you do. They give it willingly while you guys had to rape and pay for it. I know from experience it bothers you. Again please explain your stance on how a white woman is damaged goods for sleeping with a Black man? I'll be waiting for your explanation.
You can't stop talking about dem, where da whitw wimminz at? lol
East Asian women are very attractive. There seems to be some sort of correlation between the attractiveness of races and their intellagence [sic].


You must look like ten miles of bad road.

Have no idea what that means, but don't give a rat's ass. I was not raised in a politically correct environment nor had the doubtful assistance of US public education, so I can confidently speak for myself. Blacks are by far the least intelligent and attractive variety of the human species.

You're entitled to your stupid opinion, ugly.
History has shown and todays documented evidence shows that white men love Black women.

What history has shown is that, with statistically few exceptions, men love women and vice versa. Why don't you two fucking idiots just leave it at that?
So what I get from this is you disagree and agree with the OP at the same time? Personally i would not be able to have sex with someone I am not attracted to. The very fact that white men had to resort to rape or paying for it from a hooker to get some makes your hill billy argument weak. Face it. You love Black women.

No, I agree with the OP, Whites and Asians are the most attractive. Just because slavemasters were having sex with their property, doesn't mean they viewed their property as the pinnacle of beauty, they just viewed it as a convenient hit and quit with no consequences.

Most whites aren't related to slavemasters. Something like 1-2% of White Americans had family that owned slaves. I am in that 98%. And most whites aren't hillbillies. Where are these hillbillies buying black whores in mass? Where are you from?

You dont agree. You already contradicted yourself. History has shown and todays documented evidence shows that white men love Black women. Again how can you have sex with someone you are not attracted to? Are you saying white men are just savage animals?
I don't see how a small percentage of whites having sex with their property translates to Whites the world over being attracted to black women the most.

Just because you have sex with them, doesn't mean you love them, or think they are the most attractive. Don't see how you could see a small percentage of whites(less than 1% considering the global white population) having sex wit black women means they thought they were the most attractive or we do. Having sex with captured slaves regardless of race has been a human tradition, it has nothing to do with race.

The OP is right, and he has science backing him up. You have nothing.

You must look like ten miles of bad road.

Have no idea what that means, but don't give a rat's ass. I was not raised in a politically correct environment nor had the doubtful assistance of US public education, so I can confidently speak for myself. Blacks are by far the least intelligent and attractive variety of the human species.

You're entitled to your stupid opinion, ugly.
As I said, I don't give a rat's ass about your opinion as you don't give about mine. Unless you're demanding that my opinion is wrong, what's the point?
Have no idea what that means, but don't give a rat's ass. I was not raised in a politically correct environment nor had the doubtful assistance of US public education, so I can confidently speak for myself. Blacks are by far the least intelligent and attractive variety of the human species.

You're entitled to your stupid opinion, ugly.
As I said, I don't give a rat's ass about your opinion as you don't give about mine. Unless you're demanding that my opinion is wrong, what's the point?

The point is that you are presenting yourself here as one fugly SOB.
No, I agree with the OP, Whites and Asians are the most attractive. Just because slavemasters were having sex with their property, doesn't mean they viewed their property as the pinnacle of beauty, they just viewed it as a convenient hit and quit with no consequences.

Most whites aren't related to slavemasters. Something like 1-2% of White Americans had family that owned slaves. I am in that 98%. And most whites aren't hillbillies. Where are these hillbillies buying black whores in mass? Where are you from?

You dont agree. You already contradicted yourself. History has shown and todays documented evidence shows that white men love Black women. Again how can you have sex with someone you are not attracted to? Are you saying white men are just savage animals?
I don't see how a small percentage of whites having sex with their property translates to Whites the world over being attracted to black women the most.

Just because you have sex with them, doesn't mean you love them, or think they are the most attractive. Don't see how you could see a small percentage of whites(less than 1% considering the global white population) having sex wit black women means they thought they were the most attractive or we do. Having sex with captured slaves regardless of race has been a human tradition, it has nothing to do with race.

The OP is right, and he has science backing him up. You have nothing.

I know you don't see. Thats pretty apparent. The question is why are you basically saying that white men are savages that rut with anything? i have standards and intelligence. If a woman is not nice looking no way am I going to be attracted to her. Those slave masters had wives did they not? Why not have sex with their wives? The only rational explanation is that they were animals or desperately attracted to Black women. Which option do you choose?
I turned pink? Wouldn't it be red? I am not pink, lol.

But why should I be mad over damaged goods? Why should it make me mad you want to have sex with white women and place value in it? It only makes sense, since you view them as the pinnacle of beauty. Whether a guy is black, asian, latino, arab etc, it doesn't bother me. They are just following biological urges

But why do you keep talking about White women if they aren't the pinnacle of beauty?

I keep bringing white women up because you do. They give it willingly while you guys had to rape and pay for it. I know from experience it bothers you. Again please explain your stance on how a white woman is damaged goods for sleeping with a Black man? I'll be waiting for your explanation.
You can't stop talking about dem, where da whitw wimminz at? lol

I see you are avoiding the question. You might as well answer it now or admit you lied. Again please explain your stance on how a white woman is damaged goods for sleeping with a Black man?

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