black woman shot by white neighbor


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2013

i see ben crumps all over this one., we only got one side. was it an i pad or skates? we need white ladies side who land was truss passed on. this only one sided. these neighbors have a history of black ladies kids trust passing and doing what all on white ladies property. and saying she calling racist cause she white is press being racist its self. we have no proof of that. just a half story. if this was other way around no one would care.
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so pair skates was through and i pad. and cops think the black lady threatened to harm the white lady that's why she shot. I can understand neighbor not wanting some one else's kids on your property because if they get hurt you get sued. like too see video of it cops still investigating.

i see ben crumps all over this one., we only got one side. was it an i pad or skates? we need white ladies side who land was truss passed on. this only one sided. these neighbors have a history of black ladies kids trust passing and doing what all on white ladies property. and saying she calling racist cause she white is press being racist its self. we have no proof of that. just a half story. if this was other way around no one would care.
It sounds like the shooter could be in a lot of trouble, if there is n evidence the deceased was not trying to break in on the shooter. Whether possible (not reported) threats of an ass whipping possibly made from outside the door raises to the Florida standard of threat of imminent danger of bodily harm is the question, the Sheriff's investigation must come to an answer on, before it is possible under Florida law to arrest the shooter, much less charge or prosecute the shooter.
Stupid is as stupid does.........the only defense this white lady has is to claim insanity....and I do not think that will work for her.

The media will get involved, there will be demonstrations, city officials will get nervous.....the lady will be charged with murder and sentenced to many years in jail.......inevitable.

She should be placed on suicide watch.
I am sorry but one shouldn't have a right to shoot anyone unless they step foot into ones house with violent intentions. I am sorry but this bitch needs to be imprisoned for her evil actions. Murder is killing someone just because you feel like it. Well, this smells like that.
well; this state has stand your ground and if black lady threatned her she had right to shoot.
It sounds like the shooter could be in a lot of trouble, if there is n evidence the deceased was not trying to break in on the shooter. Whether possible (not reported) threats of an ass whipping possibly made from outside the door raises to the Florida standard of threat of imminent danger of bodily harm is the question, the Sheriff's investigation must come to an answer on, before it is possible under Florida law to arrest the shooter, much less charge or prosecute the shooter.
this state has stand your ground. if black lady was threatening her she had right to shoot.
Stupid is as stupid does.........the only defense this white lady has is to claim insanity....and I do not think that will work for her.

The media will get involved, there will be demonstrations, city officials will get nervous.....the lady will be charged with murder and sentenced to many years in jail.......inevitable.

She should be placed on suicide watch.
unless it was stand your ground case.
I am sorry but one shouldn't have a right to shoot anyone unless they step foot into ones house with violent intentions. I am sorry but this bitch needs to be imprisoned for her evil actions. Murder is killing someone just because you feel like it. Well, this smells like that.
The black woman called her a cracker. She had no choice but to shoot. Calling a white person cracker is violence. So it was self defense

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