Black Voices


Active Member
Nov 24, 2014
After seven decades, a black 14-year-old boy has been cleared of murder.

In 1944, George Stinney was convicted of murdering two white girls in Alcolu, South Carolina. He was executed via the electric chair after his white lawyer called no witnesses and performed no cross-examinations.

George Stinney Exonerated 70 Years After Wrongful Murder Conviction As 14-Year-Old

I think the article fails to directly convey the fact that this BOY was not only convicted, but also EXECUTED at the age of 14. FOURTEEN. That's incredible.
Is there a source besides HuffPo? I'm not saying it didn't happen but I can't take for Gospel something from a leftwing smear machine. Lot's of HuffPo op-ed stories make it over here. Do you guys get paid?
I know my grandfather and some of his uncles left a few bodies in the swamps of Mississippi and got away with it.
They sound like great role models. Hurray for the wonderful black culture!
They were great role models. The killed some red neck racist crackers. I admire them for their skill during those rough times.
They are by definition "serial killers". Why would you believe that they were telling the truth about their victims?
I know my grandfather and some of his uncles left a few bodies in the swamps of Mississippi and got away with it.
They sound like great role models. Hurray for the wonderful black culture!
You didn't think that culture just sprang up last year did you? It's been around and has justified all manner of violence against black people. Have you ever heard of Rosewood?
I know my grandfather and some of his uncles left a few bodies in the swamps of Mississippi and got away with it.
They sound like great role models. Hurray for the wonderful black culture!
You didn't think that culture just sprang up last year did you? It's been around and has justified all manner of violence against black people. Have you ever heard of Rosewood?

And black people justify violence against whites all the time. Over twice as many whites per year are murdered by blacks and they have no beef about playing violent racist games against us either.

People like you think nothing of blacks doing it.
So , let's see. you're upset about something that happened 70 years ago?

Upset that racism lead to the death of an innocent man? Yeah I would be too. But then again, black lives don't matter to you. Justice wasn't served here. And that's why we need to eradicate the death penalty because we have taken innocent lives in the name of the state.

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