Black Students Demand


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Reaction score
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
They Demand, rolmao, WTF...
By the way all black student/activist demands will go in this thread...

Black Students Demand Cornell Faculty Attend 'Ongoing' Diversity Training
Think for yourselves - as long as you're thinking what I'm thinking.
Trey Sanchez

Progressives continue to run the American campus asylum, forcing their brand of diversity on both the willing and the unwilling. TruthRevolt already reported on UMass Amherst requiring new students to become social justice warriors. Now, the group Black Students United has set its sights on Cornell University faculty members to force them into diversity indoctrination classes.

According to The Cornell Daily Sun, the BSU is demanding all faculty members be educated in "ongoing" diversity classes. The demands began last semester but are being presented before the student assembly on Thursday.

Here are the demands:


It's a good thing these classes will be ongoing because at this rate social justice warrior demands will never cease.

Black Students Demand Cornell Faculty Attend 'Ongoing' Diversity Training
I wonder if my GI Bill will cover a couple of semesters at Cornell ? I've been to every state CONUS and three other countries. I've dated from just about every race and demography out there except for Arabic and girls from India and those were only because of a lack of opportunity.I don't need their version of diversity but it would be entertaining to teach them mine

Now that I think about it I seem to vaguely remember going down to Cornell with a buddy while I was stationed at Drum and clearing out a bar full of college boys and that was way before safe places and trigger words.
They Demand, rolmao, WTF...
By the way all black student/activist demands will go in this thread...

Black Students Demand Cornell Faculty Attend 'Ongoing' Diversity Training
Think for yourselves - as long as you're thinking what I'm thinking.
Trey Sanchez

Progressives continue to run the American campus asylum, forcing their brand of diversity on both the willing and the unwilling. TruthRevolt already reported on UMass Amherst requiring new students to become social justice warriors. Now, the group Black Students United has set its sights on Cornell University faculty members to force them into diversity indoctrination classes.

According to The Cornell Daily Sun, the BSU is demanding all faculty members be educated in "ongoing" diversity classes. The demands began last semester but are being presented before the student assembly on Thursday.

Here are the demands:


It's a good thing these classes will be ongoing because at this rate social justice warrior demands will never cease.

Black Students Demand Cornell Faculty Attend 'Ongoing' Diversity Training

and? it bothers you that people might learn not to be racist pondscum?
They Demand, rolmao, WTF...
By the way all black student/activist demands will go in this thread...

Black Students Demand Cornell Faculty Attend 'Ongoing' Diversity Training
Think for yourselves - as long as you're thinking what I'm thinking.
Trey Sanchez

Progressives continue to run the American campus asylum, forcing their brand of diversity on both the willing and the unwilling. TruthRevolt already reported on UMass Amherst requiring new students to become social justice warriors. Now, the group Black Students United has set its sights on Cornell University faculty members to force them into diversity indoctrination classes.

According to The Cornell Daily Sun, the BSU is demanding all faculty members be educated in "ongoing" diversity classes. The demands began last semester but are being presented before the student assembly on Thursday.

Here are the demands:


It's a good thing these classes will be ongoing because at this rate social justice warrior demands will never cease.

Black Students Demand Cornell Faculty Attend 'Ongoing' Diversity Training

and? it bothers you that people might learn not to be racist pondscum?

College should be about diversity of thinking as in critical thought.

No one should be allowed to be evil or outright mean to others of course but as long as you're respectful you should be able to say it.
Expel the black students.
So Blacks should make their own Reading List and ignore paleface education. How much of it is just paying palefaces to dribble out information to get a certification defined by palefaces anyway?

Whites can't make 700 year old double-entry accounting mandatory in their schools even though it was invented in Italy.

Education is a SCAM, even for White kids.

Black Man's Burden, by Dallas McCord Reynolds

So Blacks should make their own Reading List and ignore paleface education. How much of it is just paying palefaces to dribble out information to get a certification defined by palefaces anyway?

Whites can't make 700 year old double-entry accounting mandatory in their schools even though it was invented in Italy.

Education is a SCAM, even for White kids.

Black Man's Burden, by Dallas McCord Reynolds


The broken record keeps spinning and spamming...
May 30, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

You may have seen the story of Bret Weinstein before.


Now there is a list of "demands" which begin with suspending Professor Weinstein, suspending the officer who intervened to protect him and ends with removing the video of their abuses.

But first they'd like to have veto power over the Student Code of Conduct and be paid for it. Because it's the code of conduct that's the problem and not their thuggery.


This is based on the black fragility claim that all the hateful social justice activism is "unpaid labor". Pay the racists to veto any code of conduct that holds them accountable. Why do you expect them to hate you for free?


And of course there are more deans of social justice being fired.

From Yale to Evergreen, the death of the American educational system continues.

Racist Thugs Who Attacked Anti-Racist College Prof Have a List of Illiterate Demands
College should be about diversity of thinking as in critical thought.

No one should be allowed to be evil or outright mean to others of course but as long as you're respectful you should be able to say it.

You say, "Diversity of thinking".

And then immediately put a very subjective qualifier on it.
Faculty and administrators are reaping what they sowed.
June 9, 2017

Jack Kerwick


The student-thuggery that cowardly administrators and faculty have permitted, indeed, have encouraged, at colleges and universities around the country is one such topic that makes this academic’s blood boil.

Take Evergreen State College as exhibit one. I have written about Evergreen recently, so I won’t bother to rehash all of the ugly details that I recounted here. The gist of the situation is this: A leftist professor, Bret Weinstein, registered his opposition to the new format of his school’s annual “Day of Absence.” Each year, black students, faculty, and staff would stay home so that their white counterparts could attend racial sensitivity workshops and the like while acquiring an appreciation for the plethora of ways in which nonwhites enrich Evergreen—or something like this.


They chanted “black power” and “F**K YOU, and F**K THE POLICE!”

In spite of the abuse to which his tormentors subjected him—or maybe because of it?—Bridges thanked the mob and promised to meet their demands. One of Weinstein’s colleagues, a woman who, according to what he told podcast host Joe Rogan, is not white, accused him of provoking a “white supremacist backlash” against the student mob.


Weinstein deserves our support, but he also needs to know that the students who now threaten him and his students are the monster to the Dr. Frankenstein of his own ideology.

Evergreen State College: The Chickens are Coming Home to Roost
June 11, 2017

Daniel Greenfield


Evergreen State's safe space doesn't seem very safe anymore.


The leftist faculty is predictably defending this thuggery.


Just like the Hitler Youth and the Red Guards were scared. They just needed a "safe space" in which to intimidate and then destroy their enemies.


Evergreen State clearly can't police itself. Bridges has failed miserably. And the faculty and students who don't want to burn the place down have been mostly staying silent out of fear. Because when you're marching around with a bat, you're not the one who's afraid.

Your targets are.


But that's okay. Evergreen State's blighted existence might be coming to an end.


And then once it's shut down, the social justice thugs can roam the abandoned campus smashing windows at will. And whining how scared they are of the rats and squirrels that are all that remains.

Local Sheriff: Evergreen State is a Hostage Situation

August 20, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

Witch hunts are fun, aren't they? Everyone wants to join in the witch hunt for "Confederate" symbols. This is a tough one if you live in New York (they tore down a subway tile that has a bar in it that you can mistake for a Confederate flag if you're visually or mentally impaired) or Los Angeles, where you have to pursue the white supremacy of a white horse.


But we're in the age of zero evidence and jumping to conclusions based on outrage and self-serving agendas.


Lee's horse was Traveller. With two L's.

But we're in Salem witch hunt territory. And so now there's a white supremacist white horse. And besides the Trojans are just old, dead white men. They're probably triggering. No evidence is needed. Only hysteria, crybullying and media hate.

USC Black Student Assembly Warns of White Supremacy of White Horse
Minority Students Claim Thomas Jefferson Statue is ‘Emblem of White Supremacy’
They demand mandatory education about his ties to slavery and colonization.


Trey Sanchez


Moving forward, the MRC wants the university to enact “a strategic and actionable diversity plan” to enroll more black undergraduates and to hire more black faculty.

One other demand includes designating the lawn as a “residential space” and thereby ban “concealed arms and open flames.”

The full list is below:


Minority Students Claim Thomas Jefferson Statue is ‘Emblem of White Supremacy’
Note the signed groups. Asian, "queer", Latinx, Middle Eastern, NAACP, BSA, Native American Union, etc. Imagine the outrage if there was a group called Caucasian Students Association, ASA for short. Oh my!
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