Flaming Libs/Koranimals
They Demand, rolmao, WTF...
By the way all black student/activist demands will go in this thread...
Black Students Demand Cornell Faculty Attend 'Ongoing' Diversity Training
Think for yourselves - as long as you're thinking what I'm thinking.
Trey Sanchez
Progressives continue to run the American campus asylum, forcing their brand of diversity on both the willing and the unwilling. TruthRevolt already reported on UMass Amherst requiring new students to become social justice warriors. Now, the group Black Students United has set its sights on Cornell University faculty members to force them into diversity indoctrination classes.
According to The Cornell Daily Sun, the BSU is demanding all faculty members be educated in "ongoing" diversity classes. The demands began last semester but are being presented before the student assembly on Thursday.
Here are the demands:
It's a good thing these classes will be ongoing because at this rate social justice warrior demands will never cease.
Black Students Demand Cornell Faculty Attend 'Ongoing' Diversity Training
By the way all black student/activist demands will go in this thread...
Black Students Demand Cornell Faculty Attend 'Ongoing' Diversity Training
Think for yourselves - as long as you're thinking what I'm thinking.
Trey Sanchez

Progressives continue to run the American campus asylum, forcing their brand of diversity on both the willing and the unwilling. TruthRevolt already reported on UMass Amherst requiring new students to become social justice warriors. Now, the group Black Students United has set its sights on Cornell University faculty members to force them into diversity indoctrination classes.
According to The Cornell Daily Sun, the BSU is demanding all faculty members be educated in "ongoing" diversity classes. The demands began last semester but are being presented before the student assembly on Thursday.
Here are the demands:
It's a good thing these classes will be ongoing because at this rate social justice warrior demands will never cease.
Black Students Demand Cornell Faculty Attend 'Ongoing' Diversity Training