Black republicans...who are they really?

I didn't waste my time with either. Both sides telling us lies. Pointless to watch.
Typical under informed voter who's already made up his mind.
I can guarantee you that Papageorgio is a million times more "informed" than you will ever be. You are completely obedient to the false liberal narrative.
How is he informed when he's not even paying attention? I just love it when the right things the left is uninformed, just because they don't agree with the direction we want our country to go in.
If I missed anything that challenged anything I posted above, you would have presented it, instead of making vague noises.

Instead you try to pretend that there is a challenge.

Nah. Why educate you on our strategy? You'll find out soon enough.

I notice us liberals watched the RNC and dnc but the cons here only watched the RNC. That's all you needed to hear.

I wish more cons were good people like you and papageorge.

Your strategy is the same as ever.

Race Card, Fear mongering and personal attacks.

Did I miss anything?

You pretty much hit the nail on the head. The Regressive Left, trying to stop discussion and dialogue.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

What is there to discuss?

We've heard all the RW talking points before. I could write your posts for you.

Time for talking has past .. now its time for political action regardless of what republicans think and have to say.

Your party is diminished, aging, rapidly shrinking, and an evolving American population does not favor republicans or the RW.

All the hate the RW has been spewing is coming back to bite them in the ass. Republicans hate everybody.

Why talk NOW. What is there to talk about?

To call you on your bullshit so those who are new to the scene have access to the Truth.

Especially young white people who have been indoctrinated to believe in the Myth of American Racism and will be paying the price for sins their distant ancestors committed, maybe.
Young white people know you old whites are racist bigots and homophobes. Not because we told them you were but because they see you are.
Nah. Why educate you on our strategy? You'll find out soon enough.

I notice us liberals watched the RNC and dnc but the cons here only watched the RNC. That's all you needed to hear.

I wish more cons were good people like you and papageorge.

Your strategy is the same as ever.

Race Card, Fear mongering and personal attacks.

Did I miss anything?
We must be too dumb to know the truth like you do.

POLL: Hillary Clinton scores 7-point bump after DNC

I didn't say that the Race Card, Fear mongering and personal attacks DON'T WORK.

They work great.

With the minor wrinkle of tearing this nation apart, basing policy on lies, and people dying because real issues are ignored or misdiagnosed in order to make them fit the narrative.

But that has never bothered you lefties before, so, sorry for bringing it up.

It just weights on my mind. I know you don't care.

It was you guys who decided to use god guns and racism to divide us. It worked for GW Bush now it's backfiring on you. Sucks to be you. This started with Bush v Gore but here is an example of how you guys divided us to win 2004:

Michael G. Verich served eight terms as a Democratic member of the Ohio legislature, representing economically distressed Youngstown. That should make him a natural supporter of Democratic standard-bearer John F. Kerry, who is blitzing the Rust Belt with attacks on the Bush Administration for offshoring American jobs.

So who is Verich backing in November? George W. Bush

Verich is just the sort of social conservative that President Bush's campaign strategists want to win over -- or discourage from voting entirely -- when they launch a cultural offensive in several crucial swing states. The goal is to drive a wedge between Kerry and fence-straddling voters by making his "Massachusetts values" more important than Bush's record on job creation and the deficit.

For most voters in November, a candidate's positions on "God, guns, and gays" -- the trinity of so-called values issues that Southern Republicans have perfected to hammer liberal opponents -- won't matter as much as the economy or the Iraq war. "[But] taken together, the whole cluster of cultural issues could be as important as either national security or economic security" in some battlegrounds, says GOP pollster Whit Ayres

Facing another election likely to be decided by razor-thin margins, Kerry's best hope is that war and unemployment will overshadow "God, guns, and gays" in the minds of swing voters. But in case they don't, expect to see plenty of photos of JohnKerry dressed in hunter orange.

First of all, thank you for a substantive response that actually addresses the topic.

Second of all, trying to focus a campaign on issues that you feel you are strong on is not the same as being divisive.

Gun control, for example is a real issue. I believe that a President Kerry, even if he did not directly move gun control forward would appoint judges that would be more open to it.

That is not divisive like telling your voters that your opponent is Hitler and is out to oppress and kill them.
Trump won't kill us but he might get us killed.
I can tell you didn't listen to any of the dnc convention.

If I missed anything that challenged anything I posted above, you would have presented it, instead of making vague noises.

Instead you try to pretend that there is a challenge.

Nah. Why educate you on our strategy? You'll find out soon enough.

I notice us liberals watched the RNC and dnc but the cons here only watched the RNC. That's all you needed to hear.

I wish more cons were good people like you and papageorge.

I didn't waste my time with either. Both sides telling us lies. Pointless to watch.
Typical under informed voter who's already made up his mind.

Meathead, you already made up your mind who to vote for BEFORE you watched either convention. Because you follow the politics of a sitcom that played on TV 40 years ago.

So you didn't watch either convention with an open mind, hence you are just as under informed as myself.
Actually, that's not true. I was considering Trump. Just like you guys I would love to throw a monkey wrench in into the corrupt government we have and have a sincere guy be the president. One that doesn't take shit from the left or right. But sorry Trump is not that man. I know you agree because you aren't going to vote for him either.

I was a supporter of Sanders and was happy to see him come to the current political debate from the Left. He was providing an alternative to many issues that placed Hillary too closely aligned with neo-conservative, imperialist, Republicans and interventionist positions I normally associate with the Right.

But if you care about Bernie Sanders’ positions, you now have a decision to make. Of course you could refuse to vote for Hillary because you want to prove a point about the lack of democracy exercised by the Democratic Party. But then you would be hurting your long-term goals, because one viable candidate gets you closer to those goals, and the other not only takes you farther away, but also erodes viable paths toward those goals.

Bernie knows that we need more people to engage politics locally. He knows that we need to consider which senators and representatives need our support. He knows that Supreme Court changes are too valuable to throw to chance. To achieve his goals, Sanders knows he needs a Hillary Clinton presidency.

To those of you on the Left: Hillary may not be your candidate of choice. She may even espouse positions you find morally reprehensible. Her nomination may evidence for you all the gross aspects of a two-party political system in the U.S.A. But her presidency is the singular path forward at this point to change the nation to more closely reflect your ideals. Vote begrudgingly if you must. Pivoting to Hillary is not an end; her presidency is a means, a temporary position if you will, towards an end.
It was you guys who decided to use god guns and racism to divide us.
More of the ignorant liberal false narrative. It is liberals that want to ban a Constitutional right. So you're the divisive one's when it comes to firearms.

It is liberals that want to ban yet another Constitutional right and ban God from every sector of society (including in church itself). So yet again we see that liberals are the divisive one's.

And nobody has manufactured, cultivated, and advanced the racist divide like Barack Obama and the people he appointed (such as Eric Holder).
If I missed anything that challenged anything I posted above, you would have presented it, instead of making vague noises.

Instead you try to pretend that there is a challenge.

Nah. Why educate you on our strategy? You'll find out soon enough.

I notice us liberals watched the RNC and dnc but the cons here only watched the RNC. That's all you needed to hear.

I wish more cons were good people like you and papageorge.

Your strategy is the same as ever.

Race Card, Fear mongering and personal attacks.

Did I miss anything?

You pretty much hit the nail on the head. The Regressive Left, trying to stop discussion and dialogue.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

What is there to discuss?

We've heard all the RW talking points before. I could write your posts for you.

Time for talking has past .. now its time for political action regardless of what republicans think and have to say.

Your party is diminished, aging, rapidly shrinking, and an evolving American population does not favor republicans or the RW.

All the hate the RW has been spewing is coming back to bite them in the ass. Republicans hate everybody.

Why talk NOW. What is there to talk about?

To call you on your bullshit so those who are new to the scene have access to the Truth.

Especially young white people who have been indoctrinated to believe in the Myth of American Racism and will be paying the price for sins their distant ancestors committed, maybe.

No, millennials aren't going to save republicans either. :0)

The GOP’s lost generation of millennial voters

The GOP is poised to permanently lose a generation of voters, and not (only) because of its odious and uncommonly disliked presidential front-runner. New survey data suggest that young people have become increasingly averse to just about every plank in today’s creaky Republican Party platform.

By now it’s well known that young Americans are considerably more liberal than the Republican Party on most social issues, particularly gay rights. The GOP’s own 2012 election “autopsy,” which proposed ways to broaden the party’s base, emphasized that Republicans must change their “tone” on social issues that young people see “as the civil rights issues of our time.”

The latest youth poll from Harvard’s Institute of Politics, though, indicates that LGBT-related policies aren’t the only ones on which young people and Republican traditionalists part ways.

As their rabid support for Bernie Sanders might indicate, young people have also become much more supportive of big government and expanded social welfare programs.

Compared with responses from the past few years, today’s 18- to 29-year-olds are more likely to believe that “basic health insurance is a right for all people,” that “basic necessities, such as food and shelter, are a right that government should provide to those unable to afford them” and that “the government should spend more to reduce poverty.”

More broadly, other surveys have found that young people have more favorable views of socialism than of capitalism — the only age group for which this is true.
The GOP’s lost generation of millennial voters

Young white voters are Bernie Sanders' base.

Nobody but angry old white men needs or even likes what it is you're selling.
Nah. Why educate you on our strategy? You'll find out soon enough.

I notice us liberals watched the RNC and dnc but the cons here only watched the RNC. That's all you needed to hear.

I wish more cons were good people like you and papageorge.

Your strategy is the same as ever.

Race Card, Fear mongering and personal attacks.

Did I miss anything?

You pretty much hit the nail on the head. The Regressive Left, trying to stop discussion and dialogue.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

What is there to discuss?

We've heard all the RW talking points before. I could write your posts for you.

Time for talking has past .. now its time for political action regardless of what republicans think and have to say.

Your party is diminished, aging, rapidly shrinking, and an evolving American population does not favor republicans or the RW.

All the hate the RW has been spewing is coming back to bite them in the ass. Republicans hate everybody.

Why talk NOW. What is there to talk about?

To call you on your bullshit so those who are new to the scene have access to the Truth.

Especially young white people who have been indoctrinated to believe in the Myth of American Racism and will be paying the price for sins their distant ancestors committed, maybe.
Young white people know you old whites are racist bigots and homophobes. Not because we told them you were but because they see you are.

Wait to you lefties start discriminating against them and start holding them personally responsible for sins their distance ancestors MIGHT have had something to do with.

THen they will remember that alternative views they were indoctrinated against.

And as they keep getting pissed on and told it is raining, their anger will grow, and grow...

Oh, and it's time for this again.

Nah. Why educate you on our strategy? You'll find out soon enough.

I notice us liberals watched the RNC and dnc but the cons here only watched the RNC. That's all you needed to hear.

I wish more cons were good people like you and papageorge.

Your strategy is the same as ever.

Race Card, Fear mongering and personal attacks.

Did I miss anything?

You pretty much hit the nail on the head. The Regressive Left, trying to stop discussion and dialogue.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

What is there to discuss?

We've heard all the RW talking points before. I could write your posts for you.

Time for talking has past .. now its time for political action regardless of what republicans think and have to say.

Your party is diminished, aging, rapidly shrinking, and an evolving American population does not favor republicans or the RW.

All the hate the RW has been spewing is coming back to bite them in the ass. Republicans hate everybody.

Why talk NOW. What is there to talk about?

To call you on your bullshit so those who are new to the scene have access to the Truth.

Especially young white people who have been indoctrinated to believe in the Myth of American Racism and will be paying the price for sins their distant ancestors committed, maybe.

No, millennials aren't going to save republicans either. :0)

The GOP’s lost generation of millennial voters

The GOP is poised to permanently lose a generation of voters, and not (only) because of its odious and uncommonly disliked presidential front-runner. New survey data suggest that young people have become increasingly averse to just about every plank in today’s creaky Republican Party platform.

By now it’s well known that young Americans are considerably more liberal than the Republican Party on most social issues, particularly gay rights. The GOP’s own 2012 election “autopsy,” which proposed ways to broaden the party’s base, emphasized that Republicans must change their “tone” on social issues that young people see “as the civil rights issues of our time.”

The latest youth poll from Harvard’s Institute of Politics, though, indicates that LGBT-related policies aren’t the only ones on which young people and Republican traditionalists part ways.

As their rabid support for Bernie Sanders might indicate, young people have also become much more supportive of big government and expanded social welfare programs.

Compared with responses from the past few years, today’s 18- to 29-year-olds are more likely to believe that “basic health insurance is a right for all people,” that “basic necessities, such as food and shelter, are a right that government should provide to those unable to afford them” and that “the government should spend more to reduce poverty.”

More broadly, other surveys have found that young people have more favorable views of socialism than of capitalism — the only age group for which this is true.
The GOP’s lost generation of millennial voters

Young white voters are Bernie Sanders' base.

Nobody but angry old white men needs or even likes what it is you're selling.

That mostly just tracks demographic change, and the rest is the result of indoctrination and lies which real life and you lefties will undo.
Just like you guys I would love to throw a monkey wrench in into the corrupt government we have and have a sincere guy be the president. One that doesn't take shit from the left or right.
If that were even remotely true you could still easily do that by voting for Darrell Castle (Constitution Party), Jill Stein (Green Party), or Gary Johnson (Libertarian Party).
Nah. Why educate you on our strategy? You'll find out soon enough.

I notice us liberals watched the RNC and dnc but the cons here only watched the RNC. That's all you needed to hear.

I wish more cons were good people like you and papageorge.

Your strategy is the same as ever.

Race Card, Fear mongering and personal attacks.

Did I miss anything?

You pretty much hit the nail on the head. The Regressive Left, trying to stop discussion and dialogue.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

What is there to discuss?

We've heard all the RW talking points before. I could write your posts for you.

Time for talking has past .. now its time for political action regardless of what republicans think and have to say.

Your party is diminished, aging, rapidly shrinking, and an evolving American population does not favor republicans or the RW.

All the hate the RW has been spewing is coming back to bite them in the ass. Republicans hate everybody.

Why talk NOW. What is there to talk about?

To call you on your bullshit so those who are new to the scene have access to the Truth.

Especially young white people who have been indoctrinated to believe in the Myth of American Racism and will be paying the price for sins their distant ancestors committed, maybe.

No, millennials aren't going to save republicans either. :0)

The GOP’s lost generation of millennial voters

The GOP is poised to permanently lose a generation of voters, and not (only) because of its odious and uncommonly disliked presidential front-runner. New survey data suggest that young people have become increasingly averse to just about every plank in today’s creaky Republican Party platform.

By now it’s well known that young Americans are considerably more liberal than the Republican Party on most social issues, particularly gay rights. The GOP’s own 2012 election “autopsy,” which proposed ways to broaden the party’s base, emphasized that Republicans must change their “tone” on social issues that young people see “as the civil rights issues of our time.”

The latest youth poll from Harvard’s Institute of Politics, though, indicates that LGBT-related policies aren’t the only ones on which young people and Republican traditionalists part ways.

As their rabid support for Bernie Sanders might indicate, young people have also become much more supportive of big government and expanded social welfare programs.

Compared with responses from the past few years, today’s 18- to 29-year-olds are more likely to believe that “basic health insurance is a right for all people,” that “basic necessities, such as food and shelter, are a right that government should provide to those unable to afford them” and that “the government should spend more to reduce poverty.”

More broadly, other surveys have found that young people have more favorable views of socialism than of capitalism — the only age group for which this is true.
The GOP’s lost generation of millennial voters

Young white voters are Bernie Sanders' base.

Nobody but angry old white men needs or even likes what it is you're selling.
My nephews went to Church Camp. On the last night the priest told all the kids that gays and muslims are bad. The kids now think the priest is a piece of shit. So do a lot of the parents.

This is the beginning of the end for the church. This is the first seed planted in the kids head that the church might be wrong. If they are wrong about this, what else are they wrong about?
Your strategy is the same as ever.

Race Card, Fear mongering and personal attacks.

Did I miss anything?

You pretty much hit the nail on the head. The Regressive Left, trying to stop discussion and dialogue.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

What is there to discuss?

We've heard all the RW talking points before. I could write your posts for you.

Time for talking has past .. now its time for political action regardless of what republicans think and have to say.

Your party is diminished, aging, rapidly shrinking, and an evolving American population does not favor republicans or the RW.

All the hate the RW has been spewing is coming back to bite them in the ass. Republicans hate everybody.

Why talk NOW. What is there to talk about?

To call you on your bullshit so those who are new to the scene have access to the Truth.

Especially young white people who have been indoctrinated to believe in the Myth of American Racism and will be paying the price for sins their distant ancestors committed, maybe.

No, millennials aren't going to save republicans either. :0)

The GOP’s lost generation of millennial voters

The GOP is poised to permanently lose a generation of voters, and not (only) because of its odious and uncommonly disliked presidential front-runner. New survey data suggest that young people have become increasingly averse to just about every plank in today’s creaky Republican Party platform.

By now it’s well known that young Americans are considerably more liberal than the Republican Party on most social issues, particularly gay rights. The GOP’s own 2012 election “autopsy,” which proposed ways to broaden the party’s base, emphasized that Republicans must change their “tone” on social issues that young people see “as the civil rights issues of our time.”

The latest youth poll from Harvard’s Institute of Politics, though, indicates that LGBT-related policies aren’t the only ones on which young people and Republican traditionalists part ways.

As their rabid support for Bernie Sanders might indicate, young people have also become much more supportive of big government and expanded social welfare programs.

Compared with responses from the past few years, today’s 18- to 29-year-olds are more likely to believe that “basic health insurance is a right for all people,” that “basic necessities, such as food and shelter, are a right that government should provide to those unable to afford them” and that “the government should spend more to reduce poverty.”

More broadly, other surveys have found that young people have more favorable views of socialism than of capitalism — the only age group for which this is true.
The GOP’s lost generation of millennial voters

Young white voters are Bernie Sanders' base.

Nobody but angry old white men needs or even likes what it is you're selling.

That mostly just tracks demographic change, and the rest is the result of indoctrination and lies which real life and you lefties will undo.

:0) good luck with that.
Your strategy is the same as ever.

Race Card, Fear mongering and personal attacks.

Did I miss anything?

You pretty much hit the nail on the head. The Regressive Left, trying to stop discussion and dialogue.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

What is there to discuss?

We've heard all the RW talking points before. I could write your posts for you.

Time for talking has past .. now its time for political action regardless of what republicans think and have to say.

Your party is diminished, aging, rapidly shrinking, and an evolving American population does not favor republicans or the RW.

All the hate the RW has been spewing is coming back to bite them in the ass. Republicans hate everybody.

Why talk NOW. What is there to talk about?

To call you on your bullshit so those who are new to the scene have access to the Truth.

Especially young white people who have been indoctrinated to believe in the Myth of American Racism and will be paying the price for sins their distant ancestors committed, maybe.

No, millennials aren't going to save republicans either. :0)

The GOP’s lost generation of millennial voters

The GOP is poised to permanently lose a generation of voters, and not (only) because of its odious and uncommonly disliked presidential front-runner. New survey data suggest that young people have become increasingly averse to just about every plank in today’s creaky Republican Party platform.

By now it’s well known that young Americans are considerably more liberal than the Republican Party on most social issues, particularly gay rights. The GOP’s own 2012 election “autopsy,” which proposed ways to broaden the party’s base, emphasized that Republicans must change their “tone” on social issues that young people see “as the civil rights issues of our time.”

The latest youth poll from Harvard’s Institute of Politics, though, indicates that LGBT-related policies aren’t the only ones on which young people and Republican traditionalists part ways.

As their rabid support for Bernie Sanders might indicate, young people have also become much more supportive of big government and expanded social welfare programs.

Compared with responses from the past few years, today’s 18- to 29-year-olds are more likely to believe that “basic health insurance is a right for all people,” that “basic necessities, such as food and shelter, are a right that government should provide to those unable to afford them” and that “the government should spend more to reduce poverty.”

More broadly, other surveys have found that young people have more favorable views of socialism than of capitalism — the only age group for which this is true.
The GOP’s lost generation of millennial voters

Young white voters are Bernie Sanders' base.

Nobody but angry old white men needs or even likes what it is you're selling.
My nephews went to Church Camp. On the last night the priest told all the kids that gays and muslims are bad. The kids now think the priest is a piece of shit. So do a lot of the parents.

This is the beginning of the end for the church. This is the first seed planted in the kids head that the church might be wrong. If they are wrong about this, what else are they wrong about?

... and exactly why religious indoctrination is also waning.
Your strategy is the same as ever.

Race Card, Fear mongering and personal attacks.

Did I miss anything?

You pretty much hit the nail on the head. The Regressive Left, trying to stop discussion and dialogue.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

What is there to discuss?

We've heard all the RW talking points before. I could write your posts for you.

Time for talking has past .. now its time for political action regardless of what republicans think and have to say.

Your party is diminished, aging, rapidly shrinking, and an evolving American population does not favor republicans or the RW.

All the hate the RW has been spewing is coming back to bite them in the ass. Republicans hate everybody.

Why talk NOW. What is there to talk about?

To call you on your bullshit so those who are new to the scene have access to the Truth.

Especially young white people who have been indoctrinated to believe in the Myth of American Racism and will be paying the price for sins their distant ancestors committed, maybe.
Young white people know you old whites are racist bigots and homophobes. Not because we told them you were but because they see you are.

Wait to you lefties start discriminating against them and start holding them personally responsible for sins their distance ancestors MIGHT have had something to do with.

THen they will remember that alternative views they were indoctrinated against.

And as they keep getting pissed on and told it is raining, their anger will grow, and grow...

Oh, and it's time for this again.

You know what? America isn't nearly as bad as Republicans think it is.

Race card? You are playing the doom and gloom card. And you are praying on stupid white blue collar workers who your own party fucked.


And that was in 2012. We've had 6 years of straight steady job growth every month. You Republicans really are a bunch of ignorant losers. LOL
Just like you guys I would love to throw a monkey wrench in into the corrupt government we have and have a sincere guy be the president. One that doesn't take shit from the left or right.
If that were even remotely true you could still easily do that by voting for Darrell Castle (Constitution Party), Jill Stein (Green Party), or Gary Johnson (Libertarian Party).
And hand the GOP the White House? Fuck no!

Let me see you vote out Republican Senators with Green, Libertarians or Constitution Party candidates.

You guys could very easily do that too, but you don't. just can't make this stuff up. One has to see it for their own eyes to believe it...

Post #2404
Just like you guys I would love to throw a monkey wrench in into the corrupt government we have and have a sincere guy be the president. One that doesn't take shit from the left or right.

Followed by Post #2414
And hand the GOP the White House? Fuck no!

A complete and total contradiction of her own point. She claims she hates the system and then votes exactly the way the system is set up (for people to vote to keep the other party out - not to vote to get the best person in). There aren't enough face palms in the world to properly illustrate the absurdity of her own posts here. This is stupid on a level I can't even imagine. Who contradicts themselves like this? Who? :eusa_doh:
Let me see you vote out Republican Senators with Green, Libertarians or Constitution Party candidates. You guys could very easily do that too, but you don't.
Sweetie, with the exception of Mitt Romney, that's all I ever vote. I'll be voting for Darrel Castle of the Constitution Party because - unlike you - I have something called integrity. I don't contradict myself. I don't claim to want to change things and then cast votes for people like Hitlery fucking Clinton. :eusa_doh: just can't make this stuff up. One has to see it for their own eyes to believe it...

Post #2404
Just like you guys I would love to throw a monkey wrench in into the corrupt government we have and have a sincere guy be the president. One that doesn't take shit from the left or right.

Followed by Post #2414
And hand the GOP the White House? Fuck no!

A complete and total contradiction of her own point. She claims she hates the system and then votes exactly the way the system is set up (for people to vote to keep the other party out - not to vote to get the best person in). There aren't enough face palms in the world to properly illustrate the absurdity of her own posts here. This is stupid on a level I can't even imagine. Who contradicts themselves like this? Who? :eusa_doh:
Listen stupid, this November your sides going to fucking lose and my sides going to win so how fucking stupid am I? I'm taking my own polls and it seems people are realizing Trumps full of shit.

How did he get the GOP nomination they ask me and I tell them. Republicans are even more full of shit than Trump.
Listen stupid, this November your sides going to fucking lose and my sides going to win so how fucking stupid am I? I'm taking my own polls and it seems people are realizing Trumps full of shit.

How did he get the GOP nomination they ask me and I tell them. Republicans are even more full of shit than Trump.
Wow! And she doubles-down on her astounding contradiction. :eusa_doh:

Can we all agree down that you blatantly lied and you have no desire to (and I quote) "throw a monkey wrench into the system". You are all about blind obedience to the party.

By the way - stop playing Nostradamus. You sound like a fucking idiot. You have no idea who is going to win in November. Neither do I. Yes - the Dumbocrats do engage in mass voter fraud which certainly gives them a leg up in any election. By I watched Ronald Reagan absolutely wipe the floor with Dumbocrats, followed by George H.W. Bush doing the same (12 straight years of Republican's sitting in the White House) followed by George W. Bush winning not one but TWO elections. So sometimes, even all of your voter fraud isn't enough to steal elections. Sometimes - you guys run candidates so ungodly unelectable (such as Hitlery Clinton) that you simply hand the election to Republican's. Unfortunately for the GOP, they've done the exact same thing this time and nominated the most unelectable jack-ass in the country. Frankly, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if Gary Johnson wins the White House. Whoever wins it is likely to have the smallest popular vote of a winner in U.S. history. just can't make this stuff up. One has to see it for their own eyes to believe it...

Post #2404
Just like you guys I would love to throw a monkey wrench in into the corrupt government we have and have a sincere guy be the president. One that doesn't take shit from the left or right.

Followed by Post #2414
And hand the GOP the White House? Fuck no!

A complete and total contradiction of her own point. She claims she hates the system and then votes exactly the way the system is set up (for people to vote to keep the other party out - not to vote to get the best person in). There aren't enough face palms in the world to properly illustrate the absurdity of her own posts here. This is stupid on a level I can't even imagine. Who contradicts themselves like this? Who? :eusa_doh:
Listen stupid, this November your sides going to fucking lose and my sides going to win so how fucking stupid am I?
A little embarrassed over your contradictions being quoted side-by-side for everyone to see? Yeah - I would be too sweetie. Fortunately for me, I never contradict myself. :lo:
I can tell you didn't listen to any of the dnc convention.

If I missed anything that challenged anything I posted above, you would have presented it, instead of making vague noises.

Instead you try to pretend that there is a challenge.

Nah. Why educate you on our strategy? You'll find out soon enough.

I notice us liberals watched the RNC and dnc but the cons here only watched the RNC. That's all you needed to hear.

I wish more cons were good people like you and papageorge.

Your strategy is the same as ever.

Race Card, Fear mongering and personal attacks.

Did I miss anything?

You pretty much hit the nail on the head. The Regressive Left, trying to stop discussion and dialogue.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

What is there to discuss?

We've heard all the RW talking points before. I could write your posts for you.

Time for talking has past .. now its time for political action regardless of what republicans think and have to say.

Your party is diminished, aging, rapidly shrinking, and an evolving American population does not favor republicans or the RW.

All the hate the RW has been spewing is coming back to bite them in the ass. Republicans hate everybody.

Why talk NOW. What is there to talk about?

It's not my party, but that is part of the issue, everything is Republican or democrat. Neither have answers for anyone. The rich got richer faster under Obama than under Bush and neither party seems to care. The Democrats want to throw the poor and middle class scraps to appease them.

Liberals were always about discussing ideas and working for change. The Regressives are about telling people to shut up and take it, just like you are doing. No discussion of ideas, no discussion of how policies effect others.

If you want the rich to get richer, then don't bitch to me.

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