Black QB Russell Wilson panics and throws away Super Bowl. Media blames white coach


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
2nd down and goal to go on the one with one time-out. You throw a short pass and maybe it works. If not, the clock stops and you still have two more chances. Trouble is the QB panicked and threw the ball into heavy traffic. Should have thrown the ball at the receiver's knees.

Even wilson admits it was his fault - "Blame me. I threw the ball".
2nd down and goal to go on the one with one time-out. You throw a short pass and maybe it works. If not, the clock stops and you still have two more chances. Trouble is the QB panicked and threw the ball into heavy traffic. Should have thrown the ball at the receiver's knees.

Even wilson admits it was his fault - "Blame me. I threw the ball".
I am surprised you didn't say that since the Patriots had more white guys that the color of their skin reflected the light and blinded him...
Yep, the blue collar postal boy, whose biggest accomplishment in life is pepper spraying a black poodle, is an expert on football now.
You know I try to ignore your racism but when you make it so glaringly obvious with a thread like this, I can not. Grow the fuck up. Any legit point you may have is lost when you put out garbage like this.
If this had worked the players would be praised for their creative play calling and execution, since it didn't the usual myopic Monday morning aholes abound. Give credit to the defender who read the play and made a play on the ball, all else is BS.
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You know I try to ignore your racism but when you make it so glaringly obvious with a thread like this, I can not. Grow the fuck up. Any legit point you may have is lost when you put out garbage like this.

The board notes you evaded the issue and made a personal attack. Thanks for admitting I'm right.
Who ever called the play is at fault.

The coach staff called it and it was a sensible call. But the media is racist and won't criticize black QBs. So they blamed the white guys.

It was a sensible call? They have an RB that gained 100+ yards, one of the best in the league, and they throw a pass where the defense cannot be stretched? WTF? It was a stupid call.

And who ever called the play is at fault. If that persons skin is black or white makes no difference.
It was a sensible call? They have an RB that gained 100+ yards, one of the best in the league, and they throw a pass where the defense cannot be stretched? WTF? It was a stupid call.

Teams throw near the goal line. It's not common but not rare either. The QB simply made a bad throw.
No matter how badly blacks screw up, the racist media blames white people.
It was a sensible call? They have an RB that gained 100+ yards, one of the best in the league, and they throw a pass where the defense cannot be stretched? WTF? It was a stupid call.

Teams throw near the goal line. It's not common but not rare either. The QB simply made a bad throw.

No, it is not unheard of. But the defense is always tighter because there is less space to cover, so there is less room for error on the pass.

And like Woody Hayes said, "There are three things that can happen when you pass. And two of them are bad.".

Lynch had over 100 yards rushing and a little better than 4 yard average per. Throwing a pass was a bad call.
Wilson didn't panic. He called the play the coach told him to.

Give some credit instead to coach Belichick. The db was coached if he saw that formation, motion, etc. it would be the quick slant and he could jump it. And it worked just like Belichick told him it would.
No matter how badly blacks screw up, the racist media blames white people.
My mail was late today. You suck and must have gotten that blue collar bullshit job because of the color of your skin.

Wilson didn't panic. He called the play the coach told him to.


And when he saw there was too much traffic, he should have thrown the ball at the receivers knees. That stops the clock with around 20 seconds left and with one timeout they still can get off two running plays. But wilson tried to force the ball in and threw the interception. THINK

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