Good question.
They are likely ducking their heads after fleecing their supporters.
By the way, please pardon some of the language used in this article.
They are likely ducking their heads after fleecing their supporters.
By the way, please pardon some of the language used in this article.
( Who’s raising these crazy ninjas? From Cleotha Abston to Ezekiel Kelly, American Negroes have been wild this week in Memphis. This is the week all the crazy ninjas decided to make their move, bucking up at the system but really not doing anything except making things worse for themselves and other black males. Now, the mainstream media is laser focused on the mental health of black males, painting a picture before the world that black men are utterly insane and need to be locked up behind cages like the wild predators that they are. Black men are now looking like the demons that many of them truly are in the mainstream media.