Black Oklahoma man kills White neighbor, cuts out her heart, cooks it, and tries to feed it to his family--including 4 year-old-child

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
Linear Time
Yep. Blacks will eat Whites during the coming American famine caused by the Usurper. When will people learn these savages as a whole, have nothing inside their skull. Not even phased or ashamed is the look it gives. For everything whites have done to make their lives better, this is what we get in return!


Yep. Blacks will eat Whites during the coming American famine caused by the Usurper. When will people learn these savages as a whole, have nothing inside their skull. Not even phased or ashamed is the look it gives. For everything whites have done to make their lives better, this is what we get in return!


You see this tragedy as emblematic and representative of the Black Americans around us?
You do know that's almost as crazy as the dude in your OP~
Nope. Red state...that means everyone there believes the same thing.

At least that is the same standard you guys apply to anything terrible that happens in a blue state.

Nope...substantial difference.......
You only need common sense to move to a Red state.
You have to be outta your fucking mind to move TO a Blue state.
I like to maintain a humorous attitude, but it's getting harder every day.

So, getting rid of statues, Aunt Jemimah, Uncle Ben, or the Indian maiden didn't mean anything to him. It didn't go far enough for him.

No wonder! Why, you ask?

Because Whipped Butter is still on dairy shelves all across the fruited plain.

Yep. Blacks will eat Whites during the coming American famine caused by the Usurper. When will people learn these savages as a whole, have nothing inside their skull. Not even phased or ashamed is the look it gives. For everything whites have done to make their lives better, this is what we get in return!


So, no white person has ever cut up a person and eaten them?

"Yesterday, however, Meiwes appeared in court charged with killing - and then frying and eating - another man."

Here's a picture on this site.

Two white guys, from Michigan

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