Black lives matter

Too many Red Bulls today bro
Don't drink that shit, don't do weed, nor inject anything.... simple TRUTHS hurt feelings, I can tell!
Weed doesn't result in over the top rants.

I yield to that man that would know!
Do you judge your own actions with the ridiculous level of elitism you use on others?

Mr. Trump has shown me that talking PLAIN SHIT, makes morons go crazy!
Dude you appear to have severe anger issues along with a lack of self control. You're like a riding mower going full speed determined to get that grass despite any obstacles that may be in front of you.
Don't drink that shit, don't do weed, nor inject anything.... simple TRUTHS hurt feelings, I can tell!
Weed doesn't result in over the top rants.

I yield to that man that would know!
Do you judge your own actions with the ridiculous level of elitism you use on others?

Mr. Trump has shown me that talking PLAIN SHIT, makes morons go crazy!
Dude you appear to have severe anger issues along with a lack of self control. You're like a riding mower going full speed determined to get that grass despite any obstacles that may be in front of you.

Am I offending you? Was it something I said that wasn't quite PC? Does it matter what others say that is just as extreme, or more so?..... Perhaps this?

Weed doesn't result in over the top rants.

I yield to that man that would know!
Do you judge your own actions with the ridiculous level of elitism you use on others?

Mr. Trump has shown me that talking PLAIN SHIT, makes morons go crazy!
Dude you appear to have severe anger issues along with a lack of self control. You're like a riding mower going full speed determined to get that grass despite any obstacles that may be in front of you.

Am I offending you? Was it something I said that wasn't quite PC? Does it matter what others say that is just as extreme, or more so?..... Perhaps this?

Your posts don't bother me in the least. In fact I feel sorry for you. Anger can be a bitch of a burden to carry.
In a pigmentocracy one's skin color can be a disadvantage. But back to my original question: "Do the conservative Republicans want to take care of the unwanted children after they are born?" Or are they complaining about "the Blacks on welfare" and "welfare queens"?
I would happily take in a child in need. In fact I tried to when those 10's of thousands came across the border last year. Unfortunately my criminal record from the age of 17, nearly 30 year ago, prevented me from being a candidate.
As to your welfare queen nonsense. That has no place in this discussion and only serves to drive an unnecessary wedge into the topic.
The topic is this ridiculous slogan that the left has picked up & ran with that elevates MANY black criminals to status they don't deserve. There are exceptions of course but last time I checked pink pigment was also the victim of bad law enforcement.
I think it's admirable that you would do such a thing, I also think that is B.S. that they would disqualify you because of something you did as a minor, they should change those standards depending on the crime.

The "welfare queen" crap is always there in the background and foreground, I'm sure that you have seem many so-called conservatives post the welfare stats for "the Blacks".

I already stated that I disagree with that statement.
I yield to that man that would know!
Do you judge your own actions with the ridiculous level of elitism you use on others?

Mr. Trump has shown me that talking PLAIN SHIT, makes morons go crazy!
Dude you appear to have severe anger issues along with a lack of self control. You're like a riding mower going full speed determined to get that grass despite any obstacles that may be in front of you.

Am I offending you? Was it something I said that wasn't quite PC? Does it matter what others say that is just as extreme, or more so?..... Perhaps this?

Your posts don't bother me in the least. In fact I feel sorry for you. Anger can be a bitch of a burden to carry.

What makes you think I'm angry?... Could it be I'm doing a Trump on you, and seeing where all your heads lay at?.... Speak the truth, but emphasize it without being PC and heads explode, but if some scum bag of color, or FAGERAL does it, just watch the low level IQ voters rush to his/her aid..... Quite entertaining to watch, really!
In a pigmentocracy one's skin color can be a disadvantage. But back to my original question: "Do the conservative Republicans want to take care of the unwanted children after they are born?" Or are they complaining about "the Blacks on welfare" and "welfare queens"?
You can find conservative Republicans who say they don't want to, or is this just you making shit up?

Because conservative Republicans just want to save the babies and then leave them laying in the gutters outside the hospital.

Here is an idea....All children who need a home should be expedited and the bureaucracy removed in placing them in homes. Then, laws should be written that if the two biological parents create a life they don't want, they both should be required to pay the State Government the costs of housing, feeding, and educating the child until such time as they are placed in a home, or they reach the age of majority.

Does that sound good to you?
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In a pigmentocracy one's skin color can be a disadvantage. But back to my original question: "Do the conservative Republicans want to take care of the unwanted children after they are born?" Or are they complaining about "the Blacks on welfare" and "welfare queens"?
It’s a question pro-aborts endlessly badger pro-lifers with: “If you so badly want babies to be born, how many are you willing to adopt?” They hope that by casting pro-lifers as somehow not doing enough to give “unwanted” children a home, they can divert attention away from the deaths they’re responsible for and guilt a few of us into shutting up. If that reminds you of a child snapping, “If you love it so much, why don’t you marry it?,” that’s because the challenge is about as sophisticated.

Sorry, but moral high ground doesn’t come that cheaply, the primary reason being that it doesn’t change the tiny details of a) who’s making children they don’t want in the first place, and b) who’s actually killing them and perpetuating that killing. Can anyone think of any other scenario where “I should be able to harm someone unless you aid me in some way” would be taken even remotely seriously as moral reasoning? If I forbid somebody from stealing my neighbor’s car, am I therefore obligated to let the would-be thief borrow my own?

Of course not. It’s preposterous. Again, pro-aborts are (intentionally) confusing the difference between abstaining from harm and going out of one’s way to do good. Our obligation to the former doesn’t necessarily entail the latter. And just because Person A won’t help Person B, it doesn’t give Person C a license to kill Person B. So even if this objection were to reveal that pro-lifers are somehow negligent in this area, it wouldn’t legitimize legal abortion.

It’s certainly true that all people, pro-lifers included, should do their part to find abandoned children homes, including adopting them themselves when they can. But, at the risk of ruining a perfectly good narrative by asking the obvious question, how do pro-aborts know we already aren’t? Do they have any reason other than malice to suggest that pro-life Americans aren’t adopting at a perfectly respectable rate compared to the rest of the population? Heck, how do we know pro-lifers aren’t adopting more than our “choice”-minded brethren? (After all, conservatives and religious Americans are more charitable in other ways.)

Personally, I’m not aware of adoption data to either effect, so if any of our critics can prove they’ve got facts behind the smears, step right up. It is, however, worth noting that even when pro-lifers do exactly what pro-aborts chastise us for allegedly not doing, it doesn’t make them hate us any less – just ask Rep. Michele Bachmann

Besides, moving on from the macro to the individual level, it’s awfully presumptuous to assume whether the circumstances of a stranger’s personal life – yes, even a pro-lifer – are conducive to providing an orphaned child a good home, whether due to the number of children one already has (conservatives tend to have more kids than liberals), making too little to handle adoption’s steep price tag, being unmarried and therefore unable to provide a two-parent home, or simply because one isn’t good with kids.

Lastly, regardless of how many pro-lifers are personally adopting, the fact is that we’ve more than stepped up to support adoption – just take a look at Students for Life’s rundown of adoption activism and groups, and compare it to Planned Parenthood’s own abortion-to-adoption ratio (fun fact: the United States actually has more crisis pregnancy centers than Planned Parenthood clinics).

Another day, another shabby excuse for mass slaughter dispatched. It’s a sad commentary on our culture that there remain any venues where you can be taken seriously badgering someone to take care of a stranger’s child while cherishing the child’s own mother’s right to kill him or her.
Unless they're not born yet and of course if they ruin them via their own actions.

Anyone else sick of this RIDICULOUS slogan?

Mug a cop & get shot? Idgaf. Your problem.
Do the conservative Republicans want to take care of the unwanted children after they are born?

P.S. All lives matter. :lol:

Seems that when Mr. O'Malley wanted to get YOUR suggestion across to a bunch of RACIST, MOTHER FUCKING, BLACK COCKSUCKERS, that wasn't the message THEY wanted to hear!....He TRIED to apologize for being PC but that fucking mob of low life scum, really didn't want to hear about that!.... Black DemocRATS, these just happened to be the POND SCUM of the Earth....Right?

Good God! Tell us what you really think! :lol:

I'd be banned again, if I did!
I'm not in favor of you being banned, you should be able to speak your mind (within the TOS) just like everyone else does. I DO think that the White House should have had their flags lowered in a more timely basis.
Too many Red Bulls today bro
Don't drink that shit, don't do weed, nor inject anything.... simple TRUTHS hurt feelings, I can tell!
Weed doesn't result in over the top rants.

I yield to that man that would know!
Do you judge your own actions with the ridiculous level of elitism you use on others?

Mr. Trump has shown me that talking PLAIN SHIT, makes morons go crazy!
I'm a moron and I'm having a good laugh because of Trump.
If a slogan is needed it should be
"All lives matter".....

That makes a better point....
To say black lives matter suggests that other lives don't....
If Democrats were honest, the slogan would be "Black votes matter".
What votes matter to the xenophobic and homophobic Republican Party?
The votes of Americans, not Mexican-Americans, African-Americans, trans gender-Americans or German-Americans. JUST Americans.
But you can't grasp the concept.
Don't drink that shit, don't do weed, nor inject anything.... simple TRUTHS hurt feelings, I can tell!
Weed doesn't result in over the top rants.

I yield to that man that would know!
Do you judge your own actions with the ridiculous level of elitism you use on others?

Mr. Trump has shown me that talking PLAIN SHIT, makes morons go crazy!
I'm a moron and I'm having a good laugh because of Trump.

I'm glad to see you know what you are.... other FAGERALS don't think that way.... You are winning!
Don't drink that shit, don't do weed, nor inject anything.... simple TRUTHS hurt feelings, I can tell!
Weed doesn't result in over the top rants.

I yield to that man that would know!
Do you judge your own actions with the ridiculous level of elitism you use on others?

Mr. Trump has shown me that talking PLAIN SHIT, makes morons go crazy!
I'm a moron and I'm having a good laugh because of Trump.

From what I saw Trump had a pretty good day at the border....
Unless they're not born yet and of course if they ruin them via their own actions.

Anyone else sick of this RIDICULOUS slogan?

Mug a cop & get shot? Idgaf. Your problem.
Do the conservative Republicans want to take care of the unwanted children after they are born?

P.S. All lives matter. :lol:

Seems that when Mr. O'Malley wanted to get YOUR suggestion across to a bunch of RACIST, MOTHER FUCKING, BLACK COCKSUCKERS, that wasn't the message THEY wanted to hear!....He TRIED to apologize for being PC but that fucking mob of low life scum, really didn't want to hear about that!.... Black DemocRATS, these just happened to be the POND SCUM of the Earth....Right?

Good God! Tell us what you really think! :lol:

I'd be banned again, if I did!
I'm not in favor of you being banned, you should be able to speak your mind (within the TOS) just like everyone else does. I DO think that the White House should have had their flags lowered in a more timely basis.

How DARE YOU go against your president that only took a WEEK to do that, while the same day he lite up the White House like a fucking rainbow! The HYPOCRISY was simply MAGNIFIED by his action!
Don't drink that shit, don't do weed, nor inject anything.... simple TRUTHS hurt feelings, I can tell!
Weed doesn't result in over the top rants.

I yield to that man that would know!
Do you judge your own actions with the ridiculous level of elitism you use on others?

Mr. Trump has shown me that talking PLAIN SHIT, makes morons go crazy!
I'm a moron and I'm having a good laugh because of Trump.
You're partly right.

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