"Black Lives Matter Killing Blacks"

Black Lives Matter should change it's name to Cops Murder Blacks. It is a sham organization, founded on a lie and given credibility by Obama and Holder.

If they gave a shit about Black Lives then they would be front and center protesting inner city conditions in Chicago, LA, New York, Baltimore etc. Democrat policies have turned these once stable communities into drug fueled killing fields.
There are other Blacks protesting inner city conditions but the media doesn't cover that.
Former Chicago Superintendent of Police Garry McCarthy said Sunday that the Black Lives Matter movement was ultimately responsible for rising crimes rates in his city and nationally because it was making it harder for police to do their jobs.

McCarthy said that the movement was responsible for a rise in "noncompliance" — people refusing to cooperate or surrender to police.

"What is happening is — and this is ironic — that a movement with the goal of saving black lives is at this point is getting black lives taken because 80 percent of our murder victims here in Chicago are male blacks," McCarthy told New York radio talk show host John Catsimatidis.
Former Chicago top cop: Black Lives Matter killing blacks | Washington Examiner

McCarthy was FIRED in the wake of backlash from the murder of an unarmed Black man by cops. I read the link and have concluded that he is just a butt hurt idiot who is lashing out at the organization that got him kicked off the force. According to media reports, the Chicago murder rate has been ongoing for decades, years before Black Lives Matter existed.
Do a little more research and see how dramatically the Chicago black on black murder rate spiked in 2016 amid all the black lives matter bullshit.

Oh, and how about all of the various black groups champion and end to the "snitches get stitches" crap that's so prevelant in the hoods. How fucking stupid is that? Blood all over their streets, witnesses abound, but, no, we can't tell the poh-leece who done it. Great. Now get in the "next innocent victim" line for your chance to get killed while the criminals are shooting it out in the streets.
Damn, fool. Have you seen what happens when Blacks call the police? The scared ass cops frequently come in with guns out and ready to kill anything that moves.Several people who called the cops have either been shot or manhandled. Cops have no respect for decent Blacks citizens. They don't even try to differentiate the thug from the Black valedictorian or the hard working conservative Black taxpayer.

That is what Black Lives Matter is addressing. Cops are killing Blacks without knowing if they are thugs or not. But the first thing they do after they murder someone is to do a background check to see if they can find something,even a misdemeanor, in the victim's past to justify killing him.
Yeah, we've seen them burning down their own neighborhoods. Very effective way of protesting inner-city conditions. Absolutely brilliant in fact!
Black Lives Matter should change it's name to Cops Murder Blacks. It is a sham organization, founded on a lie and given credibility by Obama and Holder.

If they gave a shit about Black Lives then they would be front and center protesting inner city conditions in Chicago, LA, New York, Baltimore etc. Democrat policies have turned these once stable communities into drug fueled killing fields.
There are other Blacks protesting inner city conditions but the media doesn't cover that.
Former Chicago Superintendent of Police Garry McCarthy said Sunday that the Black Lives Matter movement was ultimately responsible for rising crimes rates in his city and nationally because it was making it harder for police to do their jobs.

McCarthy said that the movement was responsible for a rise in "noncompliance" — people refusing to cooperate or surrender to police.

"What is happening is — and this is ironic — that a movement with the goal of saving black lives is at this point is getting black lives taken because 80 percent of our murder victims here in Chicago are male blacks," McCarthy told New York radio talk show host John Catsimatidis.
Former Chicago top cop: Black Lives Matter killing blacks | Washington Examiner

McCarthy was FIRED in the wake of backlash from the murder of an unarmed Black man by cops. I read the link and have concluded that he is just a butt hurt idiot who is lashing out at the organization that got him kicked off the force. According to media reports, the Chicago murder rate has been ongoing for decades, years before Black Lives Matter existed.
Do a little more research and see how dramatically the Chicago black on black murder rate spiked in 2016 amid all the black lives matter bullshit.

Oh, and how about all of the various black groups champion and end to the "snitches get stitches" crap that's so prevelant in the hoods. How fucking stupid is that? Blood all over their streets, witnesses abound, but, no, we can't tell the poh-leece who done it. Great. Now get in the "next innocent victim" line for your chance to get killed while the criminals are shooting it out in the streets.
Damn, fool. Have you seen what happens when Blacks call the police? The scared ass cops frequently come in with guns out and ready to kill anything that moves.Several people who called the cops have either been shot or manhandled. Cops have no respect for decent Blacks citizens. They don't even try to differentiate the thug from the Black valedictorian or the hard working conservative Black taxpayer.

That is what Black Lives Matter is addressing. Cops are killing Blacks without knowing if they are thugs or not. But the first thing they do after they murder someone is to do a background check to see if they can find something,even a misdemeanor, in the victim's past to justify killing him.

So true. Just reading some of the ignorant comments in this very forum validates the fact that typically there is no differentiating "black thug" from "law abiding black citizen".

The mentality that blacks generally think and act as one monolithic, single entity is not uncommon.
I'd take Black Lives Matter more seriously if they marched against the Bloods or the Crips. If they had protests after black on black murder. If they helped to aide black people gain the skills necessary to get better jobs and pull themselves out economic ruin. If they didn't stand by while people (including some of them) set buildings on fire (which actually hurts their communities more than they were).

BLM is simply a front George Soros et al. use to advance their agenda of dismantling white America, keeping black America in a constant state of subservience to white elitists in the sociopolitical sphere (rather than, as Marcus Garvey wanted, black self-empowerment), etc. Interracial strife has been one of the preferred- and probably the most successful- of the weapons the radical left uses to destabilize countries.

As an aside if those stooges actually cared about black lives they'd be protesting all of those hideous abortion mills in black - communities and whatnot. Or maybe protesting drugs and the pushers and pimps who, in many cases, operate free gratis with the blessings of the Washington establishment (think of the sordid tales of the CIA pushing guns, crack, and coke into black neighborhoods back in the 70s and 80s).
I'd take Black Lives Matter more seriously if they marched against the Bloods or the Crips. If they had protests after black on black murder. If they helped to aide black people gain the skills necessary to get better jobs and pull themselves out economic ruin. If they didn't stand by while people (including some of them) set buildings on fire (which actually hurts their communities more than they were).
The OP has some stupid sources so they're not worth addressing as far as I'm concerned. Your comment on the other hand seems somewhat like you're sincerely in a thought process. There are already community organizations that address those concerns. Black lives matter was ground breaking in being an organization that addresses police abuse.

Those other organizations should be given more air time then to have their voice heard, or are we missing something?


Well a good slogan goes a long way. Ive heard "hands up dont shoot" and "what do we want? dead cops. when do we want them? Now! " but what's the slogans of these other groups protesting the killings of citizens by gangs?

Media is not doing its job, we don't know any of those groups
Right! Blacks protesting against Black gang killings isn't newsworthy. White people don't want to hear about that. The majority would rather cling to the notion of the Black boogey man and the media understands that. It sells.

Unfortunately the same media that ignores Black protests against gang violence are quick to deflect from Black protests against cop killings by proclaiming that BLM ought to be concerned about the Back on Black homicide rate.

Where are these marching blacks against blacks killing blacks?
I somehow missed them.
I'd take Black Lives Matter more seriously if they marched against the Bloods or the Crips. If they had protests after black on black murder. If they helped to aide black people gain the skills necessary to get better jobs and pull themselves out economic ruin. If they didn't stand by while people (including some of them) set buildings on fire (which actually hurts their communities more than they were).
The OP has some stupid sources so they're not worth addressing as far as I'm concerned. Your comment on the other hand seems somewhat like you're sincerely in a thought process. There are already community organizations that address those concerns. Black lives matter was ground breaking in being an organization that addresses police abuse.

While that might be true, they obviously need more assistance.
I'd take Black Lives Matter more seriously if they marched against the Bloods or the Crips. If they had protests after black on black murder. If they helped to aide black people gain the skills necessary to get better jobs and pull themselves out economic ruin. If they didn't stand by while people (including some of them) set buildings on fire (which actually hurts their communities more than they were).
The OP has some stupid sources so they're not worth addressing as far as I'm concerned. Your comment on the other hand seems somewhat like you're sincerely in a thought process. There are already community organizations that address those concerns. Black lives matter was ground breaking in being an organization that addresses police abuse.

While that might be true, they obviously need more assistance.
The OP has some stupid sources so they're not worth addressing as far as I'm concerned. Your comment on the other hand seems somewhat like you're sincerely in a thought process. There are already community organizations that address those concerns. Black lives matter was ground breaking in being an organization that addresses police abuse.

Those other organizations should be given more air time then to have their voice heard, or are we missing something?


Well a good slogan goes a long way. Ive heard "hands up dont shoot" and "what do we want? dead cops. when do we want them? Now! " but what's the slogans of these other groups protesting the killings of citizens by gangs?

Media is not doing its job, we don't know any of those groups
Right! Blacks protesting against Black gang killings isn't newsworthy. White people don't want to hear about that. The majority would rather cling to the notion of the Black boogey man and the media understands that. It sells.

Unfortunately the same media that ignores Black protests against gang violence are quick to deflect from Black protests against cop killings by proclaiming that BLM ought to be concerned about the Back on Black homicide rate.

Where are these marching blacks against blacks killing blacks?
I somehow missed them.

To be fair I had to look and actually I had found more than I thought I would. However, maybe this is only getting local coverage and not national coverage, because I havnt seen anything on the news. Maybe its because it was a christian group.

Thousands take to Chicago streets for rally against violence
I'd take Black Lives Matter more seriously if they marched against the Bloods or the Crips. If they had protests after black on black murder. If they helped to aide black people gain the skills necessary to get better jobs and pull themselves out economic ruin. If they didn't stand by while people (including some of them) set buildings on fire (which actually hurts their communities more than they were).
The OP has some stupid sources so they're not worth addressing as far as I'm concerned. Your comment on the other hand seems somewhat like you're sincerely in a thought process. There are already community organizations that address those concerns. Black lives matter was ground breaking in being an organization that addresses police abuse.

While that might be true, they obviously need more assistance.
Those other organizations should be given more air time then to have their voice heard, or are we missing something?


Well a good slogan goes a long way. Ive heard "hands up dont shoot" and "what do we want? dead cops. when do we want them? Now! " but what's the slogans of these other groups protesting the killings of citizens by gangs?

Media is not doing its job, we don't know any of those groups
Right! Blacks protesting against Black gang killings isn't newsworthy. White people don't want to hear about that. The majority would rather cling to the notion of the Black boogey man and the media understands that. It sells.

Unfortunately the same media that ignores Black protests against gang violence are quick to deflect from Black protests against cop killings by proclaiming that BLM ought to be concerned about the Back on Black homicide rate.

Where are these marching blacks against blacks killing blacks?
I somehow missed them.

To be fair I had to look and actually I had found more than I thought I would. However, maybe this is only getting local coverage and not national coverage, because I havnt seen anything on the news. Maybe its because it was a christian group.

Thousands take to Chicago streets for rally against violence

I dont find it hard to believe since they're Christians.
But it makes one wonder...how many of those people were BLM members?
I'd take Black Lives Matter more seriously if they marched against the Bloods or the Crips. If they had protests after black on black murder. If they helped to aide black people gain the skills necessary to get better jobs and pull themselves out economic ruin. If they didn't stand by while people (including some of them) set buildings on fire (which actually hurts their communities more than they were).
The OP has some stupid sources so they're not worth addressing as far as I'm concerned. Your comment on the other hand seems somewhat like you're sincerely in a thought process. There are already community organizations that address those concerns. Black lives matter was ground breaking in being an organization that addresses police abuse.

While that might be true, they obviously need more assistance.

Well a good slogan goes a long way. Ive heard "hands up dont shoot" and "what do we want? dead cops. when do we want them? Now! " but what's the slogans of these other groups protesting the killings of citizens by gangs?

Media is not doing its job, we don't know any of those groups
Right! Blacks protesting against Black gang killings isn't newsworthy. White people don't want to hear about that. The majority would rather cling to the notion of the Black boogey man and the media understands that. It sells.

Unfortunately the same media that ignores Black protests against gang violence are quick to deflect from Black protests against cop killings by proclaiming that BLM ought to be concerned about the Back on Black homicide rate.

Where are these marching blacks against blacks killing blacks?
I somehow missed them.

To be fair I had to look and actually I had found more than I thought I would. However, maybe this is only getting local coverage and not national coverage, because I havnt seen anything on the news. Maybe its because it was a christian group.

Thousands take to Chicago streets for rally against violence

I dont find it hard to believe since they're Christians.
But it makes one wonder...how many of those people were BLM members?

I dont know but they looked pretty peaceful and there was a cop there. It seemed like a pretty constructive protest to me, To bad things like this don't get more Noise in the media. People doing the drive by shootings need to be reminded daily of the destruction they leave behind the same way the media is willing to remind cops everyday of their mistakes.

I'd take Black Lives Matter more seriously if they marched against the Bloods or the Crips. If they had protests after black on black murder. If they helped to aide black people gain the skills necessary to get better jobs and pull themselves out economic ruin. If they didn't stand by while people (including some of them) set buildings on fire (which actually hurts their communities more than they were).
The OP has some stupid sources so they're not worth addressing as far as I'm concerned. Your comment on the other hand seems somewhat like you're sincerely in a thought process. There are already community organizations that address those concerns. Black lives matter was ground breaking in being an organization that addresses police abuse.

While that might be true, they obviously need more assistance.
Well a good slogan goes a long way. Ive heard "hands up dont shoot" and "what do we want? dead cops. when do we want them? Now! " but what's the slogans of these other groups protesting the killings of citizens by gangs?

Media is not doing its job, we don't know any of those groups
Right! Blacks protesting against Black gang killings isn't newsworthy. White people don't want to hear about that. The majority would rather cling to the notion of the Black boogey man and the media understands that. It sells.

Unfortunately the same media that ignores Black protests against gang violence are quick to deflect from Black protests against cop killings by proclaiming that BLM ought to be concerned about the Back on Black homicide rate.

Where are these marching blacks against blacks killing blacks?
I somehow missed them.

To be fair I had to look and actually I had found more than I thought I would. However, maybe this is only getting local coverage and not national coverage, because I havnt seen anything on the news. Maybe its because it was a christian group.

Thousands take to Chicago streets for rally against violence

I dont find it hard to believe since they're Christians.
But it makes one wonder...how many of those people were BLM members?

I dont know but they looked pretty peaceful and there was a cop there. It seemed like a pretty constructive protest to me, To bad things like this don't get more Noise in the media. People doing the drive by shootings need to be reminded daily of the destruction they leave behind the same way the media is willing to remind cops everyday of their mistakes.

The only problem is ghetto thugs dont give a rats ass who they kill in the name of drug territory or killing in the name of payback for some perceived slight.
When is the last time a black person has done one of those things to you? When I pose the question to one of the more truthful Caucasians, they are mute as fuck
When is the last time a cop shot you?
Harassed while walking home. 2014
Big deal, it's happened to me too, as well as nearly everyone I know.
As long as it's not a big deal, it's going to continue to happen to you and everyone you know genius
My point is that it's not a racial issue, genius. But do keep whining about your victimhood because nobody is listening any more. If you wanna live in the 60's, go ahead but don't expect society to ever embrace your culture of violence. Live among yourselves and kill each other, nobody will care, just don't bring that shit to the rest of us.
The OP has some stupid sources so they're not worth addressing as far as I'm concerned. Your comment on the other hand seems somewhat like you're sincerely in a thought process. There are already community organizations that address those concerns. Black lives matter was ground breaking in being an organization that addresses police abuse.

While that might be true, they obviously need more assistance.
Right! Blacks protesting against Black gang killings isn't newsworthy. White people don't want to hear about that. The majority would rather cling to the notion of the Black boogey man and the media understands that. It sells.

Unfortunately the same media that ignores Black protests against gang violence are quick to deflect from Black protests against cop killings by proclaiming that BLM ought to be concerned about the Back on Black homicide rate.

Where are these marching blacks against blacks killing blacks?
I somehow missed them.

To be fair I had to look and actually I had found more than I thought I would. However, maybe this is only getting local coverage and not national coverage, because I havnt seen anything on the news. Maybe its because it was a christian group.

Thousands take to Chicago streets for rally against violence

I dont find it hard to believe since they're Christians.
But it makes one wonder...how many of those people were BLM members?

I dont know but they looked pretty peaceful and there was a cop there. It seemed like a pretty constructive protest to me, To bad things like this don't get more Noise in the media. People doing the drive by shootings need to be reminded daily of the destruction they leave behind the same way the media is willing to remind cops everyday of their mistakes.

The only problem is ghetto thugs dont give a rats ass who they kill in the name of drug territory or killing in the name of payback for some perceived slight.

That is easy for you to surmise and say but when cops indiscriminately kill , especially Blacks, it appears they are doing so with extreme prejudice. Why is that? One major reason is because of social conditioning that starts in kindergarten or elementary school. Both Black and White kids are taught that Black is inferior and White is superior. Even Webster's dictionary backs that up. All the while, White journalists and editors, infected by that social conditioning, have been waging a propaganda war against Blacks for a long time. The entire Black population is painted with a broad brush of criminality. Violence is projected as an integral part of daily Black existence everywhere they live. Innocent Black people trying to live a decent life are caught in the crossfire of Black thuggery and police hostility. A relatively few bad apples in both groups ( thugs and cops) have , in some places, created a social hell for the innocent people living there. Decent Back citizens have taken to the streets to protest both cop killing unarmed Blacks and thugs killing each other and also sometimes innocent bystanders. Black Lives Matter is the group that caught media's attention while protests against thugs go unreported .
I'd take Black Lives Matter more seriously if they marched against the Bloods or the Crips. If they had protests after black on black murder. If they helped to aide black people gain the skills necessary to get better jobs and pull themselves out economic ruin. If they didn't stand by while people (including some of them) set buildings on fire (which actually hurts their communities more than they were).

BLM is simply a front George Soros et al. use to advance their agenda of dismantling white America, keeping black America in a constant state of subservience to white elitists in the sociopolitical sphere (rather than, as Marcus Garvey wanted, black self-empowerment), etc. Interracial strife has been one of the preferred- and probably the most successful- of the weapons the radical left uses to destabilize countries.

As an aside if those stooges actually cared about black lives they'd be protesting all of those hideous abortion mills in black - communities and whatnot. Or maybe protesting drugs and the pushers and pimps who, in many cases, operate free gratis with the blessings of the Washington establishment (think of the sordid tales of the CIA pushing guns, crack, and coke into black neighborhoods back in the 70s and 80s).

You are reluctant to even give Blacks credit for organizing their own protests . To you, some "white communist" with an agenda had to be responsible. You can't fathom that Black people are capable of organizing and protesting on their own? Damn! it. Look...if you attack a hornets nest an outside force doesn't have to mobilize a swarm of hornets to sting your ass. The hornets are capable of identifying you and fighting back on their own. Like the hornet analogy, the catalyst for forming BLM came as a result of what appeared to be a rash of of national televised murders, in rapid succession, of unarmed Black people by rogue cops. White communists had nothing to do with it.
Black Lives Matter should change it's name to Cops Murder Blacks. It is a sham organization, founded on a lie and given credibility by Obama and Holder.

If they gave a shit about Black Lives then they would be front and center protesting inner city conditions in Chicago, LA, New York, Baltimore etc. Democrat policies have turned these once stable communities into drug fueled killing fields.
There are other Blacks protesting inner city conditions but the media doesn't cover that.
Former Chicago Superintendent of Police Garry McCarthy said Sunday that the Black Lives Matter movement was ultimately responsible for rising crimes rates in his city and nationally because it was making it harder for police to do their jobs.

McCarthy said that the movement was responsible for a rise in "noncompliance" — people refusing to cooperate or surrender to police.

"What is happening is — and this is ironic — that a movement with the goal of saving black lives is at this point is getting black lives taken because 80 percent of our murder victims here in Chicago are male blacks," McCarthy told New York radio talk show host John Catsimatidis.
Former Chicago top cop: Black Lives Matter killing blacks | Washington Examiner

McCarthy was FIRED in the wake of backlash from the murder of an unarmed Black man by cops. I read the link and have concluded that he is just a butt hurt idiot who is lashing out at the organization that got him kicked off the force. According to media reports, the Chicago murder rate has been ongoing for decades, years before Black Lives Matter existed.
Do a little more research and see how dramatically the Chicago black on black murder rate spiked in 2016 amid all the black lives matter bullshit.

Oh, and how about all of the various black groups champion and end to the "snitches get stitches" crap that's so prevelant in the hoods. How fucking stupid is that? Blood all over their streets, witnesses abound, but, no, we can't tell the poh-leece who done it. Great. Now get in the "next innocent victim" line for your chance to get killed while the criminals are shooting it out in the streets.
Damn, fool. Have you seen what happens when Blacks call the police? The scared ass cops frequently come in with guns out and ready to kill anything that moves.Several people who called the cops have either been shot or manhandled. Cops have no respect for decent Blacks citizens. They don't even try to differentiate the thug from the Black valedictorian or the hard working conservative Black taxpayer.

That is what Black Lives Matter is addressing. Cops are killing Blacks without knowing if they are thugs or not. But the first thing they do after they murder someone is to do a background check to see if they can find something,even a misdemeanor, in the victim's past to justify killing him.
Yeah, we've seen them burning down their own neighborhoods. Very effective way of protesting inner-city conditions. Absolutely brilliant in fact!
Who is THEM? Have the arsonists been specifically identified? Or are you just assuming again? You do know that when Hoover was alive he hired outside Black agitators to disrupt peaceful protests headed By ML King. So, the pictures you see in the news papers of a Black man holding a molotov cocktail in his hand could be of an FBI plant. Hoover died but his nefarious strategies didn't!
Harassed while walking home. 2014
Uh huh, sure you were. Well, you werent shot by a cop, so clearly cops shooting people isnt a problem, right?
Abuse is abuse. The extent varies. What are you saying? You sound stupid as fuck. There are black lifeless corpses on the news people who were unarmed. You honestly think that if those statistics were true about blacks killing whites, that they wouldn't show you a bloody close up and light candles and shit?? You know why they can't show you that? Because it doesn't exist. They SAMPLE a group and post numbers from that group to represent an entire group for dumb asses who believe everything without question
Sad thing is that black lives mattered more when they were slaves.
Does your life matter? If your life mattered more today, you wouldn't have to reference something that you weren't even born in and didn't have a hand in creating. Your life has so little value that you are morally and spiritually bankrupt enough to suggest slavery as a white accomplishment. LoL. No wonder you worthless pieces of shit are at the top of the suicide list in this country
Slavery was no certainly no accomplishment. That property has value is a tautology. It is then obvious that black lives mattered more when they were slaves. That is invariably true regardless of the immorality of slavery.
Stop using big words you don't understand. Property and value are not quite the same and thus the use of both terms in the same sentence is not tautological. If you had said my land is my property or that a slave is worth whatever value is placed on him you would have had the prerequisites for using the term "tautology!" For now, though it looks as if you are still just an ignorant buffoon.:lol:
When is the last time a black person has done one of those things to you? When I pose the question to one of the more truthful Caucasians, they are mute as fuck
When is the last time a cop shot you?
Harassed while walking home. 2014
Uh huh, sure you were. Well, you werent shot by a cop, so clearly cops shooting people isnt a problem, right?
Abuse is abuse. The extent varies. What are you saying? You sound stupid as fuck. There are black lifeless corpses on the news people who were unarmed. You honestly think that if those statistics were true about blacks killing whites, that they wouldn't show you a bloody close up and light candles and shit?? You know why they can't show you that? Because it doesn't exist. They SAMPLE a group and post numbers from that group to represent an entire group for dumb asses who believe everything without question
Sad thing is that black lives mattered more when they were slaves.
If that is true, White lives mattered more when they were serfs and peasants. See how silly you sound?
Uh huh, sure you were. Well, you werent shot by a cop, so clearly cops shooting people isnt a problem, right?
Abuse is abuse. The extent varies. What are you saying? You sound stupid as fuck. There are black lifeless corpses on the news people who were unarmed. You honestly think that if those statistics were true about blacks killing whites, that they wouldn't show you a bloody close up and light candles and shit?? You know why they can't show you that? Because it doesn't exist. They SAMPLE a group and post numbers from that group to represent an entire group for dumb asses who believe everything without question
Sad thing is that black lives mattered more when they were slaves.
Does your life matter? If your life mattered more today, you wouldn't have to reference something that you weren't even born in and didn't have a hand in creating. Your life has so little value that you are morally and spiritually bankrupt enough to suggest slavery as a white accomplishment. LoL. No wonder you worthless pieces of shit are at the top of the suicide list in this country
Slavery was no certainly no accomplishment. That property has value is a tautology. It is then obvious that black lives mattered more when they were slaves. That is invariably true regardless of the immorality of slavery.
Stop using big words you don't understand. Property and value are not quite the same and thus the use of both terms in the same sentence is not tautological. If you had said my land is my property or that a slave is worth whatever value is placed on him you would have had the prerequisites for using the term "tautology!" For now, though it looks as if you are still just an ignorant buffoon.:lol:
I understand that you're upset. That black lives had more value as slaves is never-the-less undeniable although unpleasant. Deflection and ludicrous ranting is not going to change fact. The saddest part of it is that today black lives have the least value to blacks: thus the carnage.
The past 150 years have proven that the negro cannot handle freedom. They were better off as slaves.
When is the last time a black person has done one of those things to you? When I pose the question to one of the more truthful Caucasians, they are mute as fuck
When is the last time a cop shot you?
Harassed while walking home. 2014
Big deal, it's happened to me too, as well as nearly everyone I know.
As long as it's not a big deal, it's going to continue to happen to you and everyone you know genius
My point is that it's not a racial issue, genius. But do keep whining about your victimhood because nobody is listening any more. If you wanna live in the 60's, go ahead but don't expect society to ever embrace your culture of violence. Live among yourselves and kill each other, nobody will care, just don't bring that shit to the rest of us.

I don't think anyone who posts here will "bring any shit to you". If you're a middle aged white male, you are more likely to kill yourself than to be murdered by a "black thug".

The suicide rate among white males is climbing in record numbers. 14, 000 alone in 2014.

Don't "their lives matter" to you?

Why white, older men are more likely to die of suicide - SOURCE
When is the last time a cop shot you?
Harassed while walking home. 2014
Big deal, it's happened to me too, as well as nearly everyone I know.
As long as it's not a big deal, it's going to continue to happen to you and everyone you know genius
My point is that it's not a racial issue, genius. But do keep whining about your victimhood because nobody is listening any more. If you wanna live in the 60's, go ahead but don't expect society to ever embrace your culture of violence. Live among yourselves and kill each other, nobody will care, just don't bring that shit to the rest of us.

I don't think anyone who posts here will "bring any shit to you". If you're a middle aged white male, you are more likely to kill yourself than to be murdered by a "black thug".

The suicide rate among white males is climbing in record numbers. 14, 000 alone in 2014.

Don't "their lives matter" to you?

Why white, older men are more likely to die of suicide - SOURCE
You're comparing people who choose to die, with people who are murdered? Don't you think that's kinda fucking retarded?

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