Black lies matter and the Ferguson effect....costing more lives....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
In this column, we have a look at the cost of a left wing lie........and how it is causing the murder rate to go up by keeping police from doing their jobs......

The High Cost of Radical Racialized Lies — Has the Ferguson Effect Gone National?, by David French, National Review

It turns out that lies have consequences. A movement that built itself on 2015’s “lie of the year” (as the Washington Post’s fact-checker labeled “hands up, don’t shoot”) and that sustained itself through an even bigger, bolder lie (that police have declared “open season” on black men) is not only dividing America, it may also be costing lives. According to recently released FBI figures, the very same year that the U.S. found itself embroiled in controversy over policing tactics, it has experienced a startling surge in murders — especially murders in major cities.

ead more at: The High Cost of Radical Racialized Lies — Has the Ferguson Effect Gone National?, by David French, National Review
Yep. Libs caused this.'s some policing realities.

Killers usually don't kill on their first chance. Feds simmer and boil over. A guy might drive to a rivals area 15 times with a gun...and never get the anger or guts to do it. But...that 16th time....

BUT....what if on that 8th time...he got pulled over. And arrested for a warrant or possessing that gun unlawfully. Now....the 16th one never happens.

How many 8th time traffic stops NEVER HAPPEN now? A lot. And thus...the murders go up.

The Broken Windows Theory works. Cops enforcing little things breaks up the pattern and escalation of crimes.

If those patterns aren't broken....killings occur.

It's apples and oranges...but it's not much different than ISIS and terror. If left unchecked...the criminal element grows and gets worse. If we interfere with the financing and pattern ISIS uses...they never get established. Same with cops. Interrupt the patterns. Make them uncomfortable making those 10 drive bys and trying to get the guts to commit the murders.
If I was a cop being called to a suspicious black man in the act of doing something, I would wait untiI I had witnesses or just take my time and wait until the criminal is gone. I don't like being accused of shooting a thug who resisting arrest. All the crime in the black neighborhoods is going to escalate because of "Don't Shoot, Hands Up" and Black lives matter.. Blacks are getting a free pass on criminal activities because of this.
Fear fear fear

Fear what? You morons have convinced millions of blacks in high crime areas to be afraid to reach out to the only people willing to go in there and confront the gangs.

And murders are soaring.

Did you America's 50 largest cities....murder is up almost 18%!!!! The rest of the country....1%.

Hope you libs like what you've done. I know you do.


More dead blacks.

Whether it's supporting mass abortion or mass chaos in the ghetto....both lead to more dead blacks.

And NOW we see what you WHITE liberal BlackLivesMatter supporters really want. Less police protection means more dead blacks....just like abortion. You do liberals beloved Planned Parenthood was founded ONLY to exterminate blacks right? What's her name....Margaret Sanger or something? Look it up.
And here is more info. on the Ferguson effect...or "how do we increase the murder rate to push our gun control agenda?"

Welcome to Gang War Land

One of the more interesting series of conversations I had at SHOT Show last week was with a highly-placed NGO official about the chilling effect that left-wing attacks on law enforcement have had on pro-active policing.

“Bob,” he told me, “the “Ferguson effect’ is very real.”

“Good officers are leaving the job as fast as they can retire, and the only reason younger officers aren’t leaving faster is that their isn’t a clear transition from law enforcement to the normal workforce for a lot of people.”

The officers who remain are demoralized, feel betrayed and back-stabbed by the communities they’ve sworn to to protect, and not without reason. Many are no longer proactively police their communities, and refuse to do anything more than answer radio calls.
The 50 largest cities in US saw an 18% spike in murders.

The cops have said fuck it.

And it's not gonna be white folks in suburbs suffering. That's where all the GOOD cops are fleeing to.
Another look and stats from other cities and how high their homicide rate is going up…

Is Rising Violence a 'Ferguson Effect'? | RealClearPolitics

What is happening here is also happening elsewhere. Last year, Cleveland suffered a 90 percent jump in homicides; in Nashville, the increase was 83 percent. In the 50 biggest U.S. cities, The Washington Post reports, homicides were up by 17 percent last year -- "the worst annual change since 1990."
Yep. Worst since 1990. The 80's and early 90s were America's last great crime wave. It was in response to the 60s and 70s liberal cop hatred campaigns. Cops said fuck it and backed off.

Then....America had a wake up call and cops came back strong. mid 90s to about 2013. Crime plummeted. we go again. This time though Islamic terror is in the mix.

We're in year 1 of another 10-15 surge in violence. Thank liberals.

Me? I'm buying a home in a suburb. White Flight part II is beginning and property values in gated suburbs is about to soar. Especially with gas prices so low.

Thanks libs. You guys are gonna help me turn a 70K profit on this home.

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