Black Jewish Israelites

These retarded fuckin hacks are STILL blaming those kids.
Never let a confirmation bias go to waste. Even if it is fabricated horseshit.
This reminds me so much of the parents getting into a fight in the stands over a Little League game. What it's turned into here is the typical race bullshit. My kid's better than your kid.
These kids have received death threats! Celebrities have socially hung them in the town square.
Its alot more than my kid is better crap OL. This is fucking bullshit.
One Hollywood director tweeted a pic involving putting the kid through a woodchipper.

This new fascist left is so disturbing. In Britain they hand over children to Islamist rapists. Here they entertain the most vile thoughts about murdering them in the most grizzly ways imaginable.

and all the while the filth that this forum works so hard to attract and protect agrees with it.

Evil exists. Used to be, lift the rock and it would scatter.

They're bolder these days.
White people, even the children are evil and must be punched in the face for smiling while being abused! Yep!
Anyone wearing a MAGA hat invites abuse.

Yes, because we haven't seen that concept before...


Scratch the surface of a progressive, and you see the totalitarian laid bare.

The MAGA hat is the emblem of division, bigotry, and racism.
Why? You don’t want America to be great again?

Division, bigotry, and racism won't make America great again.

Then leave.

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