Black Friday Wal-Mart Walkout

Again, side with those that are really screwing someone over, typical of rightwing nuts.
Let's hope you get your lazy ass put out of work.

Lefttard: Walmart is screwing me over.
Sane Person: How are they doing that?
Lefttard: They gave me a job.
Sane Person: That should be a good thing.
Lefttard: Yeah, but they only pay me $3 an hour, and promised me $10
Sane Person: Let me see your check stub; so they DO pay $10 an hour. These are taxes, insurance costs, and 401K.
Lefttard: But that's not fair, they're taking my money.
Sane Person: But you wanted higher taxes and mandatory medical insurance.
Lefttard: Yeah, but it should be free.
Sane Person: So, you're mad that you have to pay for what you demanded?
Lefttard: I want someone else to pay for it! Walmart is screwing me over.

Lefttards - proof that stupidity is contagious.
I added a line to your otherwise spot on analysis.
It would be interesting to see what would happen if this happened at the Walmart near me. Last year a manager got beaten up when he told the crowd the opening would be delayed due to a problem with the cash registers. The store would probably be destroyed if the people couldn't buy anything due to a walkout. And I don't think any of the strikers would fare much better if they hung around picketing.
It would be interesting to see what would happen if this happened at the Walmart near me. Last year a manager got beaten up when he told the crowd the opening would be delayed due to a problem with the cash registers. The store would probably be destroyed if the people couldn't buy anything due to a walkout. And I don't think any of the strikers would fare much better if they hung around picketing.

Wouldn't you love to see it though? I would. Wal Mart shoppers on black friday v. picketers. That's worth pay for view.
It would be interesting to see what would happen if this happened at the Walmart near me. Last year a manager got beaten up when he told the crowd the opening would be delayed due to a problem with the cash registers. The store would probably be destroyed if the people couldn't buy anything due to a walkout. And I don't think any of the strikers would fare much better if they hung around picketing.

Wouldn't you love to see it though? I would. Wal Mart shoppers on black friday v. picketers. That's worth pay for view.

My money is on the mad folks who got up at 4 to pick up a buick sized flat screen for $200 and have these nimrods fuckin it up.
It would be interesting to see what would happen if this happened at the Walmart near me. Last year a manager got beaten up when he told the crowd the opening would be delayed due to a problem with the cash registers. The store would probably be destroyed if the people couldn't buy anything due to a walkout. And I don't think any of the strikers would fare much better if they hung around picketing.

Wouldn't you love to see it though? I would. Wal Mart shoppers on black friday v. picketers. That's worth pay for view.

I don't think pay per view would cover a bloodbath of that magnitude.
:lol: The All-Union Hostess stores even sell wonder bread cheaper than All Anti-Union Walmart. :lol:

Yes they sell almost out of date product cheaper there seeing as they are getting at cost you fucking idiot.

Show me any brand of bread sold at a non union store that is sold cheaper than Hostess. :lol:

BTW the stuff I buy at Hostess was fresh & still priced below anyone in town, not the discounted near expiration stuff.
Anyone with a job should make enough to not need food stamps. Minimum wage came about to keep people out of poverty.


So a part time Taco Bell job needs to pay enough to support a family of 10?

You fucking communists stupid beyond belief. This nation is doomed, retards are rampant.

/liberal voice on

Damn right! It needs to not only support that family but provide enough to send each of those eight children to Harvard. Because those eight children are entitled to a Harvard education just like their president.

/voice off


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