Black farmer calls out liberal racists as bigger threat than Richard Spencer, confederate flags


Platinum Member
Feb 26, 2017
Democratic People's Republique de Californie
Black Farmer Calls Out Liberal Racism In Powerful Facebook Message

A black farmer has the internet talking after posting a powerful message on social media about race relations in Charlottesville, Virginia.

Chris Newman, owner of the Sylvanaqua Farms in Albemarle County, shared his thoughts on a recent “Love Trumps Hate” counter-protest on Saturday. The rally was held in response to white supremacist Richard Spencer leading a protest against the removal of a statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee.

“I’d like to appreciate [the Love Trumps Hate rally],” Newman wrote in a Facebook post published on May 17. “But frankly I just don’t.”

Newman went on to call out the subtle racism of his neighbors, who purport to be progressive and inclusive but have yet to acknowledge the fact that Charlottesville is, by his estimation, “the most aggressively segregated place” he’s ever lived in.

The farmer recounted that he’s been racially profiled and questioned by police several times after receiving “strange looks from a passerby.”

“It isn’t Richard Spencer calling the cops on me for farming while Black,” Newman wrote. “It’s nervous White women in yoga pants with ‘I’m with her’ and ‘Coexist’ stickers on their German SUVs.”

The farmer went on to suggest that residents of the town who are interested in racial progress should consider how to effect change in their own everyday lives.

“People are so busy going after that easy fix, going after that Confederate flag, that they’re not doing the hard thing, which is thinking, how did we get here, and how the hell do we dig out of institutional racism,” Newman wrote.

As of Wednesday, Newman’s post has received over 5,000 shares and hundreds of comments from people chiming in with their own thoughts on race in Charlottesville...

As I've said many times, the Democrats are the party of the KKK, Jim Crow, slavery, and affirmative action.
Black Farmer Calls Out Liberal Racism In Powerful Facebook Message

A black farmer has the internet talking after posting a powerful message on social media about race relations in Charlottesville, Virginia.

Chris Newman, owner of the Sylvanaqua Farms in Albemarle County, shared his thoughts on a recent “Love Trumps Hate” counter-protest on Saturday. The rally was held in response to white supremacist Richard Spencer leading a protest against the removal of a statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee.

“I’d like to appreciate [the Love Trumps Hate rally],” Newman wrote in a Facebook post published on May 17. “But frankly I just don’t.”

Newman went on to call out the subtle racism of his neighbors, who purport to be progressive and inclusive but have yet to acknowledge the fact that Charlottesville is, by his estimation, “the most aggressively segregated place” he’s ever lived in.

The farmer recounted that he’s been racially profiled and questioned by police several times after receiving “strange looks from a passerby.”

“It isn’t Richard Spencer calling the cops on me for farming while Black,” Newman wrote. “It’s nervous White women in yoga pants with ‘I’m with her’ and ‘Coexist’ stickers on their German SUVs.”

The farmer went on to suggest that residents of the town who are interested in racial progress should consider how to effect change in their own everyday lives.

“People are so busy going after that easy fix, going after that Confederate flag, that they’re not doing the hard thing, which is thinking, how did we get here, and how the hell do we dig out of institutional racism,” Newman wrote.

As of Wednesday, Newman’s post has received over 5,000 shares and hundreds of comments from people chiming in with their own thoughts on race in Charlottesville...

As I've said many times, the Democrats are the party of the KKK, Jim Crow, slavery, and affirmative action.
All you are doing is empowering Democrats to hate white people.

Black racists are some of most powerful voices Democrats have today, and Democrats are giving them all the microphones that they need.

The statue being removed is a BAD thing btw.

As I've said many times, the Democrats are the party of the KKK, Jim Crow, slavery, and affirmative action.

Lol I can't believe you posted that in a thread that you created to attack people who oppose a symbol of the KKK, Jim Crow, and slavery.

Republicans love to blame Democrats for the confederacy, but then they shut up REAL QUICK when you point out it's republicans currently rallying behind confederate flags and holding up the confederacy as heroes.
You may not like what I am saying, but it is true nonetheless.

Endlessly saying that Jim Crow, colonial slavery etc are the worst of the worst and Democrats are responsible for it is not hurting social justice warrior Democrats that are fueled by anti-white racism and white guilt.

All you are effectively doing is saying to the Democrats that white people are morally compromised or inherently morally inferior, and that this means only the most non-white organizations are legitimate(I.E Democrat organizations). Preferences Espenshade Chung June 2005.pdf

...In an earlier article in this journal, Espenshade, Chung, and Walling
(2004) examined the strength of admission preferences for underrepresented
minority students, athletes, and alumni children at three highly selective
private research universities in the United States. Using data from the Na-
tional Study of College Experience on 124,374 applications for admission
during the 1980s and the fall semesters of 1993 and 1997, they found that
elite universities give extra weight in admissions to candidates whose SAT
scores are above 1500, who are African American, and who are student

A smaller, but nevertheless important, preference is extended to
Hispanic and legacy applicants. African-American applicants receive the

equivalent of 230 extra SAT points (on a 1600-point scale), and being
Hispanic is worth an additional 185 SAT points. Other things equal, re-
cruited athletes gain an admission bonus worth 200 points, while the pref-
erence for legacy candidates is worth 160 points. Asian-American applicants

face a loss equivalent to 50 SAT points.

The underrepresented minority advantage is greatest for African-American and Hispanic applicants whose SAT scores are in the 1200–1300 range, and not for applicants near the lower end of the SAT distribution as some have suggested (cf. Dugan et al., 1996)....
As I've said many times, the Democrats are the party of the KKK, Jim Crow, slavery, and affirmative action.

Lol I can't believe you posted that in a thread that you created to attack people who oppose a symbol of the KKK, Jim Crow, and slavery.

Republicans love to blame Democrats for the confederacy, but then they shut up REAL QUICK when you point out it's republicans currently rallying behind confederate flags and holding up the confederacy as heroes.
Nobody holds up the Confederacy as heroes, idiot.
As I've said many times, the Democrats are the party of the KKK, Jim Crow, slavery, and affirmative action.

Lol I can't believe you posted that in a thread that you created to attack people who oppose a symbol of the KKK, Jim Crow, and slavery.

Republicans love to blame Democrats for the confederacy, but then they shut up REAL QUICK when you point out it's republicans currently rallying behind confederate flags and holding up the confederacy as heroes.
Nobody holds up the Confederacy as heroes, idiot.
As I've said many times, the Democrats are the party of the KKK, Jim Crow, slavery, and affirmative action.

Lol I can't believe you posted that in a thread that you created to attack people who oppose a symbol of the KKK, Jim Crow, and slavery.

Republicans love to blame Democrats for the confederacy, but then they shut up REAL QUICK when you point out it's republicans currently rallying behind confederate flags and holding up the confederacy as heroes.
Nobody holds up the Confederacy as heroes, idiot.
Waving the Rebel battle flag as a Southerner to acknowledge a uniquely American culture and identity is not holding up the Confederacy, dumbass.

Even defending Robert E. Lee is not holding up the Confederacy. Robert E. Lee was a decent man for his time, and very different from the leaders of the Confederate movement.
The internet is an amazing place.

How about we talk to John Boyd Jr. about this?
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The farmer recounted that he’s been racially profiled and questioned by police several times after receiving “strange looks from a passerby.”

“It isn’t Richard Spencer calling the cops on me for farming while Black,” Newman wrote. “It’s nervous White women in yoga pants with ‘I’m with her’ and ‘Coexist’ stickers on their German SUVs.”

Strange looks from passer byes....I see, he thinks he's the only person that people stare at..And just from their stares, he can tell what party they associate with..
How would the farmer know who calls in on him?

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