Black families pay significantly higher property taxes than white families, new analysis shows


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
So much for whites talking about how they are paying for us. And while we pay more, we don't get the same essential services in return.

Black families pay significantly higher property taxes than white families, new analysis shows

State by state, neighborhood by neighborhood, black families pay 13 percent more in property taxes each year than a white family would in the same situation, a massive new data analysis shows.

Black-owned homes are consistently assessed at higher values, relative to their actual sale price, than white homes, according to a new working paper by economists Troup Howard of the University of Utah and Carlos Avenancio-León of Indiana University.

African Americans have long said they bear a disproportionate burden for taxes that support local police, schools and parks, but nationwide measures of this type of systemic racism are hard to come by.

To expose the structural and historical factors behind these discriminatory property tax assessments, the economists analyzed more than a decade of tax assessment and sales data for 118 million homes throughout the country.

In almost every state, property tax assessments were higher in areas with more black and Hispanic residents. In city after city, the authors show it is not just differences in the buildings or land but also the racial composition of the neighborhood that matters. The gap between white families and minority households remains large — 10 percent — when you combine data for Hispanic and black families. (The authors excluded California because Proposition 13, passed in 1978, drastically changed how property is valued there.)

So much for whites talking about how they are paying for us. And while we pay more, we don't get the same essential services in return.

Black families pay significantly higher property taxes than white families, new analysis shows

State by state, neighborhood by neighborhood, black families pay 13 percent more in property taxes each year than a white family would in the same situation, a massive new data analysis shows.

Black-owned homes are consistently assessed at higher values, relative to their actual sale price, than white homes, according to a new working paper by economists Troup Howard of the University of Utah and Carlos Avenancio-León of Indiana University.

African Americans have long said they bear a disproportionate burden for taxes that support local police, schools and parks, but nationwide measures of this type of systemic racism are hard to come by.

To expose the structural and historical factors behind these discriminatory property tax assessments, the economists analyzed more than a decade of tax assessment and sales data for 118 million homes throughout the country.

In almost every state, property tax assessments were higher in areas with more black and Hispanic residents. In city after city, the authors show it is not just differences in the buildings or land but also the racial composition of the neighborhood that matters. The gap between white families and minority households remains large — 10 percent — when you combine data for Hispanic and black families. (The authors excluded California because Proposition 13, passed in 1978, drastically changed how property is valued there.)

Look at what my family went through bro in my racism thread.
“There is another class of white people who make a business of keeping the advantages of whites maintained by gaslighting the public into a belief that white racism is now an illusion and that it is whites who face anti white racism. ... Some of these people do not want whites to lose preference, because they do not want to lose their jobs ... There is a certain class of white race-"problem solvers" who don’t want America to get well.”
So much for whites talking about how they are paying for us. And while we pay more, we don't get the same essential services in return.

Black families pay significantly higher property taxes than white families, new analysis shows

State by state, neighborhood by neighborhood, black families pay 13 percent more in property taxes each year than a white family would in the same situation, a massive new data analysis shows.

Black-owned homes are consistently assessed at higher values, relative to their actual sale price, than white homes, according to a new working paper by economists Troup Howard of the University of Utah and Carlos Avenancio-León of Indiana University.

African Americans have long said they bear a disproportionate burden for taxes that support local police, schools and parks, but nationwide measures of this type of systemic racism are hard to come by.

To expose the structural and historical factors behind these discriminatory property tax assessments, the economists analyzed more than a decade of tax assessment and sales data for 118 million homes throughout the country.

In almost every state, property tax assessments were higher in areas with more black and Hispanic residents. In city after city, the authors show it is not just differences in the buildings or land but also the racial composition of the neighborhood that matters. The gap between white families and minority households remains large — 10 percent — when you combine data for Hispanic and black families. (The authors excluded California because Proposition 13, passed in 1978, drastically changed how property is valued there.)

So, according to your study,black communities should be rolling in the dough as their property owners are really ponying up the big bucks. And since property taxes are the prime revenue stream for the Government School System, black schools should be extremely well funded.
LMAO @ Fake News Washington Compost .....

Everyone knows Black folk don't own property.

How the hell could they be paying higher taxes?

[Sarc Off]
So much for whites talking about how they are paying for us. And while we pay more, we don't get the same essential services in return.

Black families pay significantly higher property taxes than white families, new analysis shows

State by state, neighborhood by neighborhood, black families pay 13 percent more in property taxes each year than a white family would in the same situation, a massive new data analysis shows.

Black-owned homes are consistently assessed at higher values, relative to their actual sale price, than white homes, according to a new working paper by economists Troup Howard of the University of Utah and Carlos Avenancio-León of Indiana University.

African Americans have long said they bear a disproportionate burden for taxes that support local police, schools and parks, but nationwide measures of this type of systemic racism are hard to come by.

To expose the structural and historical factors behind these discriminatory property tax assessments, the economists analyzed more than a decade of tax assessment and sales data for 118 million homes throughout the country.

In almost every state, property tax assessments were higher in areas with more black and Hispanic residents. In city after city, the authors show it is not just differences in the buildings or land but also the racial composition of the neighborhood that matters. The gap between white families and minority households remains large — 10 percent — when you combine data for Hispanic and black families. (The authors excluded California because Proposition 13, passed in 1978, drastically changed how property is valued there.)

"Black-owned homes are consistently assessed at higher values, relative to their actual sale price " Duh. That is because black neighborhoods are less desirable and sales prices will be lower. Political Correctness be damned. Even liberals don't want their kids in majority minority schools.
BTW, this has nothing to do with "race" at all. 40 years ago, I spent a season working with property assessors for the county. Neither information about the race of the property owner, nor pics of the owners are available to the assessors are they do their work assigning taxable values to the parcels.
This is a nice example of a study conducted in order to reach a desired conclusion.

I have no doubt that the findings are correct, and it can be seen in the taxes and valuations of my own beloved Pittsburgh. For properties that are valued in the hundreds of thousands, it is "normal" for the assessed value to be somewhat lower than the current market value. Indeed, the local paper once published in the real estate transfers section, the price of the sale alongside the assessed value of the property. The "public" demanded that they stop doing it, because the purchasers of high-end houses feared that the tax assessor was going to beating down their doors to correct the under-valuations. The reason for these discrepancies is often because those houses don't turn over as frequently as less-expensive houses and assessments are not updated regularly, as they should be.

But for houses with valuations that are, let's say, under a hundred thousand, it is more common for assessed valuations to be more in line with actual market prices, and with selling prices when they turn over. So the fact is that the assessments of lower-cost houses is usually a higher percentage of the actual market value than the assessments of higher-cost houses.

The story headline is grossly misleading. The Blacks in the study are NOT paying "higher property taxes," if MONEY is measure of payment. The typical comparison of the study would be, for example, a $75 thousand house that is assessed at $75 thousand vs. a half million dollar house that is assessed at $400 thousand. According to the logic of the article, the Black owner of the $75k house is paying "higher property taxes" (i.e., a higher percentage of the actual value) than the white family that is in the more expensive house, even though when measured in dollars, the white family is paying more than five times as much in property taxes.

It is like saying that "Warren Buffett's secretary pays more in FIT than he does," with the relevant facts being, she pays 20% of her sixty thousand dollars income, and he pays 15% of his hundred million. It is preposterous, but "true."

Imagine a study that compares the real estate tax DOLLARS paid by white households on average vs. the real estate tax DOLLARS paid by Black households on average. Would any cogent adult expect the conclusion of that study to be...

"Black families pay significantly higher property taxes than white families"?

Not hardly. A good example of lying with truthful statistics.
So much for whites talking about how they are paying for us. And while we pay more, we don't get the same essential services in return.

Black families pay significantly higher property taxes than white families, new analysis shows

State by state, neighborhood by neighborhood, black families pay 13 percent more in property taxes each year than a white family would in the same situation, a massive new data analysis shows.

Black-owned homes are consistently assessed at higher values, relative to their actual sale price, than white homes, according to a new working paper by economists Troup Howard of the University of Utah and Carlos Avenancio-León of Indiana University.

African Americans have long said they bear a disproportionate burden for taxes that support local police, schools and parks, but nationwide measures of this type of systemic racism are hard to come by.

To expose the structural and historical factors behind these discriminatory property tax assessments, the economists analyzed more than a decade of tax assessment and sales data for 118 million homes throughout the country.

In almost every state, property tax assessments were higher in areas with more black and Hispanic residents. In city after city, the authors show it is not just differences in the buildings or land but also the racial composition of the neighborhood that matters. The gap between white families and minority households remains large — 10 percent — when you combine data for Hispanic and black families. (The authors excluded California because Proposition 13, passed in 1978, drastically changed how property is valued there.)

So, according to your study,black communities should be rolling in the dough as their property owners are really ponying up the big bucks. And since property taxes are the prime revenue stream for the Government School System, black schools should be extremely well funded.

Timely study, with elections across the country coming up this fall for county assessors. I suggest those concerned send this summation to the candidates and inquire whether they'll look into it? Through Washington Post link provided in OP, it is easy to download the full report to a .pdf file which can be included as an attachment.

We use panel data covering 118 million homes in the United States, merged with geolocation detail for 75,000 taxing entities, to document a nationwide “assessment gap” which leads local governments to place a disproportionate fiscal burden on racial and ethnic minorities. We show that holding jurisdictions and property tax rates fixed, black and Hispanic residents nonetheless face a 10–13% higher tax burden for the same bundle of public services. This assessment gap arises through two channels. First, property assessments are less sensitive to neighborhood attributes than market prices are. This generates racially correlated spatial variation in tax burden within jurisdiction. Second, appeals behavior and appeals outcomes differ by race. This results in higher assessment growth rates for minority residents.​
So, according to your study,black communities should be rolling in the dough as their property owners are really ponying up the big bucks. And since property taxes are the prime revenue stream for the Government School System, black schools should be extremely well funded.

I don't understand your math as it assumes the property value base is the same for both black and white schools. The situation with poor inner city schools is the lack of that tax base. A more appropriate counter to the study (when it comes to schools) would be the additional state funding being provided to these poor school districts which lessens or perhaps completely offsets the 13% property tax difference.
So much for whites talking about how they are paying for us. And while we pay more, we don't get the same essential services in return.

Black families pay significantly higher property taxes than white families, new analysis shows

State by state, neighborhood by neighborhood, black families pay 13 percent more in property taxes each year than a white family would in the same situation, a massive new data analysis shows.

Black-owned homes are consistently assessed at higher values, relative to their actual sale price, than white homes, according to a new working paper by economists Troup Howard of the University of Utah and Carlos Avenancio-León of Indiana University.

African Americans have long said they bear a disproportionate burden for taxes that support local police, schools and parks, but nationwide measures of this type of systemic racism are hard to come by.

To expose the structural and historical factors behind these discriminatory property tax assessments, the economists analyzed more than a decade of tax assessment and sales data for 118 million homes throughout the country.

In almost every state, property tax assessments were higher in areas with more black and Hispanic residents. In city after city, the authors show it is not just differences in the buildings or land but also the racial composition of the neighborhood that matters. The gap between white families and minority households remains large — 10 percent — when you combine data for Hispanic and black families. (The authors excluded California because Proposition 13, passed in 1978, drastically changed how property is valued there.)

Blacks houses are worth more than Whites houses and you say that that's racist towards Black? Fuck, are you an imbecile. :cuckoo:
That is because black neighborhoods are less desirable and sales prices will be lower.

It might have something to do with all the shootings. But I am no expert...

Among other things. We have a county school district where houses sell almost as soon as they hit the market for the very reason that the schools are mostly white and therefore have far fewer discipline issues. Whether it is morally right or not or politically correct or not, the reality is that white flight is no longer just about racism. It is about safety.
So much for whites talking about how they are paying for us. And while we pay more, we don't get the same essential services in return.

Black families pay significantly higher property taxes than white families, new analysis shows

State by state, neighborhood by neighborhood, black families pay 13 percent more in property taxes each year than a white family would in the same situation, a massive new data analysis shows.

Black-owned homes are consistently assessed at higher values, relative to their actual sale price, than white homes, according to a new working paper by economists Troup Howard of the University of Utah and Carlos Avenancio-León of Indiana University.

African Americans have long said they bear a disproportionate burden for taxes that support local police, schools and parks, but nationwide measures of this type of systemic racism are hard to come by.

To expose the structural and historical factors behind these discriminatory property tax assessments, the economists analyzed more than a decade of tax assessment and sales data for 118 million homes throughout the country.

In almost every state, property tax assessments were higher in areas with more black and Hispanic residents. In city after city, the authors show it is not just differences in the buildings or land but also the racial composition of the neighborhood that matters. The gap between white families and minority households remains large — 10 percent — when you combine data for Hispanic and black families. (The authors excluded California because Proposition 13, passed in 1978, drastically changed how property is valued there.)

So, if a white person lives in the same neighborhood they would pay the same as blacks and Hispanics. It’s the neighborhood, not the race. Do blacks pay more if they live in a predominately white neighborhood? Doubt it.
After receiving free money for food assistance, rent assistance, electricity assistance, and every other possible assistance known to man kind...Black families BITCH about having to pay taxes on all the free money they received.

Multi-generation households all filling out welfare forms as if it's the only job they know (because it is)...Using taxation to steal from their neighbors who work 3 jobs and can't afford shoes for their childrens feet...While the black plague consumes like locusts and produce nothing but more locusts to feed off the rest of us who actually work!

Then they protest and block the roads because because because BLACK! They are incapable of any higher thought.

They need laws passed that favor them such as affirmative action, because their mental capacity is so limited they cannot compete in the real world. Which leaves them angry violent and dangerous...especially to each other!
So much for whites talking about how they are paying for us. And while we pay more, we don't get the same essential services in return.

Black families pay significantly higher property taxes than white families, new analysis shows

State by state, neighborhood by neighborhood, black families pay 13 percent more in property taxes each year than a white family would in the same situation, a massive new data analysis shows.

Black-owned homes are consistently assessed at higher values, relative to their actual sale price, than white homes, according to a new working paper by economists Troup Howard of the University of Utah and Carlos Avenancio-León of Indiana University.

African Americans have long said they bear a disproportionate burden for taxes that support local police, schools and parks, but nationwide measures of this type of systemic racism are hard to come by.

To expose the structural and historical factors behind these discriminatory property tax assessments, the economists analyzed more than a decade of tax assessment and sales data for 118 million homes throughout the country.

In almost every state, property tax assessments were higher in areas with more black and Hispanic residents. In city after city, the authors show it is not just differences in the buildings or land but also the racial composition of the neighborhood that matters. The gap between white families and minority households remains large — 10 percent — when you combine data for Hispanic and black families. (The authors excluded California because Proposition 13, passed in 1978, drastically changed how property is valued there.)

Who determines property taxes
BTW, this has nothing to do with "race" at all. 40 years ago, I spent a season working with property assessors for the county. Neither information about the race of the property owner, nor pics of the owners are available to the assessors are they do their work assigning taxable values to the parcels.
Just like they use names in not calling back Black applicants for jobs the same holds true in this case. White people will find a way to be racist no matter what.

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