Black Democrat State Rep Seeks To Make Attacks On Trump Supporters A Hate Crime


Platinum Member
Oct 3, 2018
I've never been a fan of "protected classes". I think they are an affront to liberty. But props to a semblance of sanity from the Democrat side.


I've never been a fan of "protected classes". I think they are an affront to liberty. But props to a semblance of sanity from the Democrat side.

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every violent crime has a large portion of malice in it. I think we should just drop the hate crime thing and let murder be murder again.
I've never been a fan of "protected classes". I think they are an affront to liberty. But props to a semblance of sanity from the Democrat side.

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We need to end this nonsense of a "hate crime." If you are in the act of murdering someone, you aren't exactly filled with love towards them. Killing is killing, regardless of the reason and hate is hate, regardless of the reason.
We Trump supporters are not liberal faggots.

The crime is the crime. We don’t need a special designation as a hate crime because we are not fucking pussies.

I would like to be able to shoot attackers of Trump supporters in the face and be able to claim self defense. That’s a much better solution to me.

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