Birx Needs to Go - Wants to Shut Down If Second Wave Hits.


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2019
Birx needs to be replaced.

---Dr. Deborah Birx used the Imperial College Model in March to persuade President Drumpf to lock down the ENTIRE US ECONOMY.---

---Why Is This Woman Not in Prison? Dr. Birx Says She’s Less Confident than Drumpf that US Won’t Close Again in Second Wave Hits---

And now Birx comes out against protests. Real Americans protest against tyranny.

---Birx warns against lockdown protests as some states start to reopen---

This is why Trump is an incompetetent fool. He should have followed tohe CDC advice from day one. Every country which listened to the scientists, is reopening with a much lower loss of life and much lower impact on GDP than all of the Trumpian leaders who know better than the scientists.

Best of all, the tough guy leaders in Russia, the USA, Italy, UK and Brazil, now lead the world in death and disease while the female world leaders:

And now Birx comes out against protests. Real Americans protest against tyranny.

---Birx warns against lockdown protests as some states start to reopen---

This is why Trump is an incompetetent fool. He should have followed tohe CDC advice from day one. Every country which listened to the scientists, is reopening with a much lower loss of life and much lower impact on GDP than all of the Trumpian leaders who know better than the scientists.

Best of all, the tough guy leaders in Russia, the USA, Italy, UK and Brazil, now lead the world in death and disease while the female world leaders:

You mean the same CDC advice that seems to change on a daily basis...
This is why Trump is an incompetetent fool. He should have followed tohe CDC advice from day one. Every country which listened to the scientists, is reopening with a much lower loss of life and much lower impact on GDP than all of the Trumpian leaders who know better than the scientists.
Why should we listen to those forcing unproven social distancing on us?
Birx needs to be replaced.

---Dr. Deborah Birx used the Imperial College Model in March to persuade President Drumpf to lock down the ENTIRE US ECONOMY.---

---Why Is This Woman Not in Prison? Dr. Birx Says She’s Less Confident than Drumpf that US Won’t Close Again in Second Wave Hits---

Of course.

Eliminate all opposition!

No independent thoughts allowed!

Heil TRump!

Off to the camps with her!
Your freedom ends where my right to not-be-infected-by-you begins.

Full stop.

Even if it wasn't explicitly mentioned in the US Constitution.

The concept lies at the core of each-and-every public health law and statutory granting of emergency powers during a public health emergency.
And now Birx comes out against protests. Real Americans protest against tyranny.

---Birx warns against lockdown protests as some states start to reopen---

This is why Trump is an incompetetent fool. He should have followed tohe CDC advice from day one. Every country which listened to the scientists, is reopening with a much lower loss of life and much lower impact on GDP than all of the Trumpian leaders who know better than the scientists.

Best of all, the tough guy leaders in Russia, the USA, Italy, UK and Brazil, now lead the world in death and disease while the female world leaders:

Your premise that government controls the spread and treatment of this virus is a false one.

Birx is doing her job to the best of her ability. I trust her over anyone with an agenda of other than health and safety
Birx needs to be replaced.

---Dr. Deborah Birx used the Imperial College Model in March to persuade President Drumpf to lock down the ENTIRE US ECONOMY.---

---Why Is This Woman Not in Prison? Dr. Birx Says She’s Less Confident than Drumpf that US Won’t Close Again in Second Wave Hits---

Those damn scientists. What do they know? They all need to be fired. Trump is so much smarter. He knows what is best for us.
Ahh it was only a matter of time... Independent thought is not allowed in the Trump Administration...

Trump speaks all must follow, not doing so is tranny...

This is the hypocrisy of the Trumpsters...
Birx needs to be replaced.

---Dr. Deborah Birx used the Imperial College Model in March to persuade President Drumpf to lock down the ENTIRE US ECONOMY.---

---Why Is This Woman Not in Prison? Dr. Birx Says She’s Less Confident than Drumpf that US Won’t Close Again in Second Wave Hits---

Of course.

Eliminate all opposition!

No independent thoughts allowed!

Off to the camps with her!
And now Birx comes out against protests. Real Americans protest against tyranny.

---Birx warns against lockdown protests as some states start to reopen---

This is why Trump is an incompetetent fool. He should have followed tohe CDC advice from day one. Every country which listened to the scientists, is reopening with a much lower loss of life and much lower impact on GDP than all of the Trumpian leaders who know better than the scientists.

Best of all, the tough guy leaders in Russia, the USA, Italy, UK and Brazil, now lead the world in death and disease while the female world leaders:

Your premise that government controls the spread and treatment of this virus is a false one.

Birx is doing her job to the best of her ability. I trust her over anyone with an agenda of other than health and safety
Brix is nothing more than a tRump mouthpiece.

We can no longer trust anything coming from the task force with faucci awol.
Birx needs to be replaced.

---Dr. Deborah Birx used the Imperial College Model in March to persuade President Drumpf to lock down the ENTIRE US ECONOMY.---

---Why Is This Woman Not In Prison
More RWNJ insanity. Just when you think they can't get any crazier.
Ahh it was only a matter of time... Independent thought is not allowed in the Trump Administration...
Trump has every right to demand loyalty from those under him.
Until his irrational and unethical behaviors, worthy of invoking the 25th, release his appointees from such loyalty.

Both civil servants and our military personnel swear an oath to defend the Constitution above all else; serving The People, rather than becoming personality cultists.

One day soon, getting fired by your Orange Baboon-God is going to be a Badge of Honor rather than a pink slip.

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