Birthright Citizenship & Dual Citizenship –


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Birthright Citizenship & Dual Citizenship – Words from Some Real Experts

“Thus there are two components to American citizenship: birth or naturalization in the U.S. and being subject to the jurisdiction of the U.S. We have somehow come today to believe that anyone born within the geographical limits of the U.S. is automatically subject to its jurisdiction. But this renders the jurisdiction clause utterly superfluous and without force. If this had been the intention of the framers of the Fourteenth Amendment, presumably they would simply have said that all persons born or naturalized in the United States are thereby citizens.
“Thus Congress used its legislative powers under the Fourteenth Amendment to determine who was within the jurisdiction of the U.S. It could make a similar determination today, based on this legislative precedent, that children born in the U.S. to illegal aliens are not subject to American jurisdiction. A constitutional amendment is no more required now than it was in 1923…”

Birthright Citizenship & Dual Citizenship ? Words from Some Real Experts
“Let’s look at some facts that are true today. In 2008 Michele Malkin created the first version of this fact list:“

There are now upwards of 20 million illegal aliens in the U.S. [My estimate is 50 million]
Roughly 1 million legal immigrants are admitted to the U.S. every year. [My estimate is 1.5 million]
Some 400,000 illegal aliens have been ordered to be deported, but are on the loose in the U.S. after being released by federal immigration courts.
There are only 20,000 detention beds in the entire country to hold illegal aliens.
There are only 2,000 federal agents employed by the Department of Homeland Security to track down the estimated 12-20 million illegal aliens who are living, working, going to school, getting driver’s licenses and, yes, committing crimes and plotting terrorist attacks in America as we speak.
Border fences to our north and south are a joke, even while we’re sending money to Egypt and Mexico to help them build fences on their southern borders

Birthright Citizenship & Dual Citizenship ? Words from Some Real Experts
Malkin is not one of my favority people but I Have to agree with her here.
The Jurisdiction Clause is there to exclude the children of diplomats, ambassadors, etc.

This is all long-settled law.
Unfortunately, I think this battle is lost. If Congress were simply to pass a law that purported to revoke the existing interpretation of the "Anchor Baby" law, it would be struck down by the USSC.

Constitutional amendment would be required.

Ironically, if done by plebescite (popular vote), it would win in a landslide, but our Representative government mocks the public at every turn, doing whatever the political class deems in its own best interest.
If we would control our borders better this wouldn't be an issue.
This thread has a misleading title and is1written in a les
s than friendly faith. DUal CitizenshiP is a mUst for internationa1 business executives and scientists. Without it, America wilI be even more backward.
DUal CitizenshiP is a mUst for internationa1 business executives and scientists.
I recall when newcomers to the U.S. were required to relinquish whatever other citizenship they had if they wanted to become American citizens. We were doing well back then. There was no shortage of immigrants. Why allow dual citizenship? If anything, it may cause conflict if we are at war with a country and some Americans hold citizenship with that country.
If we would control our borders better this wouldn't be an issue.




The entire east coast.

Oh wait ...

Y'all meant those very few miles to the south, didn't you.

.. sigh ..

If you ever want to talk FACTS, give a holler, wouldja?

As long its the SSDD from lil old lady, why bother?
dual citizenship is a must for internationa1 business executives and scientists.
i recall when newcomers to the u.s. Were required to relinquish whatever other citizenship they had if they wanted to become american citizens. We were doing well back then. There was no shortage of immigrants. Why allow dual citizenship? If anything, it may cause conflict if we are at war with a country and some americans hold citizenship with that country.

DUal CitizenshiP is a mUst for internationa1 business executives and scientists.
I recall when newcomers to the U.S. were required to relinquish whatever other citizenship they had if they wanted to become American citizens. We were doing well back then. There was no shortage of immigrants. Why allow dual citizenship? If anything, it may cause conflict if we are at war with a country and some Americans hold citizenship with that country.

In your imagination.

This is just screwy.

DUal CitizenshiP is a mUst for internationa1 business executives and scientists.
I recall when newcomers to the U.S. were required to relinquish whatever other citizenship they had if they wanted to become American citizens. We were doing well back then. There was no shortage of immigrants. Why allow dual citizenship? If anything, it may cause conflict if we are at war with a country and some Americans hold citizenship with that country.

In your imagination.

This is just screwy.

Dual citizenship had previously been banned in the United States, but the US Supreme Court struck down most laws forbidding dual citizenship in 1967.

Is Dual Citizenship Allowed in the United States? | Legal Language Services
dual citizenship is a must for internationa1 business executives and scientists.
i recall when newcomers to the u.s. Were required to relinquish whatever other citizenship they had if they wanted to become american citizens. We were doing well back then. There was no shortage of immigrants. Why allow dual citizenship? If anything, it may cause conflict if we are at war with a country and some americans hold citizenship with that country.

DUal CitizenshiP is a mUst for internationa1 business executives and scientists.
I recall when newcomers to the U.S. were required to relinquish whatever other citizenship they had if they wanted to become American citizens. We were doing well back then. There was no shortage of immigrants. Why allow dual citizenship? If anything, it may cause conflict if we are at war with a country and some Americans hold citizenship with that country.

Without dual citizenship, America will swing back to the 1960's when the entire world competes against it with 21st century technology and management techniques. You don't want the USA to become like e.g. Venezuela, right?
Birthright citizenship needs to be abolished. The anchor baby racket which springs from it is one of the big draws that lures poor Mexicans to the US, who once here, then help themselves to a lifetime of benefits.

In 2009 (based on data collected in 2010), 57 percent of households headed by an immigrant (legal and illegal) with children (under 18) used at least one welfare program, compared to 39 percent for native households with children.
Projectionist has about as much of a chance of seeing a Constitutional Amendment passed as he does of ever finishing grad school.
This has been argued before: "“Thus Congress used its legislative powers under the Fourteenth Amendment to determine who was within the jurisdiction of the U.S. It could make a similar determination today, based on this legislative precedent, that children born in the U.S. to illegal aliens are not subject to American jurisdiction. A constitutional amendment is no more required now than it was in 1923”

Horse pucky then, horse pucky now.
This has been argued before: "“Thus Congress used its legislative powers under the Fourteenth Amendment to determine who was within the jurisdiction of the U.S. It could make a similar determination today, based on this legislative precedent, that children born in the U.S. to illegal aliens are not subject to American jurisdiction. A constitutional amendment is no more required now than it was in 1923”

Horse pucky then, horse pucky now.

Another thing that Unaware has been shown to be unaware of.

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