Birther Sheriff Declares Canadian Born Ted Cruz Ineligible For White House

5th post
d) See evidence of Obama's relatives and mentors being active communist party members accumulated here: Articles What Barack Obama learned from the Communist Party

I think you are even too embarrassed to actually quote whatever you are claiming as 'evidence'.

Once again- you lied.
Click on the link, dumb ass.

Who knows what virus infested Birther site that goes to.....feel free to provide some quotes that prove your claim.

I mean if you can.
e) Ok I made that one up.

So you admit to lying about this one.
Yeah that was me trolling you guys.

i.e. lying.
Yeah and if you believed it you are pretty dumb. Some lies are jokes.

Oh you weren't joking.

You were just lying.

Just like when someone claims that Sarah Palin was once a prostitute....its not a joke....its a lie.

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