Birds of a Feather....Huma Broke the Law....


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Surprise, Surprise... I mean they all think they are above the law, that the LAW is for the 'little people', right?!


Top Hillary Aide Signed, Failed To Comply With State Dept ‘Separation Agreement’

Huma, Hillary's Top Aide and 'accomplice', signed — but failed to honor — an official “separation agreement,” which required her (BY LAW) to surrender all work-related documents when she left office.

Huma Abedin maintained control of emails she sent and received through a personal email account hosted on Clinton’s private (and illegal) email server for nearly two-and-a-half years after she left the agency in Feb. 2013.

In signing the form — called the OF-109 — but failing to turn over State Department records, Abedin may have opened herself up to criminal charges.

(*** They say 'MAY have opened herself up to criminal charges because we are, after all, talking about HILLARY'S assistant. If it were any other 'normal / average' American citizen your ass would be going to jail.)

...and the Hillary hits just keep on a-comin'.... Corruption and criminal activity follows this woman like a slime trail.
uh huh, The Daily Caller.

I'll wait for the report from the FBI or a warrant for her arrest ... whichever comes first

right now it's WOLF WOLF WOLF and the usual BS.

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