Birds 'falling out of the sky' in mass die-off in south-western US

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

Thousands of migrating birds have inexplicably died in south-western US in what ornithologists have described as a national tragedy that is likely to be related to the climate crisis.

Flycatchers, swallows and warblers are among the species “falling out of the sky” as part of a mass die-off across New Mexico, Colorado, Texas, Arizona and farther north into Nebraska, with growing concerns there could be hundreds of thousands dead already, said Martha Desmond, a professor in the biology department at New Mexico State University (NMSU). Many carcasses have little remaining fat reserves or muscle mass, with some appearing to have nose-dived into the ground mid-flight.

They have to stop to refuel en route and they have had to divert from the coast where the pickings are better. Its a great shame. Man destroying his planet and theirs.

Thousands of migrating birds have inexplicably died in south-western US in what ornithologists have described as a national tragedy that is likely to be related to the climate crisis.

Flycatchers, swallows and warblers are among the species “falling out of the sky” as part of a mass die-off across New Mexico, Colorado, Texas, Arizona and farther north into Nebraska, with growing concerns there could be hundreds of thousands dead already, said Martha Desmond, a professor in the biology department at New Mexico State University (NMSU). Many carcasses have little remaining fat reserves or muscle mass, with some appearing to have nose-dived into the ground mid-flight.

They have to stop to refuel en route and they have had to divert from the coast where the pickings are better. Its a great shame. Man destroying his planet and theirs.

News flash, boner brain, the birds are dying flying through the thick smoke of all the burning trees in California blowing east caught on fire from years of leftist environmental mismanagement.

Thousands of migrating birds have inexplicably died in south-western US in what ornithologists have described as a national tragedy that is likely to be related to the climate crisis.

Flycatchers, swallows and warblers are among the species “falling out of the sky” as part of a mass die-off across New Mexico, Colorado, Texas, Arizona and farther north into Nebraska, with growing concerns there could be hundreds of thousands dead already, said Martha Desmond, a professor in the biology department at New Mexico State University (NMSU). Many carcasses have little remaining fat reserves or muscle mass, with some appearing to have nose-dived into the ground mid-flight.

They have to stop to refuel en route and they have had to divert from the coast where the pickings are better. Its a great shame. Man destroying his planet and theirs.
In the interest of full disclosure, from the article
It could be something that’s still completely unknown to us,” said Salas.

Resident bird species such as curve-billed thrashers, great-tailed grackles and white-winged doves do not appear to have been affected.
I can't put my finger on it but it seems I read or heard about this very thing happening a few years back...or maybe just one of those deja vu thingies
From the OP's link:

"Since 1970, three billion birds have been lost in the US and Canada".

Whether this number is accurate who knows. I suspect it is.

Seems to me that there are not nearly the number of birds I would see in my youth.

Birds dying, dead zones in the ocean, migrating species, etc, etc. etc. what more evidence do you need that things are out of whack.
We have created quite the clusterfuck on this planet. It will only get worse.

Whether this number is accurate ho knows.

You guys are so fucking isn't about truth, facts or reality for you is about giving you emotional power over uninformed Americans....

Thousands of migrating birds have inexplicably died in south-western US in what ornithologists have described as a national tragedy that is likely to be related to the climate crisis.

Flycatchers, swallows and warblers are among the species “falling out of the sky” as part of a mass die-off across New Mexico, Colorado, Texas, Arizona and farther north into Nebraska, with growing concerns there could be hundreds of thousands dead already, said Martha Desmond, a professor in the biology department at New Mexico State University (NMSU). Many carcasses have little remaining fat reserves or muscle mass, with some appearing to have nose-dived into the ground mid-flight.

They have to stop to refuel en route and they have had to divert from the coast where the pickings are better. Its a great shame. Man destroying his planet and theirs.
The President must have neglected to tell the birds how thick the smoke was from the fires started by your wacko buddies. There he goes again lying about the severity of your stupidity.

Thousands of migrating birds have inexplicably died in south-western US in what ornithologists have described as a national tragedy that is likely to be related to the climate crisis.

Flycatchers, swallows and warblers are among the species “falling out of the sky” as part of a mass die-off across New Mexico, Colorado, Texas, Arizona and farther north into Nebraska, with growing concerns there could be hundreds of thousands dead already, said Martha Desmond, a professor in the biology department at New Mexico State University (NMSU). Many carcasses have little remaining fat reserves or muscle mass, with some appearing to have nose-dived into the ground mid-flight.

They have to stop to refuel en route and they have had to divert from the coast where the pickings are better. Its a great shame. Man destroying his planet and theirs.
also from the article tommy:
Large avian mortalities during migration are rare and few have been as large as this one. Records – which go back to the 1800s – show these events are always associated with extreme weather events such as a drop in temperature, snowstorm or hailstorm. The largest event on record in the region was a snowstorm in Minnesota and Iowa in March 1904 that killed 1.5 million birds.
the article seems to be contradicting itself by trying to play it both ways, as claiming that rare occurrences are enough to deem it climate change today but plenty enough evidence to use the past as a template/guide for dealing with the problem, while leaving out altogether that it is far easier to draw a more logical and common sense conclusion that these things have been happening repeatedly again and again over time making this just another one of those sad events instead of playing politics with it where we will undoubtedly see logic and common sense thrown out the window by those pretending they are "following the science."

Thousands of migrating birds have inexplicably died in south-western US in what ornithologists have described as a national tragedy that is likely to be related to the climate crisis.

Flycatchers, swallows and warblers are among the species “falling out of the sky” as part of a mass die-off across New Mexico, Colorado, Texas, Arizona and farther north into Nebraska, with growing concerns there could be hundreds of thousands dead already, said Martha Desmond, a professor in the biology department at New Mexico State University (NMSU). Many carcasses have little remaining fat reserves or muscle mass, with some appearing to have nose-dived into the ground mid-flight.

They have to stop to refuel en route and they have had to divert from the coast where the pickings are better. Its a great shame. Man destroying his planet and theirs.
also from the article tommy:
Large avian mortalities during migration are rare and few have been as large as this one. Records – which go back to the 1800s – show these events are always associated with extreme weather events such as a drop in temperature, snowstorm or hailstorm. The largest event on record in the region was a snowstorm in Minnesota and Iowa in March 1904 that killed 1.5 million birds.
the article seems to be contradicting itself by trying to play it both ways, as claiming that rare occurrences are enough to deem it climate change today but plenty enough evidence to use the past as a template/guide for dealing with the problem, while leaving out altogether that it is far easier to draw a more logical and common sense conclusion that these things have been happening repeatedly again and again over time making this just another one of those sad events instead of playing politics with it where we will undoubtedly see logic and common sense thrown out the window by those pretending they are "following the science."
Well I read it that their normal route was down the coast where there is plenty of good eating. But the fires have forced them inland where they dont find it as good. So lack of food and having to change route has caused it.

Thousands of migrating birds have inexplicably died in south-western US in what ornithologists have described as a national tragedy that is likely to be related to the climate crisis.

Flycatchers, swallows and warblers are among the species “falling out of the sky” as part of a mass die-off across New Mexico, Colorado, Texas, Arizona and farther north into Nebraska, with growing concerns there could be hundreds of thousands dead already, said Martha Desmond, a professor in the biology department at New Mexico State University (NMSU). Many carcasses have little remaining fat reserves or muscle mass, with some appearing to have nose-dived into the ground mid-flight.

They have to stop to refuel en route and they have had to divert from the coast where the pickings are better. Its a great shame. Man destroying his planet and theirs.

Wonder how you and your queer buds will blame this on Trump?
Well I read it that their normal route was down the coast where there is plenty of good eating. But the fires have forced them inland where they dont find it as good. So lack of food and having to change route has caused it.
by traditional standards if you blame climate change then that would at worst make climate change an indirect cause not a direct one, but that is little more than an assumption as even the article points out [even without Salas' claim]...and California has these fires almost every single year and from what I can tell these are not even close to the worst they've had...
Back in the 80's a local DJ here in NYC [howard stern] used say he never saw a place so at odds with the elements and natural disasters as California is.
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