Bill Maher's Islamophobic Career-Ender

Bill Maher doesn't want to be ruled by any religion, not just Islam. He is certainly not a bigot, if anything he is consistent. If he wanted us to be ruled by the bible, I might say you had a point somewhat but he's never said anything close to that.

Did you read his comments closely, Modbert? He's discussing "racial purity" in the UK, for God's sake. It's recycled Nazism, and I won't abide it.
Where does Maher discuss racial purity?

In Maddie's head.
Six years of "tolerance" from Pale Rider:

So the fact that I think homosexuality is disgusting is very well known. I could care less if you have a problem with that... bigot.

And I don't think it's your job to hijack threads simply because you have a problem with my opinion. Focus, grass hopper, early in the morning is not the time to be hitting the bong.
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did you read his comments closely, modbert? He's discussing "racial purity" in the uk, for god's sake. It's recycled nazism, and i won't abide it.

So the fact that I think homosexuality is disgusting very well known. I could care less if you have a problem with that... bigot.

Only bigot here is you. Unlike you, I'm also not the one calling for people who make statements I disagree with to be banned. Or did you miss that in one of your many ignorant posts I showed?

That's only your hatred for Homosexuals, never mind getting into race and other religions not your own.
And I understand what you're saying. I don't call those who don't see islam as a threat a bigot, because they have the right to feel as they do. So if someone called me a bigot simply for stating my opinion, that in itself makes THEM the bigot, not me... and that's pretty much what I see going on here.

Six years of "tolerance" from Pale Rider:






I take people as I find them, Modbert. Pale has not written that sort of thing of late that I have read, and people do sometimes grow and change.

Isn't that why we are all here? To foster growth....other people's and our own?
Bill Maher is a fat head.

Hes a very funny fathead.

He likes no religion.

No one religion should rule anything.

History has shown people are prusicuted when one religion has too much control.

The only reason Bill was fired last time ( from a show called politically incorrect of all ironies) was this country had gone insane.
So the fact that I think homosexuality is disgusting very well known. I could care less if you have a problem with that... bigot.

Only bigot here is you. Unlike you, I'm also not the one calling for people who make statements I disagree with to be banned. Or did you miss that in one of your many ignorant posts I showed?

That's only your hatred for Homosexuals, never mind getting into race and other religions not your own.

Pale, I cannot abide a homophobe. I am sorry and I hope someday you are able to overcome that sliver in your heart.

Be well, and may God open your eyes and heart someday.
Bill Maher is a fat head.

Hes a very funny fathead.

He likes no religion.

No one religion should rule anything.

History has shown people are prusicuted when one religion has too much control.

The only reason Bill was fired last time ( from a show called politically incorrect of all ironies) was this country had gone insane.

He deserved to be fired that last time and he deserves to be fired this time. However, I am not the CEO of HBO, thank God. All's I have to decide is whether HBO will profit offa me, and I choose "no".
Bill Maher is a fat head.

Hes a very funny fathead.

He likes no religion.

No one religion should rule anything.

History has shown people are prusicuted when one religion has too much control.

The only reason Bill was fired last time ( from a show called politically incorrect of all ironies) was this country had gone insane.

He deserved to be fired that last time and he deserves to be fired this time. However, I am not the CEO of HBO, thank God. All's I have to decide is whether HBO will profit offa me, and I choose "no".
LMAO! Riiiiight. That's why you put 'career ender' in the title. Somehow you fancy your opinion of Maher having that much power.

You're delusional.
So the fact that I think homosexuality is disgusting very well known. I could care less if you have a problem with that... bigot.

Only bigot here is you. Unlike you, I'm also not the one calling for people who make statements I disagree with to be banned. Or did you miss that in one of your many ignorant posts I showed?

That's only your hatred for Homosexuals, never mind getting into race and other religions not your own.

Good God you are an adolescent... "I KNOW YOU ARE BUT WHAT AM I?"

So not only are you a bigot, but you're jealous of me being here longer than you. Fuck, get a grip junior, what goes on here isn't that big of a deal. It's a message board, and you're not the Lone Ranger.
So the fact that I think homosexuality is disgusting very well known. I could care less if you have a problem with that... bigot.

Only bigot here is you. Unlike you, I'm also not the one calling for people who make statements I disagree with to be banned. Or did you miss that in one of your many ignorant posts I showed?

That's only your hatred for Homosexuals, never mind getting into race and other religions not your own.

Pale, I cannot abide a homophobe. I am sorry and I hope someday you are able to overcome that sliver in your heart.

Be well, and may God open your eyes and heart someday.

No Maddie, I will never "overcome" the thought of men ramming each others meat up each others ass holes being disgusting. I found it disgusting in the past, I find it disgusting now, and I will find it disgusting in the future. That is the NORMAL reaction, and shared by the majority of people on earth. I am not a product of the homosexual agenda indoctrination.

Now do you and dickbert want to discuss homosexuality, or get back on topic of your fear of other people's opinions?
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Only bigot here is you. Unlike you, I'm also not the one calling for people who make statements I disagree with to be banned. Or did you miss that in one of your many ignorant posts I showed?

That's only your hatred for Homosexuals, never mind getting into race and other religions not your own.

Pale, I cannot abide a homophobe. I am sorry and I hope someday you are able to overcome that sliver in your heart.

Be well, and may God open your eyes and heart someday.

No Maddie, I will never "overcome" the thought of men ramming each others meat up each others ass holes. I found it disgusting in the past, I find it disgusting now, and I will find it disgusting in the future. That is the NORMAL reaction. I am not a product of the homosexual agenda indoctrination.

Now do you and dickbert want to discuss homosexuality, or your fear of other people's opinions?

I don't engage in sex acts that repulse me either, Pale, but I don't condemn those who do...what earthly business is it of mine?

Just for shits and giggles, why do you homophobes never focus on lesbians?
So the fact that I think homosexuality is disgusting very well known. I could care less if you have a problem with that... bigot.

Only bigot here is you. Unlike you, I'm also not the one calling for people who make statements I disagree with to be banned. Or did you miss that in one of your many ignorant posts I showed?

That's only your hatred for Homosexuals, never mind getting into race and other religions not your own.

Good God you are an adolescent... "I KNOW YOU ARE BUT WHAT AM I?"

So not only are you a bigot, but you're jealous of me being here longer than you. Fuck, get a grip junior, what goes on here isn't that big of a deal. It's a message board, and you're not the Lone Ranger.

Condemning bigotry does not make Modbert, me or anyone else a bigot. You dun like being called that?

Then stop writing bigotted shit on the 'net.

T'aint brain surgery, Pale.

I am concerned about being taken over by a religion that doesn't have a lot of choices for first names for baby boys.


Pale, I cannot abide a homophobe. I am sorry and I hope someday you are able to overcome that sliver in your heart.

Be well, and may God open your eyes and heart someday.

No Maddie, I will never "overcome" the thought of men ramming each others meat up each others ass holes. I found it disgusting in the past, I find it disgusting now, and I will find it disgusting in the future. That is the NORMAL reaction. I am not a product of the homosexual agenda indoctrination.

Now do you and dickbert want to discuss homosexuality, or your fear of other people's opinions?

I don't engage in sex acts that repulse me either, Pale, but I don't condemn those who do...what earthly business is it of mine?

Just for shits and giggles, why do you homophobes never focus on lesbians?

I find the act of homosexuality, which includes women, disgusting, period. I have a two cousins that are homosexuals, and I like them just fine. It's the ACT that I find disgusting. Understand?

What I find even more disturbing is heterophobia by the homo supporters.

(So I guess dickbert was fully successful in hijacking your thread. I hope he's happy.)
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No Maddie, I will never "overcome" the thought of men ramming each others meat up each others ass holes. I found it disgusting in the past, I find it disgusting now, and I will find it disgusting in the future. That is the NORMAL reaction. I am not a product of the homosexual agenda indoctrination.

Now do you and dickbert want to discuss homosexuality, or your fear of other people's opinions?

I don't engage in sex acts that repulse me either, Pale, but I don't condemn those who do...what earthly business is it of mine?

Just for shits and giggles, why do you homophobes never focus on lesbians?

I find the act of homosexuality, which includes women, disgusting, period. I have a two cousins that are homosexuals, and I like them just fine. It's the ACT that I find disgusting. Understand?

What I find even more disturbing is heterophobia by the homo supporters.

(So I guess dickbert was fully successful in hijacking your thread. I hope he's happy.)

No one gives a fuck about hijacking here, Pale, and if the Mod Squad is fine with it, we USMB-ers can certainly suck it up.

Are people asking whether they can fuck in your bed? No?

If not, I fail to see how their intimate lives affect you.
Only bigot here is you. Unlike you, I'm also not the one calling for people who make statements I disagree with to be banned. Or did you miss that in one of your many ignorant posts I showed?

That's only your hatred for Homosexuals, never mind getting into race and other religions not your own.

Good God you are an adolescent... "I KNOW YOU ARE BUT WHAT AM I?"

So not only are you a bigot, but you're jealous of me being here longer than you. Fuck, get a grip junior, what goes on here isn't that big of a deal. It's a message board, and you're not the Lone Ranger.

Condemning bigotry does not make Modbert, me or anyone else a bigot. You dun like being called that?

Then stop writing bigotted shit on the 'net.

T'aint brain surgery, Pale.

Well... didn't take you long to go over the top, did it?

You and the others that love to throw around buzz words like racist, bigot, homophobe... ya know you've worn them out, and I'm not too worried about what I've said, but it's pretty apparent the BIGOT here is YOU maddie, not me, and you've been called out on it by several people here already. Deal with it... I'm out. No more reason to debate here. The thread has devolved into a pissing contest already.

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