Bill Maher vs. Rush Limbaugh

dilloduck said:
It's his style RW----people don't like his style. The pompous persona that he assumes to submit his conservative message just flat pisses people off. Like when he says " talent on loan from God ", it just rubs people the wrong way.

Not only the way he pumps himself up, but also the way he incites anger in the listeners. Sure anger is justified sometimes, but not on every issue. He doesn't have a volume switch. He complains about the victim mentality, but by framing every issue as a major attack on civilization he creates a victim mentality in his listeners. Why is one victim mentality (say welfare) atrocious but another acceptable and laudable?
:2guns: :whip: :eek:
I wouldn't disagree with either of you. As long as there's no double standard, I'm fine. And I'll grant to you that the ACLU right now is in double standard territory.

Nuc said:
Not only the way he pumps himself up, but also the way he incites anger in the listeners. Sure anger is justified sometimes, but not on every issue. He doesn't have a volume switch. He complains about the victim mentality, but by framing every issue as a major attack on civilization he creates a victim mentality in his listeners. Why is one victim mentality (say welfare) atrocious but another acceptable and laudable?
:2guns: :whip: :eek:

So do you listen to him often enough to be certain of your assessment here?
Abbey Normal said:
Of all people, Athiets should have the least concern about religious displays. If you do not believe in any God, religious diplays should be no more than an idle curiosity to you. It's like looking at a display about big-eyed brainy aliens from outer space. I don't believe they exist, so why should their depiction on pubic property bother me? If others believe they exist, what harm does that bring to me? The only rationale for objecting, then, is that it somehow bothers me that other people believe. And if that bothers me, I am probably religion-phobic.

Do you think the religious right would object if we started having statues or displays of Buddha or Hindu gods in public places? Islam is not an issue because they forbid images.
The ClayTaurus said:
I wouldn't disagree with either of you. As long as there's no double standard, I'm fine. And I'll grant to you that the ACLU right now is in double standard territory.


Let the atheists use public property to put up a sign that says " there is no god". Pick an atheist day and celebrate it with "no god" slogans. No one is stopping them.
dilloduck said:
So do you listen to him often enough to be certain of your assessment here?

The first few times I listened to him I didn't know who it was and he rubbed me the wrong way. Now I recognize his voice, and I listen to him for a while to see where he/they are coming from but he is so sanctimonious that I usually can only handle 10 or 15 minutes. Let's say his views might be similar to George Will sometimes but Will is more mature in expressing them.
Nuc said:
Do you think the religious right would object if we started having statues or displays of Buddha or Hindu gods in public places?.
No I don't think they would object as long as they also got to put up jesus stuff too.
rtwngAvngr said:
No I don't think they would object as long as they also got to put up jesus stuff too.

Neither would I. It's funny how liberals think freedom means keeping christians behind closed doors away form the public yet Gay love, abortion, offensive art etc should be proudly touted all over under the guise of freedom and diversity. They are also under the ridiculous notion that most christians only want christianity displayed, and screw all else. The way I see it, religious freedom and tolerance means nativity, Buddha, Judiasm, Hindu, Native American etc, all have a public place.
Bonnie said:
Neither would I. It's funny how liberals think freedom means keeping christians behind closed doors away form the public yet Gay love, abortion, offensive art etc should be proudly touted all over under the guise of freedom and diversity. They are also under the ridiculous notion that most christians only want christianity displayed, and screw all else. The way I see it, religious freedom and tolerance means nativity, Buddha, Judiasm, Hindu, Native American etc, all have a public place.

Sounds good to me. Although it might upset those people that think multiculturalsim will destroy us...
Bonnie said:
Neither would I. It's funny how liberals think freedom means keeping christians behind closed doors away form the public yet Gay love, abortion, offensive art etc should be proudly touted all over under the guise of freedom and diversity. They are also under the ridiculous notion that most christians only want christianity displayed, and screw all else. The way I see it, religious freedom and tolerance means nativity, Buddha, Judiasm, Hindu, Native American etc, all have a public place.

Nice sentiment, and I agree, but I think if it actually happened you'd find a lot of protest against "false gods" from the religious right.
The ClayTaurus said:
Sounds good to me. Although it might upset those people that think multiculturalsim will destroy us...

Liberals practice false multiculturalism, they celebrate all cultures EXCEPT anything western or christian, or white. That's not respect of all cultures, that's a celebrations of some, and a denigration of others. SEE?
rtwngAvngr said:
Liberals practice false multiculturalism, they celebrate all cultures EXCEPT anything western or christian, or white. That's not respect of all cultures, that's a celebrations of some, and a denigration of others. SEE?

And there are people who celibrate NO culture other than western, Christian, and white. SEE?
Nuc said:
Nice sentiment, and I agree, but I think if it actually happened you'd find a lot of protest against "false gods" from the religious right.

Maybe a few---would the ACLU then demand Buddah be taken off of public property?????---naaaaaaaaa. Can't you figure this out yet?
The ClayTaurus said:
And there are people who celibrate NO culture other than western, Christian, and white. SEE?

But our constiution allows people to practice any religion they want. That's the law. Your fear of a christian theocracy is so FAR from happening it's not even humorous. Was it you who started the slippery slope thread. Ok. Remember that thread. That's all Im gonna say. Realistically, you're more in danger of A Muslim Theocracy than a christian one, but as usual, you're stuck on stupid.
rtwngAvngr said:
But our constiution allows people to practice any religion they want. That's the law. Your fear of a christian theocracy is so FAR from happening it's not even humorous. Was it you who started the slippery slope thread. Ok. Remember that thread. That's all Im gonna say. Realistically, you're more in danger of A Muslim Theocracy than a christian one, but as usual, you're stuck on stupid.

You just don't get it. I'm all for putting any kind of religious images you want. Doesn't bother me. I have no fear of a Christian theocracy. The point was that it celebrated multi-culturalism, and I, in jest, said that white supremists wouldn't be too happy about all that multi-culturalism. And for someone who complains about people using personal attacks, you sure employ them a lot.
The ClayTaurus said:
You just don't get it. I'm all for putting any kind of religious images you want. Doesn't bother me. I have no fear of a Christian theocracy.
So you disagree about the ACLU's concern about Mangers on public property? That's good.
The point was that it celebrated multi-culturalism, and I, in jest, said that white supremists wouldn't be too happy about all that multi-culturalism. And for someone who complains about people using personal attacks, you sure employ them a lot.

Oh, well, when you were going on about " whose who only celebrate western culture.... blah blah.." I thought you were at least apprehensive about those people. maybe it was wrong to stretch that and say you were afraid of them. I'm not calling you a coward, bro. Or maybe "these people" aren't "christian theocrats" I don't care anymore. Another flawless execution of the "blur terms to backtrack" technique. So brilliant I need to go out on the porch and cut one.
The ClayTaurus said:
Sounds good to me. Although it might upset those people that think multiculturalsim will destroy us...

I think there is good reason to be wary of multiculturalism when it or more specifically proponents of use it as a way to dilute the core traditions of our country and constantly teach how horrible this country is.....That is not multiculturalism, what it is is people that come here legally, who play by the rules and genuinely love America faults and all, not come here to destroy it from within under the auspice of making it better. Im sure most of our relatives that came here from Europe and elsewhere and became citizens saw themselves as Americans first, patriotic.
Nuc said:
Nice sentiment, and I agree, but I think if it actually happened you'd find a lot of protest against "false gods" from the religious right.

There might be that from some yes and that is their right, however I think most would be very accepting of this.
The religous right would throw a fit if Muslims wanted to have a publicly-funded display. The fact is, only Christians consistently ask for and are granted the use of public space for the purpose of religious display. That I know of, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, or other religious groups rarely if ever ask for this.

I'd love to see an example of a religion outside of Christianity (in which I include Catholicism) asking for use of a public space for the purpose of a religious display.

acludem said:
The religous right would throw a fit if Muslims wanted to have a publicly-funded display. The fact is, only Christians consistently ask for and are granted the use of public space for the purpose of religious display. That I know of, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, or other religious groups rarely if ever ask for this.

I'd love to see an example of a religion outside of Christianity (in which I include Catholicism) asking for use of a public space for the purpose of a religious display.


I'm sure you would since you hate Christians.

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