Bill Maher vs. Rush Limbaugh


Aug 11, 2004
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Here is an article about some comments made by Bill Maher and George Carlin on the Bill Maher show. To summarazie, Maher called First Lady Laura Bush, "Hitler's Lap-Dog," and Carlin refers to her as, "the silver douche bag."

So why is Rush Limbaugh considered the spokeman for the right wing...why is his rhetoric flaunted by the left as an example of the way the right feels and/or thinks even when someone states quite clearly (as I do) that they have never heard more than 3 minutes of a Rush Limbaugh show when Maher continues to enjoy his status as a political comentator/comedian?

Why does Rush get pegged as a disgusting propagandist while Maher gets away with the same type of rhetoric?
Gem said:
Here is an article about some comments made by Bill Maher and George Carlin on the Bill Maher show. To summarazie, Maher called First Lady Laura Bush, "Hitler's Lap-Dog," and Carlin refers to her as, "the silver douche bag."

So why is Rush Limbaugh considered the spokeman for the right wing...why is his rhetoric flaunted by the left as an example of the way the right feels and/or thinks even when someone states quite clearly (as I do) that they have never heard more than 3 minutes of a Rush Limbaugh show when Maher continues to enjoy his status as a political comentator/comedian?

Why does Rush get pegged as a disgusting propagandist while Maher gets away with the same type of rhetoric?

Well Rush is not my favorite talk radio host, but I agree with you on this Gem. It's way beyond a double standard.
Gem said:
Here is an article about some comments made by Bill Maher and George Carlin on the Bill Maher show. To summarazie, Maher called First Lady Laura Bush, "Hitler's Lap-Dog," and Carlin refers to her as, "the silver douche bag."

So why is Rush Limbaugh considered the spokeman for the right wing...why is his rhetoric flaunted by the left as an example of the way the right feels and/or thinks even when someone states quite clearly (as I do) that they have never heard more than 3 minutes of a Rush Limbaugh show when Maher continues to enjoy his status as a political comentator/comedian?

Why does Rush get pegged as a disgusting propagandist while Maher gets away with the same type of rhetoric?

The left has no standards or rules to go by other than slam the right. Pointing out the hypocrisy is a waste of breath. It means nothing to them and they will accuse you of trying to change the subject. They do not reflect,they do not analyze, the do not think critically. They spew :puke3:
I'm actually frightened by how irrational they have become.
Thats exactly why I picked him, Kathianne...he is one of the ones who say things that are just about as inflammatory as Maher stating that Laura was Hitler's dog...or Carlin saying she was a douchebag.

I could also ask why is O'Reilly reviled and Stewart revered?

O'Reilly has a huge audience, just like Stewart. Both do a very similar show...political commentary, a talk show about the news. Neither claim to be doing "the news," but rather their "take on it." O'Reilly tells people to shutup, Stewart tells people they are assholes and losers.

So why is O'Reilly hated and Stewart hailed?
Gem said:
Thats exactly why I picked him, Kathianne...he is one of the ones who say things that are just about as inflammatory as Maher stating that Laura was Hitler's dog...or Carlin saying she was a douchebag.

I could also ask why is O'Reilly reviled and Stewart revered?

O'Reilly has a huge audience, just like Stewart. Both do a very similar show...political commentary, a talk show about the news. Neither claim to be doing "the news," but rather their "take on it." O'Reilly tells people to shutup, Stewart tells people they are assholes and losers.

So why is O'Reilly hated and Stewart hailed?

See above and understand that we are dealing with people who act ONLY out of emotion. All rationality is lost on them. Common sense is not in their vocabulary.
Gem said:
Thats exactly why I picked him, Kathianne...he is one of the ones who say things that are just about as inflammatory as Maher stating that Laura was Hitler's dog...or Carlin saying she was a douchebag.

I could also ask why is O'Reilly reviled and Stewart revered?

O'Reilly has a huge audience, just like Stewart. Both do a very similar show...political commentary, a talk show about the news. Neither claim to be doing "the news," but rather their "take on it." O'Reilly tells people to shutup, Stewart tells people they are assholes and losers.

So why is O'Reilly hated and Stewart hailed?

i hate stewart, i hate maher, cariln is crap......oreilly is a pompous ass, rush is funny
Bill Maher delivers a better, classier product than Rush Limbaugh. Limbaugh is a slob and is addicted to pills. Maher is smart and funny. There is no comparison.

Jon Stewart is a comedy genius and he has a personality that is made up of more than just piss and vinegar unlike O'Reilly. Also, O'Reilly is supposed to be akin to real news and is on a real news network and presents his show as the "no spin zone" and that's total garbage because everything he says is his opinion. Stewart has a "fake" news show on comedy central. Also, Stewart doesn't sexually harass women.

Plus O'Reilly is a big dickhead who tells people to "shutup." Who wants to listen to that crap?

Carlin's standup can't be beat.
Gem said:
Here is an article about some comments made by Bill Maher and George Carlin on the Bill Maher show. To summarazie, Maher called First Lady Laura Bush, "Hitler's Lap-Dog," and Carlin refers to her as, "the silver douche bag."

So why is Rush Limbaugh considered the spokeman for the right wing...why is his rhetoric flaunted by the left as an example of the way the right feels and/or thinks even when someone states quite clearly (as I do) that they have never heard more than 3 minutes of a Rush Limbaugh show when Maher continues to enjoy his status as a political comentator/comedian?

Why does Rush get pegged as a disgusting propagandist while Maher gets away with the same type of rhetoric?

What a disgusting bunch of twits make up the face of the anti-Bush contingent. And it's not just the TV personalities and comedians. After Katrina hit, Dem Senator Landrieu said that she would punch President Bush. When things later calmed down, she maintained she would not take back the statement. And then there's Cindy Sheehan's foul mouth. And on and on and on it goes.

Much like the general Muslim population stays silent on Islamoterrorists, you never hear moderate Dem voices speak out against hate-filled, debasing lefty anti-Bush rhetoric. And people wonder why we can't come up with anything nice to say about the Democratic Party? :puke:
Maher is an admitted and very proud frequent pot smoker. So they are both drug addicts. As far as Limbaugh being a slob....well, many would describe a bachelor who mistreats women and calls them dogs and laughs as others call them douch-bags a slob as you really have no case there.

You may not like Limbaugh, I know I don't. That isn't the point. You obviously like Maher...I frequently find him very funny and have his show on HBO Tivo'd at home. That isn't the point.

O'Reilly never claims to deliver the real news. However Stewart will go on real news programs and demand to be taken seriously as a newsman...except when he doesn't like the questions asked...then he only wants to be a comedian. While you may not like O'Reilly millions do...just as many if not more than like the Daily you really have no case there.

You have illustrated my point perfectly, rather than address the question in any real matter you jumped right in to discuss why you liked the liberals and disliked the conservatives, adding nothing of value to the conversation...thank you.
Hagbard Celine said:
Bill Maher delivers a better, classier product than Rush Limbaugh. Limbaugh is a slob and is addicted to pills. Maher is smart and funny. There is no comparison.

Jon Stewart is a comedy genius and he has a personality that is made up of more than just piss and vinegar unlike O'Reilly. Also, O'Reilly is supposed to be akin to real news and is on a real news network and presents his show as the "no spin zone" and that's total garbage because everything he says is his opinion. Stewart has a "fake" news show on comedy central. Also, Stewart doesn't sexually harass women.

Plus O'Reilly is a big dickhead who tells people to "shutup." Who wants to listen to that crap?

Carlin's standup can't be beat.

You're a perfect example of liberal non-thinking. You call Rush an addicted but Carlin has some kind of excuse?

Lets be honest and make the distinction between Carlin and Limbaugh.

Rush was prescribed heavily addictive pain medication for back pain. He took it and, like millions of other unfortunate Americans, discovered that after continued use under a doctor's supervision he needed more medication to achieve the desired effect: pain reduction...not a high. He took more and became addicted to the pills to deal with pain...not to get high.

As I have stated an will reassert....I do not care for Rush's style of political rhetoric...I find it inflammatory and harmful to the national debate.

But I find Hagbard's and SO MANY OTHER LIBERALS insistence on bringing up a man's medical addiction as if he was giving blow jobs in alleys for smack...OR using it recreationally like Carlin or any of the Ozbourne kids to be such a BLATANT and embarrassing example of the propaganda people with swallow when they like the overall message.

Carlin's abuse of coke and vicodin is ok...because apparently, he's saying what Hagbard wants to hear: Laura Bush is a douch-bag. But Limbaugh, whose message Hagbard and so many others like him DON'T get a kick out of...Limbaugh who got addicted to pain meds he was taking for addiction millions of Americans face every year because of their chronic pain....HE is the dirty drug user.

Sigh...its pathetic.
Gem said:
Sigh...its pathetic.

And oh so predictable.

I actually saw the show in question.

Carlin, I'm convinced, is either insane or just living up to his comedic persona. To some extent, Bill Maher uses his show to just get people to applaud for him... his stand-up bit at the beginning of each show is painful.

But let's be honest, Bill Maher is on at 11PM on HBO on Friday night. Rush is on 5 days a week, on millions of radios (which you just need a $5 receiver to tune in) during the middle of the day. I'd submit Rush gets more shit than Maher merely because of access. I would also doubt that Bill Maher would consider himself a lefty, however, as he is for things like racial profiling and the death penalty.

The John Stewart vs. Bill O'Reilly debate is kind of silly, IMO. Stewart consistently harps and pokes fun about his show being fake news. O'Reilly markets his show as being "the truth" and sometimes will trample over whoever to make the point he's trying to get at. His debate with the editor of a New Hampshire newspaper recently is proof of it. I think his heart is in the right place, but sometimes he loses his composure.

And I'd hardly say Bill O'Reilly is hated... doesn't he have the single best most fantastic news program on the air? He certainly says he does. You don't get 3 million viewers a night when you're hated.

I think the reason O'Reilly gets flack is because there is no complimenting moderate persona to compare him to, and so since he does it so well, he's hated. Similarly, there really is no comedic conservative voice that does what Jon Stewart does. Dennis Miller had a show and it was terrible. So conservatives hate Stewart because they have no-one to bite back.

my 2 cents
You have illustrated my point perfectly, rather than address the question in any real matter you jumped right in to discuss why you liked the liberals and disliked the conservatives, adding nothing of value to the conversation...thank you.

Oh don't get all "holier than thou art" on me Gem. This is an opinion thread and you know it. You either like these guys or you don't. Carlin isn't a political figure, he's a comedian. His political status is right up there with Babs Streisand...I think we both agree here. But he's a hilarious comedian and I like his work.

Limbaugh is garbage. I like Maher's show too and I think he makes a lot of good points. And his hygiene is better than Limbaugh's. Pot is not a physically addictive substance I gave it up three years ago and haven't smoked it since. Cigarettes are a LOT harder though.

Have you read O'Reilly's book "Who's Looking Out for You?" Well if you haven't then don't, because it's garbage. He's a negative personality.

No matter what you say, Jon Stewart is a genius.

All these guys are either pundits or comedians. We're not voting on any of them, but we're all going to gravitate towards what most appeals to us. Like I said before, this is an opinion thread, so there is no right or wrong answer. That's my two cents. :dance:
Hagbard Celine said:
Oh don't get all "holier than thou art" on me Gem. This is an opinion thread and you know it. You either like these guys or you don't. Carlin isn't a political figure, he's a comedian. His political status is right up there with Babs Streisand...I think we both agree here. But he's a hilarious comedian and I like his work.

Limbaugh is garbage. I like Maher's show too and I think he makes a lot of good points. And his hygiene is better than Limbaugh's. Pot is not a physically addictive substance I gave it up three years ago and haven't smoked it since. Cigarettes are a LOT harder though.

Have you read O'Reilly's book "Who's Looking Out for You?" Well if you haven't then don't, because it's garbage. He's a negative personality.

No matter what you say, Jon Stewart is a genius.

All these guys are either pundits or comedians. We're not voting on any of them, but we're all going to gravitate towards what most appeals to us. Like I said before, this is an opinion thread, so there is no right or wrong answer. That's my two cents. :dance:

He's no genius, he's a slob and a pompous one at that.
Gem said:

Lets be honest and make the distinction between Carlin and Limbaugh.

Rush was prescribed heavily addictive pain medication for back pain. He took it and, like millions of other unfortunate Americans, discovered that after continued use under a doctor's supervision he needed more medication to achieve the desired effect: pain reduction...not a high. He took more and became addicted to the pills to deal with pain...not to get high.

As I have stated an will reassert....I do not care for Rush's style of political rhetoric...I find it inflammatory and harmful to the national debate.

But I find Hagbard's and SO MANY OTHER LIBERALS insistence on bringing up a man's medical addiction as if he was giving blow jobs in alleys for smack...OR using it recreationally like Carlin or any of the Ozbourne kids to be such a BLATANT and embarrassing example of the propaganda people with swallow when they like the overall message.

Carlin's abuse of coke and vicodin is ok...because apparently, he's saying what Hagbard wants to hear: Laura Bush is a douch-bag. But Limbaugh, whose message Hagbard and so many others like him DON'T get a kick out of...Limbaugh who got addicted to pain meds he was taking for addiction millions of Americans face every year because of their chronic pain....HE is the dirty drug user.

Sigh...its pathetic.

And a waste of breath---I notice we come to this conclusion every so often in here but I guess we are powerless to change anything. We just sort of shine a spotlight on it from time to time and then go on to other things.

(Maybe that' what "move on" is really referring to)
Gem said:
O'Reilly never claims to deliver the real news. However Stewart will go on real news programs and demand to be taken seriously as a newsman...except when he doesn't like the questions asked...then he only wants to be a comedian. While you may not like O'Reilly millions do...just as many if not more than like the Daily you really have no case there.

O'Reilly will never claim his show is fake as Stewart does. It's not a traditional news show, but it certainly is a news show.

Your Stewart critique is just a regurgitation of this article which has been recirculating around in various forms.
Oh don't get all "holier than thou art" on me Gem. This is an opinion thread and you know it. You either like these guys or you don't. Carlin isn't a political figure, he's a comedian. His political status is right up there with Babs Streisand...I think we both agree here. But he's a hilarious comedian and I like his work.

Holier than thou I am not. You HAVE proven what I said originally EXCUSE the rhetoric of those you find funny while insisting on insulting and demeaning the people you don't like. Sure that's my opinion...but its pretty clear from your posts that that is exactly what you are doing.

The thread wasn't about Carlin...but about Maher's use of Carlin on his I agree completely...I find his opinions of no value in this conversation.

Limbaugh is garbage. I like Maher's show too and I think he makes a lot of good points. And his hygiene is better than Limbaugh's. Pot is not a physically addictive substance I gave it up three years ago and haven't smoked it since. Cigarettes are a LOT harder though.

This goes to exactly what I am saying...your willingness to forgive/excuse/condone/accept/celebrate/defend people who parrot your views while condeming people who dont agree.

Use that openmind...that ability to see both sides of the argument that you claim to posess....

I prefer GREATLY Maher to Limbaugh...I GREATLY prefer Stewart to O'Reilly. But to not be able and/or willing to OPEN YOUR EYES and see that Maher and Stewart receive far more leinancy and excuses from the main-stream media and people in general for doing basically the same things with a different political slant is to show that you have your eyes and ears closed.

Have you read O'Reilly's book "Who's Looking Out for You?" Well if you haven't then don't, because it's garbage. He's a negative personality.

Nope, and have no intentions of reading it. Thanks for the warning though. I agree with you...I dislike the way he interviews. He bowls people over and often doesn't allow them to speak. Tell ya what though...I've seen Stewart play similar games...talking over people when they are trying to make points...playing dumb when it suits him and then asking hard questions that the guest didn't think they were in for on a "comedy show." The knife SHOULD cut both ways, Hagbard....but it doesn't.

No matter what you say, Jon Stewart is a genius.

This line makes me nervous....are you reading what I am writing...or have you made up your mind about me and have stopped paying attention???

I LIKE Stewart....I LIKE Maher...I find them humorous and amusing...I PREFER them to Limbaugh and O'Reilly....This has NOTHING TO DO with personal preference...which is all you seem to be able to discuss....and EVERYTHING to do with why Maher and Stewart get away with what they do when Limbaugh and O'Reilly are never let off the hook for anything.

All these guys are either pundits or comedians. We're not voting on any of them, but we're all going to gravitate towards what most appeals to us. Like I said before, this is an opinion thread, so there is no right or wrong answer. That's my two cents

And I appreciate your two cents...but unfortunately...its not about a populatity contest between sides...its about whether or not one side is getting an easier time of it than the other and why.

P.S. For the sake of honest dialogue I will tell Clay Taurus that I have never read that article...
No I was just saying that's a very common viewpoint that many people share on him, and I hope you weren't implying that I was trying to be or claim you were being dishonest.

I think a key component is that Stewart's show is comedic, and while he certainly uses that to his advantage, he never demands to be taken seriously. He can't keep an interview serious if his life depended on it, he admits that a lack of laughter makes him nervous. I guess my feeling is, if you're taking your news cues from a comedian, who constantly is telling you he's a comedian, you should open your eyes. He gets more of a pass because ultimately his show is comedy. It's on comedy central. Maher simply just doesn't get the exposure either of the other 3 get. He's a much smaller market, and so he gets a pass like most other crazies that people don't here from often.
And I appreciate your two cents...but unfortunately...its not about a populatity contest between sides...its about whether or not one side is getting an easier time of it than the other and why.

Maybe in a society controlled by a conservative majority, the voice of the liberal minority should enjoy greater leniency? Discuss amongst yourselves, I'm a little verklempt.

[Jon Stewart] playing dumb when it suits him and then asking hard questions

I agree, this is the only thing I don't think is funny about Stewart. However, it plays into his characature as a keystone cops-style fake newsman.

Also, I agree with claytaurus' assessment.

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