Bill Maher Attacks Amy Coney Barrett On Her Faith


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
To Secularist wack jobs like Maher, refusing to use birth control means you are not qualified to sit on the SCOTUS.

Democrats are abandoning people of Faith for whom their faith over-rides their politics, to them that is CRAY-CRAY.
Maybe I should have posted this video on this post instead of the other.
When Michelle said "When they go low, we go high" is a tactic they uses to get us to go in a certain directions. That's called psyching its opponent out. Tricking them into doing their will.

When can we have a serious discussion about whether people "of faith" who are given positions of power and public trust will remain neutral when acting on behalf the American People or will abuse the power given them to impose the tenets of their particular faith on the public? People opposed JFK because they thought that he would take orders from the Pope. Same here. If appointed to a life position, will Barrett rule in a manner that would impose her faith on the entire American Public, which is comprised of people of all faiths and no faith? She is known to take extremist positions on issues regarding sex and reproduction to the point that she should be a Duggar by now.

Moreover, Roman Catholics are always split on which of the Catholic Church's teachings they wish to follow. How many Catholics follow this church's teachings opposing the death penalty and how to treat strangers and care for others, for instance? How many Catholics practice racial discrimination? Fail to oppose injustice? Fail to oppose violence? I mean actually acting in accordance with these teachings, not just giving them one line of lip-service in a speech somewhere.
Since when is Bill Maher a democrat? He's a Commedian....And relies on being brutal! :eek:

Fox should not have given him the time of day, which only promotes him and his tongue! And hurts Amy and her family....imo

I will say that this joke below.... was kinda funny... :lol:

Trump has appointed a quarter of the entire federal bench and -- unlike his wives -- that's for life. ...
I don't really ever recall hearing Catholics pushing the idea of speaking in tongues.
... People opposed JFK because they thought that he would take orders from the Pope. Same here....

"Same here"? Did JFK take orders from the Pope, you irrational bigot?

You didn't read my post. The people who opposed JFK before he was elected did so on the ground that they thought that, if elected, he would take orders from the Pope. You're comment is based on what he did or didn't do after he was elected, when it was too late one way or the other.

It is not being an "irrational bigot" to question whether a person who already has advanced extreme sectarian views can be trusted to put these views aside when representing the public or rule in a manner that will impose these views on the public by creating legal precedent. This applies to all faiths. How many people would reject a Muslim candidate who advanced extremist Muslim views on the basis that they don't want Muslim religious law imposed on them?

You are setting up a situation in which Americans have to reject candidates based on what religion they belong to. For instance, I have voted for three Southern Baptists in the past. But due to the antics of the Southern Baptist religion in the last few decades, I now can't vote for a Southern Baptist. They are just off my list due to fears that they will use their power to impose the tenets of the Southern Baptist religion on all Americans. This is a really uncomfortable situation to have to deal with. Is this what you want?
You didn't read my post. The people who opposed JFK before he was elected did so on the ground that they thought that, if elected, he would take orders from the Pope. You're comment is based on what he did or didn't do after he was elected, when it was too late one way or the other.
You would label JFK a conservative and burn him at the stake today..........he rolled over in his grave a long time ago.
To Secularist wack jobs like Maher, refusing to use birth control means you are not qualified to sit on the SCOTUS.

Democrats are abandoning people of Faith for whom their faith over-rides their politics, to them that is CRAY-CRAY.
I have news to you Trumpettes. A USSC justice rules based on writtren law & the US Constitution. Not the fucking Bible.

You all know damn well is a Muslim was nominated, you asdsfucks wiould be running through the streets, waving your arms about & screaming "Sharia Law!!!! Sharia Law!!!!"
I don't really ever recall hearing Catholics pushing the idea of speaking in tongues.
You know what people like Barret are at. They will be there when things are bad also. Not like many of the politicians. Especially Prog ones.
When can we have a serious discussion about whether people "of faith" who are given positions of power and public trust will remain neutral when acting on behalf the American People or will abuse the power given them to impose the tenets of their particular faith on the public? People opposed JFK because they thought that he would take orders from the Pope. Same here. If appointed to a life position, will Barrett rule in a manner that would impose her faith on the entire American Public, which is comprised of people of all faiths and no faith? She is known to take extremist positions on issues regarding sex and reproduction to the point that she should be a Duggar by now.

Moreover, Roman Catholics are always split on which of the Catholic Church's teachings they wish to follow. How many Catholics follow this church's teachings opposing the death penalty and how to treat strangers and care for others, for instance? How many Catholics practice racial discrimination? Fail to oppose injustice? Fail to oppose violence? I mean actually acting in accordance with these teachings, not just giving them one line of lip-service in a speech somewhere.'s undeniable, MOST blacks given positions of power do not remain neutral when acting on behalf of the American people.....they think more of RACE--blacks, let's be fair
To Secularist wack jobs like Maher, refusing to use birth control means you are not qualified to sit on the SCOTUS.

Democrats are abandoning people of Faith for whom their faith over-rides their politics, to them that is CRAY-CRAY.
Maher mocks everybody who is religious. He made a documentary years back about how whacko religious followers are. You shouldn’t be shocked that he was insulting Barrett, it’s expected.

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