Bill Clinton: Netanyahu isn't interested in Mideast peace deal


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
Madam President 2024
Bill Clinton: Netanyahu isn't interested in Mideast peace deal

Former U.S. President says a cynical perspective of Prime Minister's calls for negotiations 'means that he's just not going to give up the West Bank'.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is responsible for the inability to reach a peace deal that would end the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians, former U.S. President Bill Clinton said on Thursday.

Speaking on the sidelines of the Clinton Global Initiative conference in New York, the former U.S. president was quoted by Foreign Policy magazine as claiming that Netanyahu lost interest in the peace process as soon as two basic Israelis demands seemed to come into reach: a viable Palestinian leadership and the possibility of normalizing ties with the Arab world.

Former U.S. President Bill Clinton speaking during the 2011 Clinton Global Citizen Award ceremony at the Clinton Global Initiative in New York September 22, 2011.
Photo by: Reuters

"The Israelis always wanted two things that once it turned out they had, it didn't seem so appealing to Mr. Netanyahu," Clinton said, adding that Israel wanted "to believe they had a partner for peace in a Palestinian government, and there's no question -- and the Netanyahu government has said -- that this is the finest Palestinian government they've ever had in the West Bank."

Furthermore, the former U.S. president is quoted by Foreign Policy as saying that Israel was also on the verge of being recognized by Arab nations adding that the "king of Saudi Arabia started lining up all the Arab countries to say to the Israelis, ‘if you work it out with the Palestinians ... we will give you immediately not only recognition but a political, economic, and security partnership."

"This is huge.... It's a heck of a deal," Clinton said, adding: "That's what happened. Every American needs to know this. That's how we got to where we are."

"The real cynics believe that the Netanyahu's government's continued call for negotiations over borders and such means that he's just not going to give up the West Bank," he added.
What an Anti-Semite.
First he lets a Jew play with his (...) and now he makes such comments as gratitude.
What are the conditions for a "viable" palestinian leadership, and which conditions have been met? So far as I know, the Fatah people still have the eradication of Israel as their goal. That has yet to change, and until it does, there really can't be a 'viable' Palestinian leadership.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is responsible for the inability to reach a peace deal that would end the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians, former U.S. President Bill Clinton said on Thursday.
Hillary has to do something about her hubby's senility, of course.
What an Anti-Semite.
First he lets a Jew play with his (...) and now he makes such comments as gratitude.

The Turks show no gratitude to the Armenians, whom you genocided.
Over Turkish protests, House panel calls killing of Armenians 'genocide'

It's funny how quickly some are so willing to throw a solid American ally under the bus. Turkey use to share a border with Russia, who has nukes. They went with the United States.

What an Anti-Semite.
First he lets a Jew play with his (...) and now he makes such comments as gratitude.

The Turks show no gratitude to the Armenians, whom you genocided.
Over Turkish protests, House panel calls killing of Armenians 'genocide'

It's funny how quickly some are so willing to throw a solid American ally under the bus. Turkey use to share a border with Russia, who has nukes. They went with the United States.


The great ally Turkey that refused to permit the US to use its territory to enter Iraq.

Turkey is friends with Iran which is training insurgents to kill Americans in Iraq.

With allies like Turkey, who needs enemies?
Probably not.

Only with a continued state of hostilities does the cash keep rolling in.

Them pali's have had it all wrong from the beginning. All they had to do was blend in, lay up, bide their time, register to vote, keep making babies and by now they'd have the whole shooting match tied up in a tight little bundle with the jews as the minority citizenry.
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The Turks show no gratitude to the Armenians, whom you genocided.
Over Turkish protests, House panel calls killing of Armenians 'genocide'

It's funny how quickly some are so willing to throw a solid American ally under the bus. Turkey use to share a border with Russia, who has nukes. They went with the United States.


The great ally Turkey that refused to permit the US to use its territory to enter Iraq.

Turkey is friends with Iran which is training insurgents to kill Americans in Iraq.

With allies like Turkey, who needs enemies?

Yeah..that's right. They were against attacking Iraq..who they share a border with..

By the way..they were right. After the Iraqi invasion, they had all sorts of troubles with the terrorist organization, the PKK..who the Bush administration was supporting. In fairness, much like his father, Bush probably thought it was a good thing to have them attacking Iran. But much like his father, who funded Osama Bin Laden, he didn't count on the PKK attacking Turkey as well.

I guess you missed the multiple bombings and border skirmishes in Turkey. You know, by the PKK..who were funded by Bush.
It's funny how quickly some are so willing to throw a solid American ally under the bus. Turkey use to share a border with Russia, who has nukes. They went with the United States.


The great ally Turkey that refused to permit the US to use its territory to enter Iraq.

Turkey is friends with Iran which is training insurgents to kill Americans in Iraq.

With allies like Turkey, who needs enemies?

Yeah..that's right. They were against attacking Iraq..who they share a border with..

By the way..they were right. After the Iraqi invasion, they had all sorts of troubles with the terrorist organization, the PKK..who the Bush administration was supporting. In fairness, much like his father, Bush probably thought it was a good thing to have them attacking Iran. But much like his father, who funded Osama Bin Laden, he didn't count on the PKK attacking Turkey as well.

I guess you missed the multiple bombings and border skirmishes in Turkey. You know, by the PKK..who were funded by Bush.

Go to mommy, stupid little boy. It's feeding time
Is it just me or is this JStone clown a single-issue, troll who has mommy issues? :eusa_eh: ;) He spends all day here posting about the infallability of isreel :eusa_liar: :eusa_doh: :banghead:
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What a crock of shit from the worst US President in history!

First, Abbas might want piece, but most Palestinians don't recognize him as the legitimate government in Palestinians.

Second, Hamas controls Gaza and would control the West Bank if Israel left it. They are against Jews breathing air! They are no peace partners!

Third, Bibi implemented a 10 month freeze in settlement building in the West Bank. Abbas didn't come to the table. So when Bibi actually does a freeze that Palestinians don't come to the table, so why should they do it now.

Fourth, the Abbas and the Palestinians still demand the illogical and unjustifiable "Right to Return!" No Israel president could even consider that, nor should they!

Fifth, Israel illogically offered East Jerusalem once during the Camp David Accords, the Palestinians responded with war. They won't give it up again, nor should they. It's the capital of Israel!

Sixth, Palestinian TV, schools, media, mosque, billboards etc preache to kill Jews and that Jews are subhumans, but Israel should negotiate with them!

LASTLY AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, the Bibi run Israel government has stated REPEATEDLY they're ready to talk anytime Abbas wants to open up negotiations. Abbas refused to do so! Not much else Bibi and the Israelis can do expect start to prepare from implement a Palestanian free West Bank!
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Them pali's have had it all wrong from the beginning. All they had to do was blend in, lay up, bide their time, register to vote, keep making babies and by now they'd have the whole shooting match tied up in a tight little bundle with the jews as the minority citizenry.
Ah, looks like the plan for the United States, indeed.
What an Anti-Semite.
First he lets a Jew play with his (...) and now he makes such comments as gratitude.

The Turks show no gratitude to the Armenians, whom you genocided.
Over Turkish protests, House panel calls killing of Armenians 'genocide'

It's funny how quickly some are so willing to throw a solid American ally under the bus. Turkey use to share a border with Russia, who has nukes. They went with the United States.


You have a very good point there. Turkey has been a great allie to us and in many ways still is!
Anyway, I am still waiting for the OP to answer the question of what has the PA done to show that they are for real recently? So far as I know, they are still the same intransigent jerkoffs they have always been.
Bill Clinton is slime. He said this to make Obama look bad with the left, when Obama was forced to take Israle's side with the UN, the same whey he made Obama look bad, when he said raising taxes on the rich is a bad idea in this economy.

He also has alot of business with Arabs too.

Israel and Netinyahu would give their left nut for peace.

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