Biggest Outrage of the Week: the Exoneration of Andrew McCabe


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012

The man was FIRED for felonies - proven and documented. In fact, undisputed.

Now he gets his pension back - $200k in backpay, and a hearty slap on the back. And the U.S. taxpayers are paying his attorney's fees (more than half a mil)????

This man, more than anyone else is the personification of the devolution of the FBI under Barry O'Bama, to where it stands today. A disrespected, scorned arm of a corrupt Federal Administration.

The man was FIRED for felonies - proven and documented. In fact, undisputed.

Now he gets his pension back - $200k in backpay, and a hearty slap on the back. And the U.S. taxpayers are paying his attorney's fees (more than half a mil)????

This man, more than anyone else is the personification of the devolution of the FBI under Barry O'Bama, to where it stands today. A disrespected, scorned arm of a corrupt Federal Administration.
So glad to see he got his pension back.

The man was FIRED for felonies - proven and documented. In fact, undisputed.

Now he gets his pension back - $200k in backpay, and a hearty slap on the back. And the U.S. taxpayers are paying his attorney's fees (more than half a mil)????

This man, more than anyone else is the personification of the devolution of the FBI under Barry O'Bama, to where it stands today. A disrespected, scorned arm of a corrupt Federal Administration.
Title is wrong. Should read "biggest fauxrage of the week"
The Justice Department has agreed to restore full law enforcement benefits and provide some attorney fees for former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, who was fired by the Trump administration only hours before his retirement three years ago.

The settlement will resolve a civil lawsuit filed by McCabe, who argued that his ouster was the result of a "years-long public vendetta" driven by the former president.

The Justice Department demoted and then dismissed him on the eve of his 50th birthday in March 2018, when his FBI annuity would have vested.

"I think the message that you get loud and clear from the terms of the settlement is that this never should have happened," McCabe said. "It feels like complete vindication, because that's what it is."

It feels like complete vindication, because that's what it is.

The agreement follows a scathing online campaign by the former president to tarnish McCabe, who spent 21 years in service at the bureau.

A day after the dismissal, Trump tweeted that it represented "a great day for the hard working men and women of the FBI - A great day for democracy." Earlier, Trump had pushed the bureau to "clean house" and urged authorities to take action against McCabe before his planned retirement.

Here's the story from the real news.
No mention of the lies and distortions...illegal leaks to the press...I wonder why.

The man was a disgrace.

The man was FIRED for felonies - proven and documented. In fact, undisputed.

Now he gets his pension back - $200k in backpay, and a hearty slap on the back. And the U.S. taxpayers are paying his attorney's fees (more than half a mil)????

This man, more than anyone else is the personification of the devolution of the FBI under Barry O'Bama, to where it stands today. A disrespected, scorned arm of a corrupt Federal Administration.
He was a loyal deep state stooge and as such is being rewarded like they all are rewarded.
Cape Verde has extradited a Venezuelan diplomat to the United States.
Saab was arrested on June 12, 2020 at the Amilcar Cabral Airport on the island of Sal as part of a joint operation by the authorities of Cape Verde and Interpol. They acted on the basis of an international arrest warrant issued by the United States. Saab was detained during a flight on a private plane from Venezuela to Iran.

What a charm, Interpol also punched all possible bottoms at once.. ..
Now, if the States issue an international arrest warrant to Interpol for any official, diplomat, senator, deputy or president of any country in the world, they can/will be arrested and extradited to the United States.
The main thing is to say that the regime there is illegitimate, because the elections were dishonest. Or gays are oppressed. Or religious sects banned there.

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