BigCancer Industry Throws Women Under The Bus


Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
First, this isn't Trump's FDA/Industry issue alone. If true, this unforgivable practice goes back a couple of Administrations.

That being said, let's first explore embryology and the issue at hand: Can Prostate Cancer Be sexually Transmitted? Boys vs girls:

Women do have glands similar to men's prostate!...They are called the Skene's glands, and are situated in the vagina's upper part, in the region of the lower end of the urethra. Some scientists believe they serve initially as prostate glands in the embryo, but later on reduce in size in females and develop in males. Skene's glands are quite close to the famous "g-spot", and they feature numerous differences from woman to woman in size or other minor characteristics....It is considered extremely rare, but Skene's glands can be afflicted by cancer. In fact, the tumor's cells emit prostate - specific antigen (PSA), exactly like prostate cancer tumors.

The location of these glands sit right next to the cervix and uterus structure. The uterus and upper 1/3 of the vagina share a similar embryological origin with the prostate gland and its adjacent structures.

Uterine cancer is the most common form of cancer in the Western World. It's close cousin: prostate cancer, is the second most common type of cancer.

The latest rage in cancer treatment is a cancer vaccine. This vaccine varies. In some cases its generalized and has moderate success. In others it's personalized with the person's own cancer tumor DNA being biopsied and the patient's immune system T-cells sort of "trained up" to recognize and fight it. It's a little tricky but easily done in a lab with tuned genetic equipment. One vaccine or maybe a series of five innoculations and that's it. It's really hard for radiation and chemo to compete with....

Comparative to its male-twin, the most common type of cancer, endometrial, is rarely mentioned (Google it) and if it is, rarely finds itself the topic of aggressive study. It's mentioned often as an afterthought, while breast cancer takes center stage in most cases. Breast cancer is more aggressive growing and so I suppose that's the reason for shoving the most common type, that kills just as nicely, back into the shadows.

There currently are clinical trials for this type of "Personalized Cancer Vaccines" going on in the US. A Study of RO7198457 (Personalized Cancer Vaccine [PCV]) as a Single Agent and in Combination With Atezolizumab in Participants With Locally Advanced or Metastatic Tumors - Full Text View - And while BigPharma is throwing a wide net with these trials for, bladder, colon, breast, kidney, head and neck cancers, guess what's not included? Endometrial cancer. Oh, wait, it might be under "other".... (see what I mean?)

Meanwhile, not only have vast studies been done on prostate cancer compared to endometrial cancer, they have an FDA approved general vaccine for prostate cancer. It's done. Patented, out the door and on the market. Poor endometrial cancer sits in the shadows waiting for her chance to not die.

Immunotherapy: A Vaccine for Prostate Cancer - PCF
If results of a clinical trial are as promising as scientists believe they will be, we may soon be entering an era where every man diagnosed with prostate cancer gets a combined vaccine to help his body fight it off....The idea is to “harness the tremendous power of the immune system to augment what your body has done your whole life, which is fight off infections,”...
“The vaccine is made from a man’s own cells,”... The immune cells are collected in a process called leukapheresis – basically, blood goes out through a needle in one arm, some white blood cells, platelets and red blood cells are taken out, and the rest of the blood is pumped back into the other arm. Then, those cells are put in a culture with an engineered protein that links prostatic acid phosphatase (PAP) with what Drake calls a “special sauce” that activates the immune system.

What's interesting is that men having the least success with this vaccine are those who aren't doing the "chemical castration" part of the treatments. ie: they are loathe to reduce their testosterone so its presence outpaces the vaccine's ability to keep the disease in check. Testosterone fuels prostate cancer growth. If you're a woman with as advanced uterine cancer as men's advanced prostate, they gut you like a fish and remove your ovaries without preamble. You are not allowed to go on hormone replacement therapy of any kind to keep your estrogen levels up to snuff.

Possible theories for BigPharma playing God with women have come to mind. Cancer vaccines are cutting edge. VIPs have been quietly getting them and surviving miraculously with advanced age and very dangerous types of cancer (Ruth Bader Ginsburg comes to mind here). We hear about Jimmy Carter famously going on Keytruda to conquer his disease, but I'll bet there was a vaccine in there in addition to the Keytruda. (sure makes Keytruda look good though) They like to play up the cancer vaccine like it's some extremely tricky thing. But the principle behind vaccines: teaching the body's T-cells to recognize a foreign invader is many many decades old. All that was needed was just some extra expertise on DNA studies. And guess where we've been for the last decade at least? Huge leaps in genetics.

The theory I'm kicking around is this; BigCancer is big money. HUGE money. Think about all those donation sites asking for you to give to "research". Also, enormous investments have been made in radiation oncology in those very expensive machines. Tons, decades of technology hard-won going into their making and fine-tuning. Thousands of college degrees and internships on the line who specialized in this type of cancer therapy. And, not to mention the chemo side of the coin; all those careers and cozy gravy-trains. (Chemo is the only drug where MD's profit-share per patient) Cancer docs profit from chemotherapy drugs Imagine the following publication "FDA announces that cancer can be now cured by a vaccine specific to each patient". Goodbye donations. Goodbye investment in all those careers. Perhaps its possible these things are playing into BigCancer's silent exclusion of the largest group of people having or expected to have cancer in the coming years...

So, BigCancer knows comparatively cheap and easy to manufacture cancer vaccines are going to take over. Other countries are already ahead of us and are publishing. Perhaps, just perhaps the unthinkable is happening. If you look at it purely from a standpoint of recovering investment and milking the profit cash cow as long as possible before the inevitable, maybe you might dip your toe into the cancer vaccine clinical trial, if for no other reason just not to look as sinister as you really are. To show the world "we're really trying!". Then, on the down low, you might be tempted to sequester a certain-type of cancer to push backwards and keep "unstudied and not approved for treatment". Maybe that might be, say, the most common type of cancer killing people. Maybe a demographic people tend to dismiss out of hand anyway? Like women.

That way, the machine $$ can hum along while it pretends to care. It's just that if you were born without a penis, you will be fodder for profits for as long as humanly possible before the jig is up and the vaccine cards are laid on the table. But if you're a male with the kissing cousin cancer type to endometrial (prostate) enjoy that cancer vaccine that's already approved by the FDA.

Ah the American medical establishment. Profits first, people second. (Can you just hear the sound of life insurance premiums for women clinking upwards?). You've come a long way baby. Now shut up and die, daddy needs a new pair of shoes.

If you are a woman, withhold that cancer fund donation until you see evidence that BigCancer is going to do trials for vaccines on the most common type of killer first. Once you see proof of this, go ahead and donate if you care to. Think of it as an investment in your, or certainly one of your friend's or daughter or niece or aunt or mother's future. In the ranching business, we don't grain ponies who kick. We wait until they be nice; then they get their grain.

Yo, sorry, not enough time, need to get to work!
That's what they said to endometrial cancer people too. Ironic. They did find time to read the data and "get to work" on prostate cancer though. STAT!
Well what a statement. The OP got 1 agree. Nobody even curious about why we have what is essentially a cheap cure for cancer & politics is making people die by suppressing the cure? I guess it’s ok as long as your family/friend group contains zero cancer patients.
First, this isn't Trump's FDA/Industry issue alone. If true, this unforgivable practice goes back a couple of Administrations.

That being said, let's first explore embryology and the issue at hand: Can Prostate Cancer Be sexually Transmitted? Boys vs girls:

Women do have glands similar to men's prostate!...They are called the Skene's glands, and are situated in the vagina's upper part, in the region of the lower end of the urethra. Some scientists believe they serve initially as prostate glands in the embryo, but later on reduce in size in females and develop in males. Skene's glands are quite close to the famous "g-spot", and they feature numerous differences from woman to woman in size or other minor characteristics....It is considered extremely rare, but Skene's glands can be afflicted by cancer. In fact, the tumor's cells emit prostate - specific antigen (PSA), exactly like prostate cancer tumors.

The location of these glands sit right next to the cervix and uterus structure. The uterus and upper 1/3 of the vagina share a similar embryological origin with the prostate gland and its adjacent structures.

Uterine cancer is the most common form of cancer in the Western World. It's close cousin: prostate cancer, is the second most common type of cancer.

The latest rage in cancer treatment is a cancer vaccine. This vaccine varies. In some cases its generalized and has moderate success. In others it's personalized with the person's own cancer tumor DNA being biopsied and the patient's immune system T-cells sort of "trained up" to recognize and fight it. It's a little tricky but easily done in a lab with tuned genetic equipment. One vaccine or maybe a series of five innoculations and that's it. It's really hard for radiation and chemo to compete with....

Comparative to its male-twin, the most common type of cancer, endometrial, is rarely mentioned (Google it) and if it is, rarely finds itself the topic of aggressive study. It's mentioned often as an afterthought, while breast cancer takes center stage in most cases. Breast cancer is more aggressive growing and so I suppose that's the reason for shoving the most common type, that kills just as nicely, back into the shadows.

There currently are clinical trials for this type of "Personalized Cancer Vaccines" going on in the US. A Study of RO7198457 (Personalized Cancer Vaccine [PCV]) as a Single Agent and in Combination With Atezolizumab in Participants With Locally Advanced or Metastatic Tumors - Full Text View - And while BigPharma is throwing a wide net with these trials for, bladder, colon, breast, kidney, head and neck cancers, guess what's not included? Endometrial cancer. Oh, wait, it might be under "other".... (see what I mean?)

Meanwhile, not only have vast studies been done on prostate cancer compared to endometrial cancer, they have an FDA approved general vaccine for prostate cancer. It's done. Patented, out the door and on the market. Poor endometrial cancer sits in the shadows waiting for her chance to not die.

Immunotherapy: A Vaccine for Prostate Cancer - PCF
If results of a clinical trial are as promising as scientists believe they will be, we may soon be entering an era where every man diagnosed with prostate cancer gets a combined vaccine to help his body fight it off....The idea is to “harness the tremendous power of the immune system to augment what your body has done your whole life, which is fight off infections,”...
“The vaccine is made from a man’s own cells,”... The immune cells are collected in a process called leukapheresis – basically, blood goes out through a needle in one arm, some white blood cells, platelets and red blood cells are taken out, and the rest of the blood is pumped back into the other arm. Then, those cells are put in a culture with an engineered protein that links prostatic acid phosphatase (PAP) with what Drake calls a “special sauce” that activates the immune system.

What's interesting is that men having the least success with this vaccine are those who aren't doing the "chemical castration" part of the treatments. ie: they are loathe to reduce their testosterone so its presence outpaces the vaccine's ability to keep the disease in check. Testosterone fuels prostate cancer growth. If you're a woman with as advanced uterine cancer as men's advanced prostate, they gut you like a fish and remove your ovaries without preamble. You are not allowed to go on hormone replacement therapy of any kind to keep your estrogen levels up to snuff.

Possible theories for BigPharma playing God with women have come to mind. Cancer vaccines are cutting edge. VIPs have been quietly getting them and surviving miraculously with advanced age and very dangerous types of cancer (Ruth Bader Ginsburg comes to mind here). We hear about Jimmy Carter famously going on Keytruda to conquer his disease, but I'll bet there was a vaccine in there in addition to the Keytruda. (sure makes Keytruda look good though) They like to play up the cancer vaccine like it's some extremely tricky thing. But the principle behind vaccines: teaching the body's T-cells to recognize a foreign invader is many many decades old. All that was needed was just some extra expertise on DNA studies. And guess where we've been for the last decade at least? Huge leaps in genetics.

The theory I'm kicking around is this; BigCancer is big money. HUGE money. Think about all those donation sites asking for you to give to "research". Also, enormous investments have been made in radiation oncology in those very expensive machines. Tons, decades of technology hard-won going into their making and fine-tuning. Thousands of college degrees and internships on the line who specialized in this type of cancer therapy. And, not to mention the chemo side of the coin; all those careers and cozy gravy-trains. (Chemo is the only drug where MD's profit-share per patient) Cancer docs profit from chemotherapy drugs Imagine the following publication "FDA announces that cancer can be now cured by a vaccine specific to each patient". Goodbye donations. Goodbye investment in all those careers. Perhaps its possible these things are playing into BigCancer's silent exclusion of the largest group of people having or expected to have cancer in the coming years...

So, BigCancer knows comparatively cheap and easy to manufacture cancer vaccines are going to take over. Other countries are already ahead of us and are publishing. Perhaps, just perhaps the unthinkable is happening. If you look at it purely from a standpoint of recovering investment and milking the profit cash cow as long as possible before the inevitable, maybe you might dip your toe into the cancer vaccine clinical trial, if for no other reason just not to look as sinister as you really are. To show the world "we're really trying!". Then, on the down low, you might be tempted to sequester a certain-type of cancer to push backwards and keep "unstudied and not approved for treatment". Maybe that might be, say, the most common type of cancer killing people. Maybe a demographic people tend to dismiss out of hand anyway? Like women.

That way, the machine $$ can hum along while it pretends to care. It's just that if you were born without a penis, you will be fodder for profits for as long as humanly possible before the jig is up and the vaccine cards are laid on the table. But if you're a male with the kissing cousin cancer type to endometrial (prostate) enjoy that cancer vaccine that's already approved by the FDA.

Ah the American medical establishment. Profits first, people second. (Can you just hear the sound of life insurance premiums for women clinking upwards?). You've come a long way baby. Now shut up and die, daddy needs a new pair of shoes.

If you are a woman, withhold that cancer fund donation until you see evidence that BigCancer is going to do trials for vaccines on the most common type of killer first. Once you see proof of this, go ahead and donate if you care to. Think of it as an investment in your, or certainly one of your friend's or daughter or niece or aunt or mother's future. In the ranching business, we don't grain ponies who kick. We wait until they be nice; then they get their grain.


One thing is certain, the incidence of prostate cancer in women is zero and will remain so. The exception of course is freakazoid fake women.
One thing is certain, the incidence of prostate cancer in women is zero and will remain so. The exception of course is freakazoid fake women.
That's not really what this thread is about. It's about exposing how the number 1 type of cancer that affects only women, appears to be being exploited so that BigCancer's ancient investments (machinery, drugs, college degrees to run them etc) in old-treatment infrastructure can milk another 10 years of poisoning or frying women until they die instead of getting them a vaccine like they friggin' hustled to do for men.
Yo, I respond to this Post, and my response gets deleted by USMB, SICK! It was just a "CARTOON" and some words? Glad to see "USMB SUPPORTS OUR RIGHTS IN AMERICA," NOT!!!

They're clinging to "traditional treatments" for cancer, while other countries plow ahead with the concern of the patient instead of their pocket books. Traditional treatments for cancer amount to voodoo and bleeding the patients with leeches.

I mean, it's a cell in the body that has gone haywire. It's DNA no longer matches the host DNA. It remains close enough to the body though so that the body won't attack it. It keeps like a cocoon around itself and the body remains ignorant. They're doing personalized cancer vaccines. They already know how they work, but they aren't available. Though other experimental immune-therapy drugs are being fast-tracked and approved by the FDA "from compassion". Researching the situation though reveals that what looks like compassion is action "for profit". The faster they can push these iffy drugs they've poured all their research into, to gain a monopoly as actual immune research (vaccines) goes forward, the more money they can make in the mean time before the plug is pulled.

So what to do? Well, for the penis-gifted, quickly develop a vaccine. Because you know, penises run BigCancer ultimately. Or have the final say anyway. But let's keep those vaginas with the most prevalent form of cancer, a direct first cousin to prostate cells embryologically, in the dark ages as long as we can. We can sell THEM on chemo we can sell THEM on radiation until the final bell is rung.

I used to work at a lab. Vaccines aren't rocket science. The guy running the place was sort of a semi-gifted half wit who hired out garden variety technicians to do the assaying. We worked on the animal-collection end. The price of developing the serums was some alfalfa and saline and a couple of college degrees. Personalized vaccines would be a little trickier, requiring a cleaner lab and the ability to isolate proteins/antigens. And guess what, we have these in spades. I still maintain that the bottom line is that BigCancer knows these vaccines will put them out of business and that they're perposefully retarding research "while appearing to really be into researching these new highly-technical vaccines!", so that they don't lose their ass on their old investments.

Anyone in the BigCancer machine knowingly promoting a line of treatments they know will result in pain, suffering and death of the worst kind, while they know their research should be helping these women better hope there is no judgment day. Party down while you can guys. You're going to wish you had cancer when the Final Panel does your review.
Does anyone agree that those heavily invested in archaic cancer treatment might be tempted to suppress something as effective & easy as a cancer vaccine using tumor dna? The infrastructure, investment & college careers (chemo & radiation doctors on board) that might suddenly become defunct? Think there might be an organized resistance to that? (Unless you have male genitalia & can get the prostate vaccine-sorry ladies, the FDA won’t approve a vaccine for you).
Vaccine Treatment for Prostate Cancer
Sipuleucel-T (Provenge) is a cancer vaccine. Unlike traditional vaccines, which boost the body’s immune system to help prevent infections, this vaccine boosts the immune system to help it attack prostate cancer cells....This vaccine is made specifically for each man. To make it, white blood cells (cells of the immune system) are removed from your blood over a few hours while you are hooked up to a special machine. The cells are then sent to a lab, where they are exposed to a protein from prostate cancer cells called prostatic acid phosphatase (PAP). The cells are then sent back to the doctor’s office or hospital, where they are given back to you by infusion into a vein (IV). This process is repeated 2 more times, 2 weeks apart, so that you get 3 doses of cells. The cells help your other immune system cells attack the prostate cancer.
Vaccine Treatment for Prostate Cancer

This process is right now, as we sit, approved for use in men by the FDA. The IDENTICAL embryological tissue type corollary in women (uterine cells), the most common type of killer for women's gynecological cancers, remains without the same exact process known to work.

Taking the protein signatures from cancer cells is not limited to prostate cancer. It can be done with any cancer. What works even better is if they get a biopsied tumor sample and use it's varied genetic signatures to produce an even more comprehensive immune response to that particular type of cell protein.

One is approved and helping lives. The other is simply not available. Not even for compassionate uses. How about that for the Trump Administration "caring about the woman vote"?
First, this isn't Trump's FDA/Industry issue alone. If true, this unforgivable practice goes back a couple of Administrations.

That being said, let's first explore embryology and the issue at hand: Can Prostate Cancer Be sexually Transmitted? Boys vs girls:

Women do have glands similar to men's prostate!...They are called the Skene's glands, and are situated in the vagina's upper part, in the region of the lower end of the urethra. Some scientists believe they serve initially as prostate glands in the embryo, but later on reduce in size in females and develop in males. Skene's glands are quite close to the famous "g-spot", and they feature numerous differences from woman to woman in size or other minor characteristics....It is considered extremely rare, but Skene's glands can be afflicted by cancer. In fact, the tumor's cells emit prostate - specific antigen (PSA), exactly like prostate cancer tumors.

The location of these glands sit right next to the cervix and uterus structure. The uterus and upper 1/3 of the vagina share a similar embryological origin with the prostate gland and its adjacent structures.

Uterine cancer is the most common form of cancer in the Western World. It's close cousin: prostate cancer, is the second most common type of cancer.

The latest rage in cancer treatment is a cancer vaccine. This vaccine varies. In some cases its generalized and has moderate success. In others it's personalized with the person's own cancer tumor DNA being biopsied and the patient's immune system T-cells sort of "trained up" to recognize and fight it. It's a little tricky but easily done in a lab with tuned genetic equipment. One vaccine or maybe a series of five innoculations and that's it. It's really hard for radiation and chemo to compete with....

Comparative to its male-twin, the most common type of cancer, endometrial, is rarely mentioned (Google it) and if it is, rarely finds itself the topic of aggressive study. It's mentioned often as an afterthought, while breast cancer takes center stage in most cases. Breast cancer is more aggressive growing and so I suppose that's the reason for shoving the most common type, that kills just as nicely, back into the shadows.

There currently are clinical trials for this type of "Personalized Cancer Vaccines" going on in the US. A Study of RO7198457 (Personalized Cancer Vaccine [PCV]) as a Single Agent and in Combination With Atezolizumab in Participants With Locally Advanced or Metastatic Tumors - Full Text View - And while BigPharma is throwing a wide net with these trials for, bladder, colon, breast, kidney, head and neck cancers, guess what's not included? Endometrial cancer. Oh, wait, it might be under "other".... (see what I mean?)

Meanwhile, not only have vast studies been done on prostate cancer compared to endometrial cancer, they have an FDA approved general vaccine for prostate cancer. It's done. Patented, out the door and on the market. Poor endometrial cancer sits in the shadows waiting for her chance to not die.

Immunotherapy: A Vaccine for Prostate Cancer - PCF
If results of a clinical trial are as promising as scientists believe they will be, we may soon be entering an era where every man diagnosed with prostate cancer gets a combined vaccine to help his body fight it off....The idea is to “harness the tremendous power of the immune system to augment what your body has done your whole life, which is fight off infections,”...
“The vaccine is made from a man’s own cells,”... The immune cells are collected in a process called leukapheresis – basically, blood goes out through a needle in one arm, some white blood cells, platelets and red blood cells are taken out, and the rest of the blood is pumped back into the other arm. Then, those cells are put in a culture with an engineered protein that links prostatic acid phosphatase (PAP) with what Drake calls a “special sauce” that activates the immune system.

What's interesting is that men having the least success with this vaccine are those who aren't doing the "chemical castration" part of the treatments. ie: they are loathe to reduce their testosterone so its presence outpaces the vaccine's ability to keep the disease in check. Testosterone fuels prostate cancer growth. If you're a woman with as advanced uterine cancer as men's advanced prostate, they gut you like a fish and remove your ovaries without preamble. You are not allowed to go on hormone replacement therapy of any kind to keep your estrogen levels up to snuff.

Possible theories for BigPharma playing God with women have come to mind. Cancer vaccines are cutting edge. VIPs have been quietly getting them and surviving miraculously with advanced age and very dangerous types of cancer (Ruth Bader Ginsburg comes to mind here). We hear about Jimmy Carter famously going on Keytruda to conquer his disease, but I'll bet there was a vaccine in there in addition to the Keytruda. (sure makes Keytruda look good though) They like to play up the cancer vaccine like it's some extremely tricky thing. But the principle behind vaccines: teaching the body's T-cells to recognize a foreign invader is many many decades old. All that was needed was just some extra expertise on DNA studies. And guess where we've been for the last decade at least? Huge leaps in genetics.

The theory I'm kicking around is this; BigCancer is big money. HUGE money. Think about all those donation sites asking for you to give to "research". Also, enormous investments have been made in radiation oncology in those very expensive machines. Tons, decades of technology hard-won going into their making and fine-tuning. Thousands of college degrees and internships on the line who specialized in this type of cancer therapy. And, not to mention the chemo side of the coin; all those careers and cozy gravy-trains. (Chemo is the only drug where MD's profit-share per patient) Cancer docs profit from chemotherapy drugs Imagine the following publication "FDA announces that cancer can be now cured by a vaccine specific to each patient". Goodbye donations. Goodbye investment in all those careers. Perhaps its possible these things are playing into BigCancer's silent exclusion of the largest group of people having or expected to have cancer in the coming years...

So, BigCancer knows comparatively cheap and easy to manufacture cancer vaccines are going to take over. Other countries are already ahead of us and are publishing. Perhaps, just perhaps the unthinkable is happening. If you look at it purely from a standpoint of recovering investment and milking the profit cash cow as long as possible before the inevitable, maybe you might dip your toe into the cancer vaccine clinical trial, if for no other reason just not to look as sinister as you really are. To show the world "we're really trying!". Then, on the down low, you might be tempted to sequester a certain-type of cancer to push backwards and keep "unstudied and not approved for treatment". Maybe that might be, say, the most common type of cancer killing people. Maybe a demographic people tend to dismiss out of hand anyway? Like women.

That way, the machine $$ can hum along while it pretends to care. It's just that if you were born without a penis, you will be fodder for profits for as long as humanly possible before the jig is up and the vaccine cards are laid on the table. But if you're a male with the kissing cousin cancer type to endometrial (prostate) enjoy that cancer vaccine that's already approved by the FDA.

Ah the American medical establishment. Profits first, people second. (Can you just hear the sound of life insurance premiums for women clinking upwards?). You've come a long way baby. Now shut up and die, daddy needs a new pair of shoes.

If you are a woman, withhold that cancer fund donation until you see evidence that BigCancer is going to do trials for vaccines on the most common type of killer first. Once you see proof of this, go ahead and donate if you care to. Think of it as an investment in your, or certainly one of your friend's or daughter or niece or aunt or mother's future. In the ranching business, we don't grain ponies who kick. We wait until they be nice; then they get their grain.


Your fundamental assumption is that the Skene's glad is the source of most uterine cancers. Thus, by giving women the prostate cancer 'vaccine', these Skene's gland originated cancers could be prevented.

But you've done nothing to factually establish that the majority of Uterine cancers are caused by the Skene gland. Nor is the Skene's gland particularly near the uterus. Its near the opening of the urethra. Its almost on the outside of the body and far closer to the vagina, labia and bladder than it is the uteris. Thus, by your own logic, there should be a much higher instance of urethral, vaginal, labial and bladder cancers among women due to its proximity to the Skene's Gland.

But that's simply not the case. Strongly suggesting that the Skene's gland is not the source of cancer that you believe it is. As if it were, it would cause cancer first in those parts of the body closest to it. And it doesn't.

Thus, your foundational premise is not only factually baseless, its actively contradicted by the evidence.
I used to work at a vaccine lab in the early 1980s. One that became rather famous actually in recent years. The vaccine protocol simply uses cancer protein signatures to teach your body to fight the disease. The "technology" for making vaccines is many decades old. They've known about it for a long time but I guess someone decided that if you can teach the public to think of cancer as a mysterious incurable, painful and deadly disease, they give you more money for "research".

So what we have going on now in clinical trials is a bunch of half-efforts in all different directions to look at anything but the simplest and most reliable way to cure a foreign invader in the human body. Though cancer does carry a flag of belonging, the DNA says otherwise. That means a vaccine properly done would notice it....

On that note, the prostate vaccine itself is another half-effort. They've made the protein sampling too narrow so that you only get a partial response. Partial responses that can have doubt cast upon "their effectiveness vs their cost" (meanwhile constantly-prescribed/similarly ineffective, dangerous radiation and chemo cost over $100,000 a year). The gold standard of the cancer vaccine is to use individuals' tumor biopsies to sample as much of a broad blanket of signatures so that your trained T-cells really go deep after the tumors. But this is all elementary stuff. Long known. Inexplicably not practiced while people suffer and die. So it's not a tin-foil "theory" that BigCancer is suppressing research, tooling it to appear as if it's being done, to keep the carrot cash-flow coming in. (see post #3 Mr. Trump, Why Is Your Administration Helping Kill Women? )

If one of those guys comes down with cancer, they'll skip their own "research" and "protocol" they dupe the general public into. Instead, they'll get their tumors biopsied and a vaccine made for themselves. They're not dumb. A big hooplah was tagged onto Keytruda because famously President Jimmy Carter took it to get over a bout with tumors. However, i guarantee you they got him a vaccine as well. After all, they've known about how to do this for some time. They're just not letting the general public get ahold of something that in lab research showed a 96%+ full remission of cancer in lab rats.

It's kind of like the auto industry monopoly in the US. If you can crush new innovations, intimidate or buy out patents that threaten the livelihood of you and your BigOil gas-hog buddies for decades, then you keep the cash coming and your corner on the market. Meanwhile you put out ads on TV saying how you're auto company is "innovating for the future!", while you crush or postpone for as long as possible, the release or production of any new innovation that really sips the fuel or, god forbid!, uses an alternative fuel that your industry can't cash in on no matter how it rigs the rules of commerce at the Congressional level.

That is exactly the business model that BigCancer is using. And it's time the public knew.

Glad to see this is still in "Current Events", because it is current and its an event that touches every single life of every poster on this board in one way or another. And it is completely sinister.
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I used to work at a vaccine lab in the early 1980s. One that became rather famous actually in recent years. The vaccine protocol simply uses cancer protein signatures to teach your body to fight the disease. The "technology" for making vaccines is many decades old. They've known about it for a long time but I guess someone decided that if you can teach the public to think of cancer as a mysterious incurable, painful and deadly disease, they give you more money for "research".

So what we have going on now in clinical trials is a bunch of half-efforts in all different directions to look at anything but the simplest and most reliable way to cure a foreign invader in the human body. Though cancer does carry a flag of belonging, the DNA says otherwise. That means a vaccine properly done would notice it....

On that note, the prostate vaccine itself is another half-effort. They've made the protein sampling too narrow so that you only get a partial response. Partial responses that can have doubt cast upon "their effectiveness vs their cost" (meanwhile constantly-prescribed/similarly ineffective, dangerous radiation and chemo cost over $100,000 a year). The gold standard of the cancer vaccine is to use individuals' tumor biopsies to sample as much of a broad blanket of signatures so that your trained T-cells really go deep after the tumors. But this is all elementary stuff. Long known. Inexplicably not practiced while people suffer and die. So it's not a tin-foil "theory" that BigCancer is suppressing research, tooling it to appear as if it's being done, to keep the carrot cash-flow coming in. (see post #3 Mr. Trump, Why Is Your Administration Helping Kill Women? )

If one of those guys comes down with cancer, they'll skip their own "research" and "protocol" they dupe the general public into. Instead, they'll get their tumors biopsied and a vaccine made for themselves. They're not dumb. A big hooplah was tagged onto Keytruda because famously President Jimmy Carter took it to get over a bout with tumors. However, i guarantee you they got him a vaccine as well. After all, they've known about how to do this for some time. They're just not letting the general public get ahold of something that in lab research showed a 96%+ full remission of cancer in lab rats.

It's kind of like the auto industry monopoly in the US. If you can crush new innovations, intimidate or buy out patents that threaten the livelihood of you and your BigOil gas-hog buddies for decades, then you keep the cash coming and your corner on the market. Meanwhile you put out ads on TV saying how you're auto company is "innovating for the future!", while you crush or postpone for as long as possible, the release or production of any new innovation that really sips the fuel or, god forbid!, uses an alternative fuel that your industry can't cash in on no matter how it rigs the rules of commerce at the Congressional level.

That is exactly the business model that BigCancer is using. And it's time the public knew.

Glad to see this is still in "Current Events", because it is current and its an event that touches every single life of every poster on this board in one way or another. And it is completely sinister.

Who says the vaccine is a 'half effort? Remember, you don't actually know what you're talking about.

And the premise of your thread is far fetched. As the Skene's Gland isn't particularly close to the uterus. And if the Skene's Gland was a source of cancer in the uterus, then there would be far more instances of cancer in of the Skene's Gland.

There isn't.

Your argument is, once again, poorly thought through.
OK, take cells from bladder cancer and prostate. Totally different embryonic cell base. And yet the vaccine theory applies to those solid tumors as well. You take the tissue from any tumor and teach a person's T-cells to alert to those specific signatures and you have a vaccine for that very specific and individualized cancer.

The prostate vaccine they have now only gives a basic signature, which is why it could be vastly more effective. I find it very interesting that this half-assed solution to a vaccine yields about the same rotten results that chemo does. (Remember, it's hard to sell a product when a new one comes along that is much, much better). They know how to sample tumors and make a superior vaccine. Instead now they fiddle-fart around with trying to isolate random cancer cells circulating in the bloodstream. What's worse is that solid tumor cells that shed these cancer-blood cells have morphological differences to the blood-cells circulating. So they're missing key components they could otherwise have from tumor.

The protocol should be (but isn't), surgery to remove the bulk of cancer with that material immediately being sampled to create a vaccine. Then the patient is injected over the next year or two with that vaccine made from their own cancer. But then what would all those chemo and radiation doctors do for a living? And if so neatly cured, the cancer-research donation industry would dry right up.
OK, take cells from bladder cancer and prostate. Totally different embryonic cell base. And yet the vaccine theory applies to those solid tumors as well.


You take the tissue from any tumor and teach a person's T-cells to alert to those specific signatures and you have a vaccine for that very specific and individualized cancer.The prostate vaccine they have now only gives a basic signature, which is why it could be vastly more effective.

Says you, citing what you think you remember from working in vaccine offices when Reagan was president.

Remember, don't actually know what you're talking about.
Says you, citing what you think you remember from working in vaccine offices when Reagan was president.

Remember, don't actually know what you're talking about.

I think you've invested quite a bit of energy stalking me around these boards asserting that I allegedly never know what I'm talking about. Just sheer math says at least one topic I discuss I have some insights on. This is one of them.

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