Trump Big time Trump screw up


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017
With his great, well thought out move to pardon Arapio, Trump has not only guaranteed that Arizona will now vote Democrat forever, he has exposed, again, his true self.

He claims to be a "law & order, strict Constitution President," But, you can now interpret that to mean, that like Republicans, he supports only the laws and parts of the Constitution that he agrees with. Period. Bigly.

Way to go big guy! You just handed Arizona to the Democrats on a silver platter.
With his great, well thought out move to pardon Arapio, Trump has not only guaranteed that Arizona will now vote Democrat forever, he has exposed, again, his true self.

He claims to be a "law & order, strict Constitution President," But, you can now interpret that to mean, that like Republicans, he supports only the laws and parts of the Constitution that he agrees with. Period. Bigly.

Way to go big guy! You just handed Arizona to the Democrats on a silver platter.

What law did Arpaio break?
With his great, well thought out move to pardon Arapio, Trump has not only guaranteed that Arizona will now vote Democrat forever, he has exposed, again, his true self.

He claims to be a "law & order, strict Constitution President," But, you can now interpret that to mean, that like Republicans, he supports only the laws and parts of the Constitution that he agrees with. Period. Bigly.

Way to go big guy! You just handed Arizona to the Democrats on a silver platter.

You're dreaming if you think Arizonans are going to vote for more people who will look the other way while the state is invaded by illegals. Arizona has had just about enough.
With his great, well thought out move to pardon Arapio, Trump has not only guaranteed that Arizona will now vote Democrat forever, he has exposed, again, his true self.

He claims to be a "law & order, strict Constitution President," But, you can now interpret that to mean, that like Republicans, he supports only the laws and parts of the Constitution that he agrees with. Period. Bigly.

Way to go big guy! You just handed Arizona to the Democrats on a silver platter.

What law did Arpaio break?

He was found guilty of civil rights abuses in a court of law. You know that thingy that deals with the stuff he supposedly upholds?
With his great, well thought out move to pardon Arapio, Trump has not only guaranteed that Arizona will now vote Democrat forever, he has exposed, again, his true self.

He claims to be a "law & order, strict Constitution President," But, you can now interpret that to mean, that like Republicans, he supports only the laws and parts of the Constitution that he agrees with. Period. Bigly.

Way to go big guy! You just handed Arizona to the Democrats on a silver platter.
Arizona needs to stop voting for RINOs like McCain and start voting for real conservative Senators. That's what should be guaranteed.
Arpaio was found guilty of criminal contempt.

Former Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio Is Convicted of Criminal Contempt

The courts ordered him to stop breaking the law and enforce the law as written. Instead of complying, Arpaio deliberately kept on breaking the law. Hence, he was rightfully convicted.

Pardoning him for that is a direct attack on the rule of law. Trump is demonstrating that people who agree with his white supremacist philosophy now have a free pass to break any law that Trump can issue a pardon for. That's never been done by any president before.
With his great, well thought out move to pardon Arapio, Trump has not only guaranteed that Arizona will now vote Democrat forever, he has exposed, again, his true self.

He claims to be a "law & order, strict Constitution President," But, you can now interpret that to mean, that like Republicans, he supports only the laws and parts of the Constitution that he agrees with. Period. Bigly.

Way to go big guy! You just handed Arizona to the Democrats on a silver platter.

Presidential Pardon is part of the Constitution. Do you only support parts of the Constitution you agree with?

Petard + foist = OP
Arpaio was found guilty of criminal contempt.

Former Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio Is Convicted of Criminal Contempt

The courts ordered him to stop breaking the law and enforce the law as written. Instead of complying, Arpaio deliberately kept on breaking the law. Hence, he was rightfully convicted.

Pardoning him for that is a direct attack on the rule of law. Trump is demonstrating that people who agree with his white supremacist philosophy now have a free pass to break any law that Trump can issue a pardon for. That's never been done by any president before.

I detect the stench of Democrat, leftist talking points and name calling....
With his great, well thought out move to pardon Arapio, Trump has not only guaranteed that Arizona will now vote Democrat forever, he has exposed, again, his true self.

He claims to be a "law & order, strict Constitution President," But, you can now interpret that to mean, that like Republicans, he supports only the laws and parts of the Constitution that he agrees with. Period. Bigly.

Way to go big guy! You just handed Arizona to the Democrats on a silver platter.

What law did Arpaio break?

He was found guilty of civil rights abuses in a court of law. You know that thingy that deals with the stuff he supposedly upholds?

Since when do illegal alien criminals qualify for U.S. civil rights? Why are they even allowed to drive?
With his great, well thought out move to pardon Arapio, Trump has not only guaranteed that Arizona will now vote Democrat forever, he has exposed, again, his true self.

He claims to be a "law & order, strict Constitution President," But, you can now interpret that to mean, that like Republicans, he supports only the laws and parts of the Constitution that he agrees with. Period. Bigly.

Way to go big guy! You just handed Arizona to the Democrats on a silver platter.

Boot the illegals, clean up the voting rolls, Dems will be lucky to get 30 seats in the Senate and 150 in the House.
With his great, well thought out move to pardon Arapio, Trump has not only guaranteed that Arizona will now vote Democrat forever, he has exposed, again, his true self.

He claims to be a "law & order, strict Constitution President," But, you can now interpret that to mean, that like Republicans, he supports only the laws and parts of the Constitution that he agrees with. Period. Bigly.

Way to go big guy! You just handed Arizona to the Democrats on a silver platter.
Arizona needs to stop voting for RINOs like McCain and start voting for real conservative Senators. That's what should be guaranteed.
Hold on a sec you support Trump?

The man is further from Conservative than most Democrats.
With his great, well thought out move to pardon Arapio, Trump has not only guaranteed that Arizona will now vote Democrat forever, he has exposed, again, his true self.

He claims to be a "law & order, strict Constitution President," But, you can now interpret that to mean, that like Republicans, he supports only the laws and parts of the Constitution that he agrees with. Period. Bigly.

Way to go big guy! You just handed Arizona to the Democrats on a silver platter.

What law did Arpaio break?

He was found guilty of civil rights abuses in a court of law. You know that thingy that deals with the stuff he supposedly upholds?

Since when do illegal alien criminals qualify for U.S. civil rights? Why are they even allowed to drive?
Hopefully you have some minimal understanding of why he was found guilty. He stopped anyone Mexican (regardless of citizenship) in hopes of finding someone here illegally.
here you go , Trump pardons an American Patriot while mrobama pardons a bomb throwing Terrorist Mamooth . --- President Obama’s Pardon for Oscar Lopez Rivera Trades a Terrorist for Votes ---

Obama never attacked the rule of law. He never pre-emptively stopped a prosecution. You're just making stories up, to excuse your own attack on democracy.

You are advocating that the president be able to simply nullify any law he doesn't like. You are advocating for a one-party dictatorship. That makes you a lousy American and a lousy human being. Anyone supporting this pardon is a lousy American and lousy human being.
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With his great, well thought out move to pardon Arapio, Trump has not only guaranteed that Arizona will now vote Democrat forever, he has exposed, again, his true self.

He claims to be a "law & order, strict Constitution President," But, you can now interpret that to mean, that like Republicans, he supports only the laws and parts of the Constitution that he agrees with. Period. Bigly.

Way to go big guy! You just handed Arizona to the Democrats on a silver platter.

Lol, bull shit. Last November, did anyone vote for Trump that hated Joe Arpaio? Highly unlikely. This pardon will change nothing and won't even be remembered next election. The only people who are upset are the butthurt Hillary voters.
here you go , Trump pardons an American Patriot while mrobama pardons a bomb throwing Terrorist Mamooth . --- President Obama’s Pardon for Oscar Lopez Rivera Trades a Terrorist for Votes ---

Obama never attacked the rule of law. He never pre-emptively stopped a prosecution. You're just making stories up, to excuse your own attack on democracy.

You are advocating that the president be able simply nullify any law he doesn't like. You are advocating for a one-party dictatorship. That makes you a lousy American and a lousy human being. Anyone supporting this pardon is a lousy American and lousy human being.
---------------------------------------------- plus mrobama put hundreds of criminals back on USA streets and neighborhoods and like i said , mrobama personally pardoned a bomb throwing terrorist named 'oscar lopez' Mamooth .

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