Big Tech Social Media 'Goes Dark' On Biden Scandal As Biden Campaign Buffeted By More E-Mail Revelations


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Big Tech Social Media Facebook and Twitter acted quickly to Censor & Block attempts to post / share the report on Hunter and Joe Biden corruption exposed by texts found / leaked recently.

The only time we have seen this up until now has been when China cut off access to the Internet and to outside news sources to keep their people blind to what was happening, unable to get information and make up their own minds about what was going on. It's now happening in the United States as Lib-Supporting Big Tech companies are openly blocking news from American citizens...

As the bombshell hit Biden cleared his schedule and ran for the safety of his basement to have an Emergency Damage control / Spin meeting. If one wanted to 'play down' the seriousness and legitimacy of the information released, the way Biden's campaign and Big Tech handled it was the worse way possible, only spreading interest in the news like wildfire.

"Twitter later admitted they had handled it badly and tried to claim that it was about not wanting to post “hacked” material or putting out illegally obtained material. But there is no evidence yet that this material was hacked and they had no problem with the spread of President Donald Trump’s alleged tax information which could only have been leaked illegally. Funny how that was dealt with differently.

They even locked accounts like that of the Daily Caller’s Andrew Kerr who were trying to tweet information that indicated the material was not hacked but left at the computer shop as claimed."

In the meantime, the news is only getting worse for the Biden:


More Information That Supports That the Hunter Biden Laptop Emails Are Real


TEXTS: Hunter Biden Was Set to Earn Millions For “Making Introductions” for the Benefit of Chinese Intelligence Operatives


Giuliani Reveals Texts Allegedly From Hunter Biden Saying ‘Dad’ Got Half of His Contracts

Big Tech Social Media Facebook and Twitter acted quickly to Censor & Block attempts to post / share the report on Hunter and Joe Biden corruption exposed by texts found / leaked recently.

The only time we have seen this up until now has been when China cut off access to the Internet and to outside news sources to keep their people blind to what was happening, unable to get information and make up their own minds about what was going on. It's now happening in the United States as Lib-Supporting Big Tech companies are openly blocking news from American citizens...

As the bombshell hit Biden cleared his schedule and ran for the safety of his basement to have an Emergency Damage control / Spin meeting. If one wanted to 'play down' the seriousness and legitimacy of the information released, the way Biden's campaign and Big Tech handled it was the worse way possible, only spreading interest in the news like wildfire.

"Twitter later admitted they had handled it badly and tried to claim that it was about not wanting to post “hacked” material or putting out illegally obtained material. But there is no evidence yet that this material was hacked and they had no problem with the spread of President Donald Trump’s alleged tax information which could only have been leaked illegally. Funny how that was dealt with differently.

They even locked accounts like that of the Daily Caller’s Andrew Kerr who were trying to tweet information that indicated the material was not hacked but left at the computer shop as claimed."

In the meantime, the news is only getting worse for the Biden:


More Information That Supports That the Hunter Biden Laptop Emails Are Real


TEXTS: Hunter Biden Was Set to Earn Millions For “Making Introductions” for the Benefit of Chinese Intelligence Operatives


Giuliani Reveals Texts Allegedly From Hunter Biden Saying ‘Dad’ Got Half of His Contracts

This thing is blowing up this morning... Even Google is trying to bury it by blocking searches for the stories..
Deep State, anyone? Big Tech closes ranks to protect Joe Biden when news of his epic corruption in Ukraine
finally breaks into the consciousness of the masses.
Just like a mother bear protecting her offspring.

Let's see how many "journalists" are able to even bring the issue up?
Day 2 of Joe-Hunter-Burisma-China-gate, and all is silent from Joe & his campaign, as they hunker down and hope this all goes away with a little luck and help from Big tech.....
Watch what happens tonight on NBC when Trump exposes it again on national TV... Its going to be epic..
I JUST heard about this on Rush.

This is gonna be GREAT!

I assume itll be online
I just googled "NBC townhall" and the first autocomplete suggestion was......

NBC townhall BOYCOTT. :auiqs.jpg:

This is how google influences the search results
And let's not forget that both CEOs for Facebook and Twitter are members of Joe's Campaign Team....which has nothing to do with the complete blackout of this scandal, I'm sure.
Biden says he never knew what his son was doing and that he never met with Burisma Reps.

Joe, Hunter Biden seen golfing with Ukraine gas company exec back in 2014,  photo shows | Fox News is the photo from 2014 of Biden playing golf with Hunter and Burisma CEOs / Board Members...

Joe, you're busted. You're a f*ing LIAR! You are an Influence Peddler. You sold out your own country to make yourself and your family get rich.

The news report says a briefing given to Barry on Ukraine and our foreign policy going fwd regarding Ukraine was 'leaked' to Burisma. Gee, I wonder who could have been responsible for that. The briefing was classified - that's Espionage. The Bidens are freaking traitors.

End of story. Period, dot.
Big Tech Social Media Facebook and Twitter acted quickly to Censor & Block attempts to post / share the report on Hunter and Joe Biden corruption exposed by texts found / leaked recently.

The only time we have seen this up until now has been when China cut off access to the Internet and to outside news sources to keep their people blind to what was happening, unable to get information and make up their own minds about what was going on. It's now happening in the United States as Lib-Supporting Big Tech companies are openly blocking news from American citizens...

As the bombshell hit Biden cleared his schedule and ran for the safety of his basement to have an Emergency Damage control / Spin meeting. If one wanted to 'play down' the seriousness and legitimacy of the information released, the way Biden's campaign and Big Tech handled it was the worse way possible, only spreading interest in the news like wildfire.

"Twitter later admitted they had handled it badly and tried to claim that it was about not wanting to post “hacked” material or putting out illegally obtained material. But there is no evidence yet that this material was hacked and they had no problem with the spread of President Donald Trump’s alleged tax information which could only have been leaked illegally. Funny how that was dealt with differently.

They even locked accounts like that of the Daily Caller’s Andrew Kerr who were trying to tweet information that indicated the material was not hacked but left at the computer shop as claimed."

In the meantime, the news is only getting worse for the Biden:


More Information That Supports That the Hunter Biden Laptop Emails Are Real


TEXTS: Hunter Biden Was Set to Earn Millions For “Making Introductions” for the Benefit of Chinese Intelligence Operatives


Giuliani Reveals Texts Allegedly From Hunter Biden Saying ‘Dad’ Got Half of His Contracts

Facebook and Twitter are not public utilities. They did not cut anyone's internet access. The New York Post has a website so they can push their own conspiracy theories. Facebook and Twitter were right not to allow their platforms to be used for fake news.

The fake news is getting bad but no one buys fake news. The entire story stinks of high even and a frame-up. If Hunter Biden had wanted a computer fixed, he would have had a technician come to him to fix it. Not take it to a store no one has ever heard of before.
Biden says he never knew what his son was doing and that he never met with Burisma Reps.

View attachment 401965 is the photo from 2014 of Biden playing golf with Hunter and Burisma CEOs / Board Members...

Joe, you're busted. You're a f*ing LIAR! You are an Influence Peddler. You sold out your own country to make yourself and your family get rich.

The news report says a briefing given to Barry on Ukraine and our foreign policy going fwd regarding Ukraine was 'leaked' to Burisma. Gee, I wonder who could have been responsible for that. The briefing was classified - that's Espionage. The Bidens are freaking traitors.

End of story. Period, dot.

They are all Americans. Devon Archer is a board member not a executive of Burisma or the "Boss" as Trump claims. More fake news.
The Streisand effect is right on.

By making their censorship a story, Biden story gets out anyways.


Then people are like, “Wow, those emails must be crazy shit!” Then they go looking for them.

Everyone should give the New York Posts some clicks....they had the balls to report this VERY IMPORTANT STORY.

They are all Americans. Devon Archer is a board member not a executive of Burisma or the "Boss" as Trump claims. More fake news.
Sorry, but the news artile this picture came from, the link to which I have posted numerous times, reports these clowns were working for Burisma at the time, being paid by Burisma. Even Biden's camp is now saying they can not guarantee that 'such a meeting' did NOT take place. That's because they damn well know it did, that photos don't lie, and that Joe was caught doing what he has been doing for 4 decades.

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