Big tech, Chamber of Commerce and others


Diamond Member
Mar 24, 2020
Rigging the Election for China and Profit - American Thinker

Harry Truman referred to Wall Street blood suckers in his 1948 campaign about the GOP. Well Harry those blood suckers are now demrats.

Emerald Robinson tweets:


The corporate media: "People who say there was a shadow campaign to rig the 2020 election are conspiracy theorists!"
Time Magazine: "Read our story on the shadow campaign to rig the 2020 election!"

She’s referring to the most astonishing story of the week, Molly Ball’s article in Time: ”The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign that saved the 2020 election,” a sordid tale of how Big Tech, BLM, organized labor and big business, particularly the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, colluded to defeat Donald J. Trump’s reelection.

The participants justified their behavior as “saving democracy.” Was this a “modified limited hangout” in the old Watergate sense? An effort to undo the public perception that the election was illegally stolen with an alternative that there was an unsavory but legitimate perception management by powerful people and institutions to defeat the man who had captured the angst of the middle class and worked to improve their lives? Or were members of the cabal playing neener neener on the voters they bested to further dispirit them and keep them from tipping over the chessboard they set up to wipe out the pawns? All these theories have merit, but I think these powerful people -- or most of them -- have been coopted by China and Biden is the perfect puppet to carry the sellout to China and to defeat Trump’s moves to strengthen America and improve the lot of working Americans and their communities.

The Cabal

You must read the Time article to get the full flavor of the brazen admissions of what was done. Here’s a brief summary of the most significant of them, devoid of the leftist spackle of the author. Business, the AFL-CIO, and Black Lives Matter worked together to change voting systems and laws, to get hundreds of millions of dollars to make voting less secure and worked with social media to keep the Biden message upfront, the Trump message buried and the country terrified of widespread violence if the president won re-election. (4.6 percent of people who voted for Biden said in a poll that they would not have done so, had the information about Hunter Biden’s corruption not been scotched by the media.)
Had run-ins with CofC types back in the late '80s....I figured out way back then that they were nothing more than crony shills for The State, even at the most local level.
They have been no border ultra globalists for a long time.
Had run-ins with CofC types back in the late '80s....I figured out way back then that they were nothing more than crony shills for The State, even at the most local level.
They have been no border ultra globalists for a long time.

The incident I'm talking about was in Steamboat Springs....The C of C was having this big drive to get a new lodging tax to guarantee the seats for NWA flights...I asked one of the guys shoving this nonsense ( a bar/restaurant owner) if NWA was guaranteeing the profitability of his joint in reciprocation....He meekly said "no".

It was right then that I knew they (mostly republicans BTW) were a bunch of unprincipled frauds.
Selling out US workers is what the Chamber of Commerce does.
It used to support Republicans in that "globalism" was the way to go, move factories to China, make bigger profits.
Cheap goods made in China means bigger profits and no arguments with US unions in US manufacturing plants.
How the AFL-CIO was against Trump is what makes no sense to me. Trump is not a globalist, he wants to bring manufacturing jobs back to the US. So why is the AFL-CIO against that?

The US economy is about 75% marketing, selling goods.
Now that Amazon is selling everything online, who needs stores and sales people?
I'm waiting for a Chinese Amazon to make and sell goods, cutting out all US businesses.

1. I can see why the Chamber of Commerce hates Trump. Its because Trump wants to bring back manufacturing, and take on China with tariffs and sanctions. The CofC apparently isn't bothered by China's IP theft, currency manipulation, and aggressive military.

2. Its obvious that when Trump lost, China won. So how is that good for the AFL-CIO?

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