Big Mistake! Why didn't we Learn from WWII?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
So after 50 years GWB was executing the reduction of forces in Germany/Asia etc. as part of a long term plan by the US government in recognizing the cold
war which was the primary motivation was declining.

But the lesson learned from WWII was US troops were necessary AT that time in Germany, as a deterrent.

SO why wasn't the lesson learned from WWII?

Those who closely follow U.S. defense posture know that President George W. Bush’s August 2004 announcement of a proposed global redeployment of U.S. troops was predated by many years of preparation and planning. "The world has changed a great deal and our posture must change with it," President Bush said.
The plan will withdraw 70,000 troops from Europe and Asia, continuing the departure from the Cold War stance of 1950–1990.
For the most part, U.S. troops were stationed abroad as part of the Cold War system of deterrence through alliances with nations such as Japan, South Korea, and NATO member nations. While such defensive missions were the norm, troops sent to Korea in the early 1950s and to Vietnam during the 1960s were actively at war, as are those currently in Iraq.
Global U.S. Troop Deployment, 1950-2003
Here is my take. We went into Iraq with certain objectives and those objectives were met. Then the problems. The MSM and left wing went onto attack. They mostly said we should not be nation building, which I don't think we really ever did.

So the Iraqi people were united with the freedom to vote, one problem, they really didn't want united. In my opinion what should, or could have been done is split up Iraq which apparently is going to happen.

What is sad is how brutal is this civil war. Really sad what people will do to other people.

That said, whatever happens in Iraq is up to the Iraqi people. They were given a gift at our expense now it is theirs to protect or squander. We were not going to stay in Iraq forever.
Here is my take. We went into Iraq with certain objectives and those objectives were met. Then the problems. The MSM and left wing went onto attack. They mostly said we should not be nation building, which I don't think we really ever did.

So the Iraqi people were united with the freedom to vote, one problem, they really didn't want united. In my opinion what should, or could have been done is split up Iraq which apparently is going to happen.

What is sad is how brutal is this civil war. Really sad what people will do to other people.

That said, whatever happens in Iraq is up to the Iraqi people. They were given a gift at our expense now it is theirs to protect or squander. We were not going to stay in Iraq forever.

The idea of splitting up Iraq as a path to peace is one we might think about doing here.

That aside, splitting Iraq would not have made much of a difference. Sunnis have a moral and religious obligation to kill shia. They don't have philosophical and political differences that would be resolved by self rule. Giving Shiites their own country only means that the country of sunnis would be at war with the country of shia. The Kurds have no differences at all with either shia or sunni. They have been maurauders into Turkey for decades. Create an independent Kurdistan and they will be at war with Turkey within 24 hours. Turkey is a NATO member which means we would be forced into running off and killing Kurds.

Splitting the country
Here is my take. We went into Iraq with certain objectives and those objectives were met. Then the problems. The MSM and left wing went onto attack. They mostly said we should not be nation building, which I don't think we really ever did.

So the Iraqi people were united with the freedom to vote, one problem, they really didn't want united. In my opinion what should, or could have been done is split up Iraq which apparently is going to happen.

What is sad is how brutal is this civil war. Really sad what people will do to other people.

That said, whatever happens in Iraq is up to the Iraqi people. They were given a gift at our expense now it is theirs to protect or squander. We were not going to stay in Iraq forever.

The idea of splitting up Iraq as a path to peace is one we might think about doing here.

That aside, splitting Iraq would not have made much of a difference. Sunnis have a moral and religious obligation to kill shia. They don't have philosophical and political differences that would be resolved by self rule. Giving Shiites their own country only means that the country of sunnis would be at war with the country of shia. The Kurds have no differences at all with either shia or sunni. They have been maurauders into Turkey for decades. Create an independent Kurdistan and they will be at war with Turkey within 24 hours. Turkey is a NATO member which means we would be forced into running off and killing Kurds.

Splitting the country

Then all is lost, we should have just gotten out a long time ago. Let the Iraqi people sort it out for themselves.
It's funny/frightening to read Americans talking about "Maybe we should break up Iraq?"

Maybe you should go fuck yourself and stop trying to play God with the world to make oil companies richer. Maybe?

What other lessons did America not learn from World War II?

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Harry Truman cut Army strength after WW2 and he was determined to dismantle the Marine Corps after all they did in the Pacific. Ironically the USMC saved his ungrateful ass in Korea after he screwed it up. Democrats voted for the use of US forces in Iraq and then they undermined the mission. They should all have gone to jail for treason. Barry Hussein inherited Afghanistan and he did all he could to forget about the mission during his never ending golf outings.
He forgot about the mission by killing bin Laden, who Bush said that he wasn't too concerned about.

There was no mission in Iraq. The war was a lie. You people need to stop lying. We know that you're lying. The Iraq war was lost the very moment that Bush invaded.
Harry Truman cut Army strength after WW2 and he was determined to dismantle the Marine Corps after all they did in the Pacific. Ironically the USMC saved his ungrateful ass in Korea after he screwed it up. Democrats voted for the use of US forces in Iraq and then they undermined the mission. They should all have gone to jail for treason. Barry Hussein inherited Afghanistan and he did all he could to forget about the mission during his never ending golf outings.

The BIGGEST Iraq mistake was Obama so desperate to get out of Iraq he didn't work at all on the Status of Forces Agreement.

Army planners have privately acknowledged they are examining projections that could see the number of Americans hovering between 30,000 and 50,000, but maybe as high as 70,000, for a substantial time beyond 2011. Pentagon planners say those currently counted as combat troops could be "re-missioned" and that their efforts could be redefined as training and support for the Iraqis.[40] Joint Chiefs Chairman Adm. Mike Mullen has also said "three years is a long time. Conditions could change in that period of time".[41]

U.S.?Iraq Status of Forces Agreement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

President Obama ignored general’s pleas to keep American military forces in Iraq Ex-commander blames U.S. pullout for extremists’ advances

Obama ignored general's pleas to keep American forces in Iraq - Washington Times

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