Biden's Silence is Violence

Biden and the other Democrat leaders should demand that their BLM and Antifa followers end their riots.
TO ASK THE QUESTION IS TO ANSWER IT: Enough of the Ridiculous White Supremacy Question; Why Hasnā€™t the Media Asked Biden to Rebuke BLM/Antifa?


This ridiculous ā€œwhite supremacyā€ media narrative about President Donald Trump?

Trump has never had any connection to white supremacy. Yet the media has repeatedly asked him to denounce white supremacists. Trump has denounced them for years whenever asked, as he did yet again during the first debate, three times saying ā€œsureā€ to whether or not he denounced them.

But not immediately responding on the Proud Boys when he didnā€™t know who the group was until Biden slandered and libeled them before the nation, was deliberately misinterpreted.

There's a little compilation of some of the times that Trump has denounced white supremacists, the KKK, and white nationalists at the link.

Lying Fake News Scum Chris Wallace even asked the question in 2016 and Trump denounced it then, too.

The left likes to label everyone to their right as racist whether they are or not as they have done with virtually every Republican or Republican president.

Any time they start this nonsense, the question should be ā€œCheck the 457 times I previously said this, Iā€™m done. Now when will you be calling Joe Biden out on his support for rioters? When will he denounce the violence connected to BLM/Antifa specifically by name?ā€ Then move on to all the positive things that Trump has done. This is what the media wants to avoid getting out there, they want the GOP constantly on the defense.

Trump has nothing to do with white supremacists. On the other hand, Biden endorsed the BLM at his convention, even having a musical number in support of them, while casting the riots as ā€œpeaceful protests.ā€ He didnā€™t denounce the violence until he saw that the failure of Democrats to call it out and to not do anything to stop it in Democratic cities was hurting him in the polls. But even then he just talked about ambiguous violence. He hasnā€™t denounced the violence of BLM/Antifa by name. Where is his condemnation of their connection to 91% of the riots?

Where is the media asking Joe and Kamala to denounce BLM/Antifa by name? Kamala Harris and 13 Biden staffers contributed to a bail fund to help get people arrested during the riots out of jail. That resulted in more people being hurt. But it also supports their radical actions. Why have they not been asked to rebuke that? Why has no one in media asked Biden and Harris why they/their people donated to get rioters out?

Not only was Joe not asked to rebuke them during the debate, but Chris Wallace also let Biden get away with effectively denying the existence of Antifa, calling it just an ā€œidea.ā€ Thousands of people rioting in the street with shields, explosive fireworks, tactical training organized through Twitter accounts are more than just an ā€œideaā€, Joe. The hundreds of people theyā€™ve attacked and injured werenā€™t attacked only by an ā€œidea.ā€ The billions in damage wasnā€™t done just by an ā€œidea.ā€

So whereā€™s the media asking Biden ā€œif you donā€™t understand this basic reality or accept whatā€™s going on, how can you ever deal with Antifa?ā€

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