Bidens "polls" on the rise??

Baron Von Murderpaws

Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2021
In the recesses of your mind

His poll #'s will begin to crater again once these newest inflation #'s sink in to most Americans.
And exactly WHO was in charge of these numbers?

I can bet you these "polls" (if any of them are REAL) polled less than 2,000 people each!!!

Exactly, how can anyone fact check polls? As we've seen with social media employees manipulating information a person would be foolish to not believe the same is happening within the polling industry.
You don't receive 81M votes and more votes from black voters than even Obama unless you have earned this moniker.
You will always be seen as cheaters to civility by Deplorables. Progs are Barbarians that human history has seen too much of. Progs have accused others of so much that it has been brought back to themselves. Prog standards keep increasing and anyone of their own that even goes slightly against the grain or is seen interfering with favorite groups pecking order privilege can be butchered.
Why would the media tell the truth now? The been lying and making stuff up for at least 7 years now .

why would the media tell the truth now? The been lying and making stuff up for at least 47 years now... and I only guess at that but someone older than 50 might testify it's been longer than that.

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