Biden's Picks Corporatist To Be Sec Of Agriculture


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"President-elect Joe Biden plans to nominate Obama cabinet veteran and former Iowa Gov. Tom Vilsack as secretary of agriculture, a source familiar with transition discussions confirmed to NPR -- Vilsack became the safe, comfortable choice for Biden after competition for the USDA job set off a battle between two wings of the Democratic Party. Advocates seeking to reform USDA to better assist low-income Americans criticized Vilsack for strengthening a status quo they say favors large corporate farm interests.

"Vilsack has made a career of catering to the whims of corporate agriculture giants - some of whom he has gone to work for," said Mitch Jones, policy director for Food and Water Watch, an environmental advocacy group."

With all of the competent and talented people in this country, can't we have a rule that says that other people have to get a turn at a cabinet position before we appoint someone to the same position twice?

For months and months and months I have been told that Biden is a radical socialist communist secret-muslim terrorist; but this guy keeps appointing corporate establishment centrist after establishment centrist to his cabinet instead....he is definitely pissing off the far left in his party after the conservatives on this very message board assured us that the radical left will call all of the shots in a Biden presidency....

I am holding out hope that he will at least appoint Hunter Biden's laptop as Attorney General and appoint Tom Cruise as CIA chief due to his extensive background with secret missions and stuff....
Didn't Sleepy Joe promise to appoint Republicans to positions as well?
But Republicans are criminals, democrats are good guys and gals.

I know I sleep better at night knowing righteous democrats rule the world now.

In fact, any bad thing that happens can then be directly traced back to Trump and the GOP.

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