Biden's NON-VISIT to the border happens today.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
Another deception from the PsyOps masters, the Democrats and their media. Just like VP Camelips before him, Biden will make a highly antiseptic and scripted visit to NON-BORDER TOWN EL PASO. That way he can continue to ignore the masses of migrants that the border patrol has to deal with every day because he STILL WILL NOT HAVE SEEN THEM.

Here are a few things the Presidential Spud won't see on his visit to El Paso...









Another deception from the PsyOps masters, the Democrats and their media. Just like VP Camelips before him, Biden will make a highly antiseptic and scripted visit to NON-BORDER TOWN EL PASO. That way he can continue to ignore the masses of migrants that the border patrol has to deal with every day because he STILL WILL NOT HAVE SEEN THEM.

I agree with your assertion that this will be an antiseptic trip by Biden, but El Paso IS a border town. It is built right up to the river. El Paso and Juarez are virtually the same town with a river running through it.
I agree with your assertion that this will be an antiseptic trip by Biden, but El Paso IS a border town. It is built right up to the river. El Paso and Juarez are virtually the same town with a river running through it.

I agree with your assertion that this will be an antiseptic trip by Biden, but El Paso IS a border town. It is built right up to the river. El Paso and Juarez are virtually the same town with a river running through it.
Part of El Paso touches the border, that is true. VP visited the immigrant processing center miles away from the border and I'm betting Biden will do the same. We'll see.
Another deception from the PsyOps masters, the Democrats and their media. Just like VP Camelips before him, Biden will make a highly antiseptic and scripted visit to NON-BORDER TOWN EL PASO. That way he can continue to ignore the masses of migrants that the border patrol has to deal with every day because he STILL WILL NOT HAVE SEEN THEM.

The "One World Without Borders" saga continues!
Another deception from the PsyOps masters, the Democrats and their media. Just like VP Camelips before him, Biden will make a highly antiseptic and scripted visit to NON-BORDER TOWN EL PASO. That way he can continue to ignore the masses of migrants that the border patrol has to deal with every day because he STILL WILL NOT HAVE SEEN THEM.

/——-/ Rush to clean uptown first. Border Patrol union rips Biden’s border visit, says El Paso cleaned up ‘just in time’
Here are a few things the Presidential Spud won't see on his visit to El Paso...







View attachment 745953

Excellent. The only pics missing would show the thousands of DEAD migrants killed on the way to the border, floating in the Rio Grande, dead in the train cars, tractor trailors, in the desert, or the Rape trees decorated with womens underwear, the sex trafficking camps with handcuffs attached to trees......etc, etc.
Another deception from the PsyOps masters, the Democrats and their media. Just like VP Camelips before him, Biden will make a highly antiseptic and scripted visit to NON-BORDER TOWN EL PASO. That way he can continue to ignore the masses of migrants that the border patrol has to deal with every day because he STILL WILL NOT HAVE SEEN THEM.

Unless his new illegal immigrant plan is to change visa laws, change amnesty laws, crack down on known illegals and bolster ICE and send them all over America and fine the piss out of employers of illegals; then it's all political show for the rubes like every other modern president.

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