Biden's Nicaraguan Back Story


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Biden's Nicaraguan Back Story
Death of anti-Communist revolutionary Eden Pastora recalls Biden’s reign of error.

16 Jul 2020 ~~ By Lloyd Billingsley

Eden Pastora passed away at 83 in Nicaragua last month, an event of significance for the 2020 presidential race and an educational opportunity for millennials and such. Back in 1978, “Comandante Zero,” as he was known, led a raid on Nicaragua’s national congress, freeing 60 political prisoners of the Somoza regime. Not present that day were Humberto and Daniel Ortega, comfortably sheltering in Cuba.
“They wanted to copy the Cuban model and failed and they didn’t listen to me,” Pastora told reporters in 2003. “I never wanted to be in charge nor to be the figure, but they shoved me aside to the point of obliging me to armed dissidence.” Pastora led an anti-Sandinista force on the southern front. The “Contras” fought in the north, and Sen. Joe Biden opposed U.S. aid for their cause.
Under President Reagan, it was aid to the Contras that forced the Communist FSLN to hold elections. In 1990, the people of Nicaragua voted the Sandinistas out of power. It was not the first, or last, time Biden would be on the wrong side. In the 2013 Duty: Memoirs of a Secretary at War, Robert Gates charged that Joe Biden has been “wrong on every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.”
“China is going to eat our lunch? Come on, man,” Biden said in May of 2019. “I mean, you know, they’re not bad folks, folks. But guess what? They’re not competition for us.”
Last October, President Trump green-lighted a raid that took down Islamic State terrorist Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Joe Biden said he was glad Trump ordered the mission, “but as more details of the raid emerge, it’s clear that this victory was not due to Donald Trump’s leadership. It happened despite his ineptitude as commander-in-chief.”
In January, after President Trump authorized the takedown of Iranian master terrorist Qassem Soleimani, Biden proclaimed. “This was avoidable,” adding, “The seeds of these dangers were planted by Donald Trump himself on May 8, 2018 — the day he tore up the Iran nuclear deal, against the advice of his own top national security advisers.”
The FSLN campaign, the New York Times noted, “resulted in the Miskitos being ruthlessly uprooted, their villages destroyed, their crops burned, their livestock butchered and the systematic massacre of all recalcitrants – men, women and children.” Kids of ten and twelve took up arms against the FSLN. So did “Comandante Zero,” Eden Pastora, but Joe Biden opposed U.S. aid for the anti-Communist fighters.
Democrats John Kerry, Tim Kaine and Bill de Blasio were also supporters of the FSLN regime. After a tour of Nicaragua in the 1980s, Bernie Sanders proclaimed, “Vermont could set an example to the rest of the nation similar to the type of example Nicaragua is setting for the rest of Latin America.”

Another great article bb Billingsley, touching on one of the many facts omitted by the Fifth Coulmnists of the Progressive Marxist Socialist media. It was a group of Leftist traitors named Carter, Kerry, Biden and comrade Sanders who helped the Ortega Dictatorship destroy and rape Nicaragua .
Uncle Joe Biden was also for the war in Iraq. Biden also wanted to partition Iraq into 3 countries, which would have left Iran in control of the largest portion and the Kurds surrounded and ready to be slaughtered.
The concise and thoroughly damning plargiaristic, 40 plus year history of Biden shows he's a treacherous and perfidious fool, he's been remarkably consistent.
The fact is that this and other this and telling articles will never see the light of day by any biased Left leaning MSM outlet, thus keeping a very large percentage of the population ignorant of histoical facts that surround China Joe. damning evidence that he and the entire PMS/DSA Democrat and the biased media cabal need to be " dismantled."
Uncle Joe's support, being on the wrong side in Latin America politics his whole career, is not his greatest mistake or greatest sin by far, but a perfect example of his worn out defense of a worn out New Dealism that has now been completely taken over by a new batch of Commie traitors trying to carry on the failed Obama/Clinton regime, of which Biden is the sorriest example.
Nicaragua, Cuba, Venezuela, China, the Soviet Union, Cambodia, Vietnam, East Germany... When PMS/DSA Democrat leftists look at such places, they always purport to see what their ideology instructs them to see.
Quietly, in the sneaky sense, Biden has framed the portrait of himself as the Holy Roman Catholic cool guy and martyr, a politician’s politician, dad, husband, and basketball fan laboring to save the American Dream. He’s epic as the ultimate diabolical impostor, a big red fox in America’s most precious hen house. Biden is sinister, arrogant, powerful, and absolutely one of the most dangerous people on Earth. He’s dangerous because he’s been empowered, and because concerned American people have not already tarred and feathered him.
When Joe Biden was in law school he was accused of the worst kind of lying for a law student, a plagiarist is simply a cheater, and nothing has changed in his demeanor that I can see. His academic beliefs also seem to mirror his religious ones too. This now been extended to his self admitted corrupt extortion of weaker countries in his efforts to extend the power of his family to include his brother John and son Hunter.
You have to wonder just how much corrupt money Biden has amassed in his off shore accounts during the our decades plus in politics.

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